Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
• The flow of water proceeds until the chemical potential equilibrium of the solvent is
• The pressure difference between both sides of the membrane is the same as the solution
osmotic pressure, at the equilibrium condition
• In order to reverse the solvent (water) flow from higher concentration to lower concentration
pressure in excess of osmotic pressure is applied
• Subsequently, the water separation from the solution happens due to the fact that pure water
passes from the high concentration side to the low concentration side
According to this model, the water molecules will diffuse across the dense membrane
The water flux, , is related to the pressure and concentration gradient across the
membrane as per the below equation:
where - mass transfer coefficient for water flux, L/(m, - pressure difference
across the membrane, - osmotic pressure differential across the membrane, and –
water volumetric flux in L/(m2.h).
As Eq. shows when , then the water flows from the higher concentrated solution to the
lower concentrated solution, and when there will not be any flow happening.
The recovery can be determined as the ratio of permeate flow to feed water flow.
The solute concentration in the product water is determined as the ratio of the solute
flux and the water flux, and is presented as
The feed water containing 6000 mg/L of total dissolved solids is treated with the
reverse osmosis process for removing the salts. The water flux through RO
membranes was found to be 30 L/(m 2.h). Calculate salt concentration in the product
water and also the salt passage. Ks value is 2.5 ((mg/m 2h)/(mg/L)).
In 1 hour, 30 L water is produced by 1 m2 membrane surface area
In 1 hour, the following amount of salts will pass 1 m 2 membrane
From equation,
This concentration polarization will have many The accumulation of solutes nearby the surface
adverse impacts on the efficiency of the RO process: of the membrane is termed as the concentration
• Low water flux
This will act as a barrier to the water flow
• Low rejection across the membrane thereby decreasing the
efficiency of the membrane
Diagrammatic representation of various processes in • In the post-treatment stage, the product water produced by the
a reverse osmosis seawater desalination plant reverse osmosis process is stabilized by adding lime or by the
addition of carbon dioxide (CO2) for providing a satisfactory
level of alkalinity as well as hardness, for protecting the
permeate distribution system against corrosion.
Schematic representation of an array (4 Pressure • A certain number of pressure vessels (PVs) arranged in parallel
vessels x 5 membrane elements) are termed as a stage
Filtered Water High-Pressure Polyamide
Pressure Vessels
Transfer Pump Feed Pumps Membrane
RO skids and Systems for
RO System Piping Flushing &
trains Energy Recovery
Cleaning Systems
and Controls
Filtered water from the water intake system or plant
pretreatment system can follow two flow patterns:
desalination system with direct flow-through pattern or
interim pumping desalination system
1) Seawater feed
2) Pretreatment
It includes pH correction (sulfuric acid), coagulant dosing, mixing
and flocculation, DAF, and intermediate water pumping station
• Filtration stage through disc filters.
• Filtration stage through ultrafiltration membranes
3) RO system
4) Wastewater treatment
Barka II seawater RO desalination plant (Oman)
The equations for water flux, salt flux, rejection, recovery were also explained
The different processes in RO-based desalination plants, such as plant intake, pretreatment, RO
separation system, and post-treatment processes were briefly discussed
Different RO system components such as pumps, membrane elements, piping, pressure vessels,
trains, skids, energy recovery systems, membrane flushing system, and membrane cleaning
system, RO system types, instrumentation and controls were presented
In the end, the various processes in different seawater desalination plants in the Gulf region were