Introduction To Adaptation
Introduction To Adaptation
Introduction To Adaptation
Adaptation is a fascinating process! It is how living things
change over time to survive in their environment. You can
see adaptation all around you!
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What is adaptation?
Adaptation is the way that living things change over many generations. It
helps them to become better suited to their surroundings. Over time,
these changes help them to survive and thrive.
1 Survival
Adaptation helps animals find food, avoid predators, and survive in
their environment.
2 Thriving
Adaptation helps animals to reproduce successfully and pass on
their traits to their offspring.
3 Evolution
Adaptation is a key part of evolution, the process of change over
millions of years.
Adaptation in plants
Plants have many clever adaptations. They help them to survive in different climates and conditions.
Cacti have spines instead of Plants with broad leaves can Flowers attract pollinators,
leaves, which helps to reduce capture more sunlight in shady helping plants reproduce by
water loss. environments. spreading seeds.
Adaptation in animals
Animals have adaptations that help them survive in a variety of habitats. They may have special features for
finding food, protecting themselves, or moving around.
1 2 3
Some insects look like dangerous animals to
scare off predators.
Adaptation and the environmen
Adaptation is linked to the environment. Every living thing has features that
help them survive in their specific habitat.
Animals like camels have adaptations to survive in hot, dry environments.
Polar bears have thick fur and a layer of blubber to stay warm in the cold.
Tree frogs have sticky toes that help them climb trees in the rainforest.
Examples of plant adaptations
Plants have many amazing adaptations that help them survive in different
Water Storage
Cacti have thick, fleshy stems that store water.
Leaf Shape
Pine needles are adapted to survive in cold climates.
Carnivorous Plants
Venus flytraps trap insects for nutrients in poor soil.
Examples of animal adaptations
Animals have amazing adaptations that help them survive and thrive. These adaptations can
involve their body, behavior, or senses.
Cheetahs can run incredibly fast to catch prey.
Chameleons change colour to blend into their surroundings.
Owls have excellent hearing to locate prey in the dark.
Importance of adaptation
Adaptation is vital for life on Earth. It allows living things to
survive in different environments and maintain a healthy
Biodiversity Adaptation helps to
create a variety of species
and a rich ecosystem.