Leonardo DiCaprio Joseph Gordon-Levitt Tom Hardy as Eames Marion Cotillard as Mal
as Cobb as Arthur
I really enjoyed watching this movie. I think it has a super unique idea, I’ve never
seen something like this before. I liked the characters a lot, everyone seemed cool
and the actors played them great. My favourite was Arthur, I liked how loyal and
respectful he was to Cobb, and he was also funny in a really special way. It could be
hard watching this movie because the plot is complicated and you need to be really
concentrated when watching it, otherwise you’re not going to understand
everything. You also probably need to watch it multiple times to fully understand
everything. Although if you do follow the movie closely it doesn’t seem like it lasts
2 and a half hours, I really don’t usually like longish movies but I loved this one.
Also I liked how it is actually a really emotional movie, but the scenes aren’t
represented that way, I mean it isn’t cheesy. Overall it is a great movie, it has great
special effects and great actors so I would recommend it to anyone who is willing
to watch a movie with a really complex plot.
Movie poster