Binary Number Representation
• Signed
• Unsigned
Unsigned Numbers Representation
• Unsigned numbers contain only magnitude of the number.
• They don’t have any sign. That means all unsigned binary numbers are
• As in decimal number system, the placing of positive sign in front of
the number is optional for representing positive numbers.
• Therefore, all positive numbers including zero can be treated as
unsigned numbers if positive sign is not assigned in front of the
Representation of Un-Signed Binary Numbers
• The bits present in the un-signed binary number holds the magnitude
of a number.
• That means, if the un-signed binary number contains ‘N’ bits, then all
N bits represent the magnitude of the number, since it doesn’t have
any sign bit.
• Example:
• Consider the decimal number 108. The binary equivalent of this number is
• This is the representation of unsigned binary number.
• 10810 = 11011002
• It is having 7 bits. These 7 bits represent the magnitude of the number 108.
Signed Numbers Representation
• Signed numbers contain both sign and magnitude of
the number.
• Generally, the sign is placed in front of number. So, we
have to consider the positive sign for positive numbers
and negative sign for negative numbers. Therefore, all
numbers can be treated as signed numbers if the
corresponding sign is assigned in front of the number.
• If sign bit is zero, which indicates the binary number is
• Similarly, if sign bit is one, which indicates the binary
number is negative.
Representation of Signed Binary Numbers
• The Most Significant Bit MSB of signed binary numbers is used to
indicate the sign of the numbers. Hence, it is also called as sign bit.
• The positive sign is represented by placing ‘0’ in the sign bit.
• Similarly, the negative sign is represented by placing ‘1’ in the sign bit.
• If the signed binary number contains ‘N’ bits, then N−1 bits only
represent the magnitude of the number since one bit MSB is
reserved for representing sign of the number.
Types of Signed Binary Representation
• Sign-Magnitude form
• Complement form
• 1’s complement form
• 2’s complement form
• Representation of a positive number in all these 3 forms is
• But, only the representation of negative number will differ in
each form.
Representation of Signed Binary Numbers
Example: Consider the positive decimal number 108.
• The magnitude of this number is 108.
• We know the unsigned binary representation of 108 is 1101100.
• It is having 7 bits. All these bits represent the magnitude.
• Since the given number is positive, consider the sign bit as zero, which is placed
on left most side of magnitude.
• -10810 = 011011002
• Therefore, the signed binary representation of positive decimal number +108 is
• So, the same representation is valid in sign-magnitude form, 1’s complement form
and 2’s complement form for positive decimal number +108.
Sign-Magnitude Form
• Easiest for people to read (Not used by computers)
In sign-magnitude form:
• the MSB is used for representing sign of the number
and the remaining bits represent the magnitude of the
• So, just include sign bit at the left most side of unsigned
binary number.
• This representation is similar to the signed decimal
numbers representation.
Sign-Magnitude Form
Example: Consider the negative decimal number -108.
• The magnitude of this number is 108.
• We know the unsigned binary representation of 108 is 1101100.
• It is having 7 bits. All these bits represent the magnitude.
• Since the given number is negative, consider the sign bit as one,
which is placed on left most side of magnitude.
• -10810 = 111011002
Example of complete list of binary SM numbers for a 4-bit word.
1’s Complement Form
• Also known as Diminished Radix Complement (DRC)
• Some computer systems use this information because it is easier to convert.
• = 10010011 + 1
• = 10010100