Respiratory Disorder Xii
Respiratory Disorder Xii
Respiratory Disorder Xii
When foreign particles enters in the air tract – must cells it starts secreting
mucus is immune system starts producing WBC –Then its causes narrowing
of air passage- it causes asthma.
Shortness of Foreign particles YOGIC MANGMENT-
breath Allergy Shat kriya- jal neti, sutra neti,
Chest tightness Heredity Diet- sattic food , avoid all colds food , banans, milk
Wheezing sound smoking Breathing practice- hands in out breathing, hands
coughing stretch breathing ankle stretch breathing, chair ypoga
Asana- marjuri asana,sukhasana, bhujangasana,
savasana and etc.
Pranayama- bharmari, ujjai
Yoga nidra, msrt, chanting.
COPD-Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder
1. Smoking Symptoms- Yogic Management-
2. Air problem 1. Shortness 1. kriyas- vaman dhauti, jala neti, sutra
3. Allergic breathing neti.
reaction 2. Chest 2. Diet- light and warm food
4. Infection tightness 3. Asana- chair yoga chest expending
5. asthma 3. Caugh and excessive asana
4. Triedness 4. Pranayama- bharmari and
5. headche nadisodhana
5. MSRT,IRT,QRT,PRT Meditation ,
Rhinits come from “ rhinos’ rhinos means -nose
Sign and
Causes- Yogic management-
1. Allergic
Symptoms- 1. kriya- jala neti sutra neti, vaman
1. Running nose
2. Air pollution dhauti , kapalvati
2. Nose blockage
3. Other environment factor 2. Diet- sattic food light food, warm
3. Headache
4. fiver
3. Asana- dynamic asana, surya
4. Pranayama- bhastrika nadi sodhana,
bhamri avoid colling pranayama .
5. Om chanting
Blood along with caugh