Increased Concern of HRM
Increased Concern of HRM
Increased Concern of HRM
y Topics to be covered: Sound IR Dual career couples Flexi-working hours Work from home facility Employee engagement
work design, 2. job analysis, 3. training & development, 4. recruiting, 5. compensation, 6. team building performance management & appraisal, 7. worker health and safety issues. y HRM department provides the tools, data and processes that are used by line managers for their job.
fatigue, employee leave and workforce management software's. y HR Manager has to deal with revenue generation for the company and to retain employees.
Industrial Relations
IR means the relationship between employees and the management in the day to day working environment. 2. IR is the outcome of the practice of HRM & employee relations 3. The relations emphasize on accommodating employees interests, value & needs. 4. IR are governed by rules & regulations concerning work, work place and working conditions.
Functions of Sound IR
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
To create harmony between employee and employer. Solve problems through grievance procedure & collective bargaining. Bridge differences between workers & management by establishing communications. Establish rapport amongst management & workers. Ensure better participation at work. Promote understanding, creativity, co-operativeness to raise industrial production. To safeguard the interests of workers and management To avoid unethical & unhealthy practices in the company.
Top management support Sound personnel policies Adequate practices- translate intentions to actions. Detailed supervisory training to carry out policies & practices. Follow-up of results, constant review of IR program
for growth & development and a sense of personal and professional pride rather than romance and stability.
writing and teaching on the way toward your doctorates. Now comes the hard part: finding jobs or internships that will meet your career goals without wrecking your relationship. y The challenges facing dual-career couples, particularly those aiming for academic positions, are great. While belt-tightening at universities is making extra money for spousal appointments hard to find, dual careers have become both a personal goal and an economic necessity for many couples, particularly in high-cost regions such as New York, Boston or the San Francisco Bay Area. y But there is hope. With hard work, good luck, clear goals, patience and a willingness to compromise, success is possible, say psychologists who have made their own dual-career relationships work. And although the academic job market remains intensely competitive, institutions of higher education are increasingly recognizing that providing support for employees in dual-career relationships-who now comprise about 80 percent of the faculty at American universities-can help them meet their own recruitment goals.
working time ranging from sophisticated software (computer programs) to handwritten time sheets. Most of these methods are associated with the payment of wages in return for hours worked.
10-hour days per week, taking Monday or Friday off. y Flextime arrangements also help parents: one parent works 10am-6pm and is in charge of the children before school/daycare, while the other parent works 7am-3pm and is in charge of the children after school/daycare. This allows parents time to commute. y Employers are required to pay overtime to a flextime worker if they work more than 40 hours per week
Occurs when: One is not keeping well During and after pregnancy Completion of projects after office working hours During vacations Emergency of events
Employee Engagement
Employee Engagement
y Employee engagement, also called as worker
engagement. y An "engaged employee" is one who is fully involved in, and enthusiastic about their work and thus will act in a way that furthers their organization's interests. y "Employee Engagement is a measurable degree of an employee's positive or negative emotional attachment to their job, colleagues and organization which profoundly influences their willingness to learn and perform at work". y Thus engagement is distinctively different from employee satisfaction, motivation and organisational culture.
Having a positive impact on the lives of customers and team members Having opportunities for learning important new skills Having the ability to offer suggestions Completing whole jobs from start to finish Receiving feedback about the results of efforts Feeling free to perform the work the way they believe is best
Research Studies
y Engaged employees feel a strong emotional bond
towards the organisation that employs them,which results in: 1. Higher retention levels 2. Commitment 3. Involvement 4. Attachment 5. Productivity 6. Lower absenteeism.
Drivers of Engagement
y Regular feedback and dialogue with
employees : 'Thanks. You did a good job. y Quality of working relationships with peers, superiors, and subordinates y Reward to engage