Review Recitation in Media Information and Literacy
Review Recitation in Media Information and Literacy
Review Recitation in Media Information and Literacy
d. Media d. Technology
3. This is the type of communication practiced in corporate meeting, conferences, academic
seminars, political sessions and judicial proceedings.
e. Formal Communication c. Verbal Communication
f. Informal Communication d. Non-verbal communication
4. It refers to tools used by the source to disseminate information to the receivers.
a. Information c. Literacy
b. Technology d. Media
10. Type of Plagiarism that the writer turns in another’s work, word-for-word, as his or her own.
e. The Photocopy c. The Ghost Writer
b. The Potluck Paper d. The Poor Disguise
a. Codes c. Conventions
b. Genre d. Treatment
17. It covers the full story sequence, typically contains some key scenes.
a. Treatment c. Storyboard
b. Codes d. Conventions
18. What rule under the core rules of netiquette that talks about private or personal
information that needs to be handled with care?
a. Don’t abuse your power c. Respect other people’s time and
b. Know where you are in cyberspace d. Respect other people’s privacy
19. It is a principle of intellectual honesty that all members of the academic community should
acknowledge their debt to the originators of the ideas, words, and data which form the basis for their own
a. Patent c. Copyright
b. Plagiarism d. Intellectual Property
20. A means of communications or communication tools like newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, and
internet that reach or influence people widely communication channels.
22. An act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of an
25. It is a legal term used to describe the rights that creators have over
their literary and artistic works.
a. Patent c. Copyright
b. Trademark d. Invention
27. It is moving the camera lens from left to right or vice versa.
a. Pan
B. Tilt
c. Dolly
d. Truck
30. Which type of media is the earliest and reproduces content using
paper and ink through a mechanical printing process?
b. Broadcast Media b. Print Media c. Film/Cinema d. Video Games