Trade Mark 3
Trade Mark 3
Trade Mark 3
It was the case of the plaintiff that ROLEX is a well known trade
Well known Marks
Court held:
“In my view the segment of the public which uses the watches of
the category/price range as the watches of the plaintiff, ROLEX is a
well known trademark. The said segment of the public if comes
across jewellery/artificial jewellery also bearing the trademark
ROLEX is likely to believe that the said jewellery has a connection
to the plaintiff…
Yet another provision in the Act, though for the guidance of the
Registrar but in relation to well known trademarks is to be found in
Section 11(6) of the Act.
Well known Marks
Upon testing the trademark of the plaintiff on the touchstone of
the ingredients of the said provision also, I find the said trademark
of the plaintiff to be satisfying the test of a well known trademark.
The documents filed by the plaintiff i.e., the advertising done in
the media in India since 1947 and particularly in years immediately
preceding the suit, registrations obtained show that relevant
section of the public in India had knowledge of the trademark
ROLEX in relation to the watches.
The pleadings of the plaintiff and which are not contested also
show that the plaintiff for the last nearly one century has been
using the said trademark spread over nearly the entire
developed/developing world.
Well known Marks
The advertisements of the plaintiff had appeared in the magazines
in this country even when there were import restrictions. The
plaintiff has filed documents to show registration of the trademark
in a large number of countries and also to show successful
enforcement of its rights with respect to the said trademark.
“the use of the later mark without due cause would take unfair
advantage of or be detrimental to the distinctive character or
repute of the earlier trade mark.”
The district court’s ruled that Barbie Girl is a parody of Barbie and
a nominative fair use; that MCA’s use of the term Barbie is not
likely to confuse consumers as to Mattel’s affiliation with Barbie
Girl or dilute the Barbie mark; and that Mattel cannot assert an
unfair competition claim.”
MCA’s use of the mark is dilutive. MCA does not dispute that,
while a reference to Barbie would previously have brought to mind
only Mattel’s doll, after the song’s popular success, some
consumers hearing Barbie’s name will think of both the doll and
the song, or perhaps of the song only. This is a classic blurring
injury and is in no way diminished by the fact that the song itself
refers back to Barbie the doll…
Well known Marks
“We consider next the applicability of the… exemption for
noncommercial use.”
At the time of introducing the bill, it was noted that “the proposed
law ‘‘will not prohibit or threaten noncommercial expression, such
as parody, satire, editorial and other forms of expression that are
not a part of a commercial transaction.’’
Well known Marks
It was also noted that the ‘non commercial use’ exemption “is
consistent with existing case law[, which] recognize[s] that the use
of marks in certain forms of artistic and expressive speech is
protected by the First Amendment’’
Procedure for Registration
Section 6 The Register of Trade Marks
(1) For the purposes of this Act, a record called the Register of
Trade Marks shall be kept at the head office of the Trade Marks
Registry, wherein shall be entered all registered trade marks with
the names, addresses and description of the proprietors,
notifications of assignment and transmissions, the names,
addresses and descriptions of registered users, conditions,
limitations and such other matter relating to registered trade
marks as may be prescribed.
Procedure for Registration
Section 7 Classification of goods and services
(1) The Registrar shall classify goods and services, as far as may be,
in accordance with the International classification of goods and
services for the purposes of registration of trade marks.
(2) Any question arising as to the class within which any goods or
services falls shall be determined by the Registrar whose decision
shall be final.
Procedure for Registration
While India is not a contracting party to Nice Agreement – the link
available on ipindia website takes us to the following link - which essentially is an easy
generator of classes as per the internationally recognized nice
The Nice Classification (NCL), established by the Nice Agreement
(1957), is an international classification of goods and services
applied for the registration of marks.
The eleventh edition of the NCL came into force on January 1,
Procedure for Registration
A brief and official flowchart for the procedure of Registration may
be found here:
Thus, the same will not be repeated here and we will instead focus
on other aspects not included earlier.
Effects of Registration and infringement
Section 27 No action for infringement of unregistered trade mark
(1) No person shall be entitled to institute any proceeding to
prevent, or to recover damages for, the infringement of an
unregistered trade mark.
(2) Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to affect rights of action
against any person for passing off goods or services as the
goods of another person or as services provided by another
person, or the remedies in respect thereof.
Effects of Registration and infringement
Section 28 Rights conferred by registration
The registration of a trade mark shall, if valid, give to the
registered proprietor of the trade mark the exclusive right to the
use of the trade mark in relation to the goods or services in
respect of which the trade mark is registered and to obtain relief
in respect of infringement of the trade mark.
Effects of Registration and infringement
Section 29 Infringement of registered trade marks
(1) A registered trade mark is infringed by a person who, not being
a registered proprietor or a person using by way of permitted use,
uses in the course of trade, a mark which is identical with, or
deceptively similar to, the trade mark in relation to goods or
services in respect of which the trade mark is registered and in
such manner as to render the use of the mark likely to be taken as
being used as a trade mark.
Effects of Registration and infringement
There are 3 important aspects of this section:
• uses in the course of trade
• deceptively similar
• use as a trade mark
Theoretically, the list is not exhaustive and other forms of use may
be caught.
Effects of Registration and infringement
(7) A registered trade mark is infringed by a person who applies
such registered trade mark to a material intended to be used for
labeling or packaging goods, as a business paper, or for advertising
goods or services.
There is no doubt that MCA uses Mattel’s mark: Barbie is one half
of Barbie Girl. But Barbie Girl is the title of a song about Barbie and
Ken, a reference that—at least today—can only be to Mattel’s
famous couple. We expect a title to describe the underlying work,
not to identify the producer, and Barbie Girl does just that.
Civil remedies, as seen under section 135, consists in, inter alia:
• damages
• injunction
Effects of Registration and infringement
Section 135 Relief in suits for infringement or for passing off
(1) The relief which a court may grant in any suit for infringement
or for passing off referred to in section 134 includes injunction
(subject to such terms, if any, as the court thinks fit) and at the
option of the plaintiff, either damages or an account of profits,
together with or without any order for the delivery-up of the
infringing labels and marks for destruction or erasure.
(2) The order of injunction under sub-section (1) may include an ex
parte injunction or any interlocutory order for any of the following
matters, namely:—
(a) for discovery of documents;
Effects of Registration and infringement
(b) preserving of infringing goods, documents or other evidence
which are related to the subject-matter of the suit;
(c) restraining the defendant from disposing of or dealing with his
Effects of Registration and infringement
(b) where in a suit for infringement the defendant satisfies the
(i) that at the time he commenced to use the trade mark
complained of in the suit, he was unaware and had no reasonable
ground for believing that the trade mark of the plaintiff was on the
register and
(ii) that when he became aware of the existence and nature of the
plaintiff’s right in the trade mark, he forthwith ceased to use the
trade mark in relation to goods or services in respect of which it
was registered; or
Effects of Registration and infringement
Temporary / interim / interlocutory injunction
Permanent injunction
What is the difference?
Appellate Board
Section 91 Appeals to Appellate Board
(1) Any person aggrieved by an order or decision of the Registrar
may prefer an appeal to the Appellate Board within three months
from the date on which the order or decision sought to be
appealed against is communicated to such person preferring the
Introduction to Collective Marks
General Definition: A collective mark is a form of trademark or
service mark owned by a collective, whose members use the
collective mark to identify their goods and services and to
distinguish their goods and services from those of non-members,
and to indicate membership in the group.
A collective can be a cooperative, an association, or any other
collective group or organization.
Yahoo Inc sued Akash Arora for using a Trade mark deceptively
similar to its own and passing off his services as those offered by
Yahoo Inc.
Domain names and Trademarks
Whether the act of Akash Arora in registering the domain name
Yahoo India, to offer services similar to those offered by Yahoo
Inc, is an infringement of the Trade mark of Yahoo Inc and
amounts to passing-off under the relevant sections of the Trade
and Merchandise Marks Act?
Domain names and Trademarks
Yahoo Inc contended that Akash Arora adopted the domain name
of Yahoo to offer services similar to those of Yahoo Inc and had
attempted to cash in on the good will generated by Yahoo Inc.
because there was every possibility of an Internet user getting
confused and deceived, believing that both the domain names,
Yahoo and Yahoo India belong to Yahoo Inc.. Therefore, Yahoo Inc.
argued that Akash is liable for passing off.
Domain names and Trademarks
Court held: