P-N Junction For BTech
P-N Junction For BTech
P-N Junction For BTech
to accompany
Semiconductor Physics
and Devices
Basic Principles
Third Edition
Donald A. Neamen
Chapter 7
The pn Junction
PN Junction
PN junction can be fabricated by implanting or
diffusing donors into a P-type substrate such that a
layer of semiconductor is converted into N type.
Converting a layer of an N-type semiconductor into P
type with acceptors would also create a PN junction
PN Junction
A PN junction has rectifying current–voltage (I–V or
IV) characteristics as shown in Fig. 4–2.
no ni exp
It becomes
kT N d
Fn ln
e n
Built-in Potential Barrier
Similarly in the p region, the hole concentration is given
( EF Ev ) ( EF EFi )
po N a N v exp ni exp
kT kT
We can define potential Fp in the n region as
eFp EFi EF
no ni exp
It becomes
kT N a
Fp ln
e ni
Built-in Potential Barrier
Therefore, the built-in potential barrier becomes
kT N d kT N a
ln ln
e ni e ni
kT N a N d Na Nd
ln 2 Vt ln 2
e ni ni
Poisson’s Equation
Poisson’s equation is useful for finding the electric
potential distribution when the charge density is known.
In case you are not familiar with the equation, it will be
derived from Gauss’s Law here. Applying Gauss’s Law
to the volume shown in
Poisson’s Equation
Applying Gauss’s Law to the volume shown before
S E x x A S E x A pxA
where s is the semiconductor permittivity is equal to 12
times the permittivity of free space. p is the charge density
(C/cm3) and E is the electric field
E x x E x p
x s
Taking the limit of Δx → 0,
dE p d 2V dE p
dx s dx 2
dx s
Depletion Model
Let’s divide the PN junction into three regions—the neutral
regions at x > xP and x < –xN, and the depletion layer or
depletion region in between, where p = n = 0 .The charge
density is zero everywhere except in the depletion layer
where it takes the value of the dopant ion charge density
Field and Potential in the Depletion Layer
|xN| and |xP| are the widths of the depletion layers on the two sides
of the junction. They are inversely proportional to the dopant
concentration; the more heavily doped side holds a smaller portion
of the depletion layer. PN junctions are usually highly
asymmetrical in doping concentration. A highly asymmetrical
junctionis called a one-sided junction, either an N+P junction or a
P+N junction, where N+ and P+ denote the heavily doped sides
Field and Potential in the Depletion Layer
The equation above tells us that the area density of the negative
charge, Na|xP| (C/cm2), and that of the positive charge, Nd|xN|
(C/cm2), are equal (i.e., the net charge in the depletion layer is
zero). In other words, the two rectangles are of equal size.
Field and Potential in the Depletion Layer
The potential in the junction is found by integrating the
electrical field. In the p region, we have
qN a
V x E x dx xP x dx
that yield
qN a
V x P
x x where 0 x xP
2 s
We arbitrarily choose the voltage at x = xP as the reference
point for V = 0. Similarly, on the N-side, we integrate
qN d
V x D x xN
2 s
qN d
x xN
Vbi where 0 x xP
2 s
Field and Potential in the Depletion Layer
On the P-side,
qN a
V ( x) ( xP x ) 2
2 s
On the N-side,
qN d
V ( x) Vbi ( x xN ) 2
2 s
N Nd Na P
Depletion-Layer Width
(b) N eut ra l Re gion D eple tion La yer N e utral R egi on
–xnN 0 xpP
V is continuous at x = 0
2 sbi 1 1
xP x N Wdep
q Na Nd
If Na >> Nd , as in a P+N junction,
(c) xp
2 sbi
–xxn N xP xN N d N ax
qN d –qN a
–xn 0 xp x
EXAMPLE: A P+N junction has Na=1020 cm-3 and Nd
=1017cm-3. What is a) its built in potential, b)Wdep , c)xN ,
and d) xP ?
kT N d N a 10 20 1017 cm 6
a) bi ln 2 0.026V ln 20 6
1 V
q ni 10 cm
14 1/ 2
2 sbi 2 12 8.85 10 1
b) Wdep 19 17
0.12 μm
qN d 1.6 10 10
x N Wdep 0.12 μm
xP x N N d N a 1.2 10 4 μm 1.2 Å 0
Reverse-Biased PN Junction
+ –
(a) V = 0 1 1 1 1
N N d N a lighter dopant density
qbi + qV Efp
• Does the depletion layer
Ec qV
widen or shrink with
increasing reverse bias?
(b) reverse-biased
Maximum Electric Field
The maximum electric field at the metallurgical junction is
eN d xn eN a xn
s s
that yield
2e Vbi VR N a N d
s N a N d
The maximum electric field in the pn junction can also be
written as
2 Vbi VR
Example 1
Calculate the built-in potential barrier, Vbi for Si, Ge and
GaAs pn junctions if they each have the following dopant
concentrations at T=300K
e n e p
Example 2
An abrupt silicon pn junction at zero bias has dopant
concentration of Na=1017 cm-3 and Nd=51017 cm-3. T=300K
Nd 5 1015
EF EFi kT ln 0.0259 ln 10
0.3294 eV
ni 1.5 10
P-side Na 1017
EFi EF kT ln 0.0259 ln 10
0.4070 eV
ni 1.5 10
Example 2
An abrupt silicon pn junction at zero bias has dopant
concentration of Na=1017 cm-3 and Nd=51017 cm-3. T=300K
eN d xn
1.6 10 5 10 0.426 10
19 15 4
b)W at (i) VR=0 and (ii) VR=5V
c)Emax at (i) VR=0 and (ii) VR=5V
Example 3
An abrupt silicon pn junction at T=300K zero bias has
impurity doping concentration of Na=51016 cm-3 and
Nd=1015 cm-3. Calculate
5 1016 1015
Vbi 0.0259 ln
1.5 1010
Example 3
An abrupt silicon pn junction at T=300K zero bias has
impurity doping concentration of Na=51016 cm-3 and
Nd=1015 cm-3. Calculate
5 10 10
1.6 10 16 15
W 0.9452 m
Example 3
An abrupt silicon pn junction at T=300K zero bias has
impurity doping concentration of Na=51016 cm-3 and
Nd=1015 cm-3. Calculate
5 10 10
1.6 10 16 15
W 2.738 m
Example 3
An abrupt silicon pn junction at T=300K zero bias has
impurity doping concentration of Na=51016 cm-3 and
Nd=1015 cm-3. Calculate