Motility Disorders of Esophagus
Motility Disorders of Esophagus
Motility Disorders of Esophagus
Hilal Saleem, 59
1. Hypermotility disorder,
e.g: cricopharyngeal spam,
diffuse oesophageal spasm (DES),
nut cracker oesophagus.
2. Hypomotility disorders
Eg: cardiac achalasia,
gastro oesophageal reflux,
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
It is caused by failure of the upper oesophageal sphincter to
relax properly. There is incoordination between relaxation of
the upper oesophageal sphincter and simultaneous
contraction of the pharynx.
(when the cricopharyngeus muscle around the esophagus
cannot relax, preventing food from entering the esophagus
2. Lung
Aspiration pneumonia.
3. Larynx
Posterior laryngitis causing vague pain in throat, hoarse- ness
and repeated throat clearing Pachydermia laryngis.
Contact ulcers and granulomas.
Posterior glottic stenosis. Paroxysmal laryngospами.
Carcinoma larynx
4. Ear
Otitis media with effusion.
5. Miscellaneous
Globus hystericus.
systemic collagen disorder primarily neural, but secondarily
weakening the smooth muscles of the lower two-thirds of
oesophagus and the lower oesophageal sphincter.
Dysphagia may precede cutaneous lesions.