Criminal Justice Challenges and Reforms
Criminal Justice Challenges and Reforms
Criminal Justice Challenges and Reforms
Challenges and
The criminal justice system faces significant challenges, including
racial disparities, ineffective rehabilitation, and high recidivism
rates. Yet, there is a growing movement to implement reforms that
prioritize rehabilitation, reduce incarceration, and address the root
causes of crime.
by Esham Hussain
Understanding the
Current System
1 Punitive Approach 2 Overcrowding
The current system is Prisons are often
primarily focused on overcrowded, leading to
punishment rather than poor living conditions and
rehabilitation. limited access to
3 Lack of Support
Individuals leaving prison often lack the resources and
support needed to successfully reintegrate into society.
Racial Disparities in Incarceration
Disproportionate Systemic Biases Societal Impacts
Implicit biases, inequitable policing The disproportionate incarceration
Black and Latino individuals are practices, and harsher sentencing of minority groups has far-reaching
incarcerated at significantly higher for certain offenses contribute to consequences for their
rates than their white these disparities. communities and the broader
counterparts. society.
The Role of Implicit Bias
1 Arrest and Charging
Unconscious biases can influence law enforcement
decisions, leading to disproportionate arrests and charges
for certain groups.