“the key to
What is Salaah?
Salaah, meaning "prayer" or
"invocation“, is the second of the Five
Pillars of Islam, and an obligatory
religious duty for every Muslim. It is a
physical, mental, and spiritual act of
worship that is observed five times
every day at prescribed times. While
facing towards
the Kaabah in Mecca, one stands, bows,
prostrates oneself, and concludes with
There are many verses in the Holy Quran
which Allah tells us about the importance
of prayer. Here are two such verses:
“But those who hold fast to the Book and
establish prayer – indeed, We will not
allow to be lost the reward of the pious.”
Qur'an - Chapter 7, Verse 170
“Recite, [O Muhammad], what has been
revealed to you of the Book and establish
prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibits
immorality and wrongdoing, and the
remembrance of Allah is greater. And
Allah knows that which you do.”
Why do muslims pray?
The reason why Muslims pray at all relates
to what Islam considers to be the purpose
of life – to worship Allah alone. Shortly
after Muhammad became a Prophet, the
performance of salaah (worship) was one
of the first commandments given to him
by Allah.
Allah Almighty tells us in the Holy Qur’an
that mankind was only created for one
reason: to worship Him.
“And I (Allah) created not the Jinns and
humans except they should worship Me
The salaah is the second pillar of Islam and it is
a critical part of a Muslim’s faith. One of the
biggest differences between a Muslim and a
non-Muslim is the salaah. Our beloved
Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“Between a man and polytheism and disbelief
there stands his neglect of the prayer.”
Obligation to offer prayer
Prayer, in the prescribed manner, is obligatory upon
every adult Muslim of sound mind. As far as children
are concerned, it is not obligatory on them until they
come of age. However, it requires continuous effort
and persuasion to get them to the stage where they
start offering their Prayers regularly in the manner
prescribed for the Prayer. It is for this reason that the
Holy Prophet SAW has directed that when children
reach the age of seven, parents should urge them to
be regular in their Prayers and when they reach the
age of ten, they must be admonished if they fail to
offer their Prayers regularly.
Once the children reach the age of
maturity, it becomes compulsory
for them to offer their Prayers. At
that stage, no individual or
Government has the right to force
them to offer their Prayers, as the
Salat offered under compulsion
does not mean anything. It ought
to be offered willingly. The matter
rests between the person and his
God. Therefore, it is the duty of
every and all Muslim parents to
Why do muslims pray 5x a day?
This question is quite common and
many people do not know the real
reason of where the number five came
from. When Muhammad (peace be
upon him) became a Prophet at the age
of forty one of the first things he was
taught was how to pray. Allah sent the
angel Gabriel (Jibreel) to teach him how
to make wudu and perform the salah.
Some 11 years after the beginning of
prophethood a miraculous journey took
place in which the angel Gabriel took
Muhammad (peace be upon him) to the
first heaven. It was during this event that
Allah commanded him and the Muslims
to specifically pray five times a day. This
event was recorded in the Holy Qur’an
and we also have authentic narrations
from the Prophet (peace be upon him)
himself that he undertook this journey.
Importance of Salaah
Salat or the prescribed Prayer has been
mentioned in the Holy Quran as an
essential characteristic of a true
believer. The Holy Quran states:
“This is a perfect Book; there is no doubt in
it; it is a guidance for the righteous, Who
believe in the unseen and observe Prayer,
and spend out of what We have provided
for them;” (2:3-4)
Prayer or Salat, helps us to get rid of sins;
inclines us more and more towards God and
goodly things and so gradually purifies us.
But this is not the end. Prayer does much
more than this. It brings man closer to his
Creator. The worshipper tries to imitate God
in His most excellent attributes and is
constantly transformed from a lowly and
worldly person to a highly noble and sublime
servant of God. The Holy Quran mentions
this distinctive quality of Salat by saying:
“Recite that which has been revealed to thee of
the Book, and observe Prayer. Surely, Prayer
restrains one from indecency and manifest evil,
and remembrance of Allah indeed is the greatest
Prayer is indeed a sure and well-
tried prescription for purity of the
heart and the soul. It is through
Salat alone that we are able to
establish a living communion with
Allah. According to the Holy
Prophet SAW, Salat is the pinnacle
of the spiritual life of the believer. It
is the highest form of Divine
worship. It must be realised that
sincere prayer never goes in vain.
Sometimes, the deep spiritual
Sometimes, a milder pleasure of
love fills the heart with sublime
happiness. These experiences are
signs of the Prayer being alive,
meaningful and fruitful. Otherwise,
just a performance of formality is
not enough to benefit man. That
would be obeying an order without
one’s heart being in it. That is why
it is highly essential that every
beginner should keep this noble
objective before him and always
Rewards/Benefits of
1.Connection. Maintain connection through Allah
throughout the day.
2.Reward. The reward for 1 prayer counts as 10
3.Forgiveness. Sins are washed away and forgiven.
4.Good behavior. Keeps you away from
immorality and evil deeds.
5.Remembrance. Helps you grow and maintain
remembrance of Allah- God conciousness.
There are plenty of rewards and benefits to the
prayer that were not listed in the graphic.
It strengthens your faith and influences you to do
more good deeds. It creates strong bonds of
unity among the Muslims, especially when the
prayer is performed as a congregation at a
masjid. It also serves as an excellent relief for
stress and worry.
1 2 3
This completes the first Rak'ah or unit of Salah.
Now stand up for the second Rak'ah and
perform it in the same way, except that you do
not recite Subhanaka at the beginning, and after
the second Sujood (prostration) you sit on the
left leg while keeping the right foot upright and
put your right hand on the right thigh, with all
fingers together in a fist except the index finger.
Stick the index finger straight out. Put your left
hand on the left thigh. Now
recite Tashahhud silently:
"At-Tahiyyatu lillahi This means: “Greetings, prayers a
was- Salawatu wat-Tayyibatu. goodness belong to Allah.
As-Salamu ' alaika Peace be on you,
ayyuhannabiyyu O Prophet
wa rahmatullahi and the mercy of Allah
wa barakatuhu. and His blessings.
Assalamu 'alaina wa’ala Peace be on us and on
ibadil-Lahis -Salihin the righteous servants of Alla
ash hadu al-La ilaha I bear witness that
il-Lal lahu there is no god but Allah,
wa ash hadu anna and bear witness that
Muhammadan abduhu Muhammad is His
wa rasuluhu." servant and Messenger.”
In a three-Rak'ah Salah (as in Maghrib) or a four-
Rak'ah Salah (Dhuhr, Asr, and Isha) you stand up
for the remaining Rak'ah(s) after you have
done Tashahhud. For a two-Rak'ah Salah you
remain seated after Tashahhud and then recite
silently Assalatul-Ibrahimiyah:
"Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin Wa 'ala ali
Muhammadin Kama sallaita 'ala
Ibrahima wa 'ala ali Ibrahima wa barik 'ala
Muhammadin wa 'ala ali Muhammadin
Kama barakta ' ala Ibrahima Wa ' ala ali Ibrahima
Fil a'lamina Innaka hamidun
Now turn your face to the right
saying: "Assalamu alaikum wa
rahmatullah" (peace and the mercy
of Allah be on you) and then to the left
repeating the same words.
• Even if Prayer is not offered in congregation
but offered individually, it is offered exactly in
the same way as when led by an Imam, except
that whatever the Imam recites loudly, is not
recited loudly by the individual worshipper.
He recites everything silently, without raising
his voice. For example, when he recites Surah
Al-Fatihah, or says Allahu Akbar, Sami‘allahu
liman Hamidah and Assalamu ‘Alaikum, he
recites all of these silently.
• Every Muslim is required to offer the Fard part of his
Prayers in congregation. Mosques are built for the
purpose of congregational Prayers. A Hadith tells us
that the reward of a Prayer offered in congregation is
twenty-seven times more than that offered
• Woman should be protected and concealed from
men as much as her guardian can do that. The
Messenger (peace be upon him) preferred for
women to pray in their houses and said that their
reward for doing so is greater than their reward for
Abd al-‘Azeem Abaadi said:
• The reason why their praying in their homes is
better is because it is safer from fitnah or
temptation. This was later borne out by the way
in which women began to make a wanton
display of their adornments, hence ‘Aa’ishah
said what she said. (‘Awn al-Ma’bood, 2/193).
• Hence women should be careful when praying in
public places, or go far away from where men
can see them, and should not pray in a public
place when the time of prayer comes, unless she
has no other place in which to pray.
Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah al-Jibreen said:
• With regard to women, their houses are better for
them. If they need to pray in the marketplace and
there is a place that is screened off, there is nothing
wrong with them praying there, in sha Allah.
• But what some of the common people say, that a
woman’s prayer is invalidated just because a man
happens to see her, has no basis in sharee’ah at all.
The women used to pray at the time of the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in one
mosque and he (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) did not rule their prayer to be invalid.
• If, at the prescribed time for any Prayer, two
or more men are present away from a
mosque, they are required to observe the
prayer in congregation. When only two
males come together for Prayers, one of
them should lead the Prayer. They should
stand together so that the 2nd person
stands on the right side of the Imam.
• If a man performs his Prayer at home and a
female member of the family like to join him,
then, she should stand on his left. In the case
where two men are already offering their prayer
in congregation, and worshippers arrive, they
should arrange themselves in a row so that the
Imam remains in the middle. In normal cases
when three or more persons offer their prayer in
congregation, the Imam should stand in front, all
facing towards the Ka‘bah. In exceptional cases
however, the Imam can also stand in the middle
of the first row along with other worshippers.