Psychology Project
Psychology Project
Psychology Project
Physical Development
• Early development follows two principles :
: (i) development proceeds cephalocaudally, i.e. from the
cephalic or head region to the caudal or tail region.
Children gain control over the upper part of the body
before the lower part. This is why you would notice that
the infant’s head is proportionately larger than her/his
body during early infancy or if you see an infant crawling,
s/he will use the arms first and then shift to using the
Second development:
• s, (ii) growth proceeds from the centre of body and moves towards the
extremities or more distal regions — the proximodistal trend, i.e. children
gain control over their torso before their extremities. Initially infants reach
for objects by turning their entire body, gradually they extend their arms to
reach for things. These changes are the result of a maturing nervous
system and not because of any limitation since even visually impaired
children show the same sequence. As children grow older, they look
slimmer as the trunk part of their bodies lengthens and body fat decreases.
The brain and the head grow more rapidly than any other part of the body.
The growth and development of the brain are important as they help in the
maturation of children’s abilities, such as eyehand coordination, holding a
pencil, and attempts made at writing. During middle and late childhood
years, children increase significantly in size and strength; increase in
weight is mainly due to increase in the size of the skeletal and muscular
systems, as well as size of some body organs.
Motor Development :
• : Gross motor skills during the early childhood years
involve the use of arms and legs, and moving around
with confidence and more purposefully in the
environment. Fine motor skills — finger dexterity and
eye-hand coordination — improve substantially during
early childhood. During these years the child’s
preference for left or right hand also develops. The
major accomplishments in gross and fine motor skills
during early childhood years
• Gross Motor Skills and Fine Motor Skills
• 3 years Hopping, jumping, running Build blocks, pick
objects with forefinger and thumb
• 4 years Climb up and downstairs with Fit jigsaw puzzle
precisely one foot on each step
• 5 years Run hard, enjoy races Hand, arm, and body all
coordinate with eye movement
Moral Development
• : Another important aspect of the child’s development is
learning to differentiate between the rightness or
wrongness of human acts. The way children come to
distinguish right from wrong, to feel guilty, to put
themselves in other people’s position, and to help
others when they are in trouble, are all components of
moral development. Just as children pass through the
various stages
Lawrence Kohlberg,
• they pass through the various stages of moral
development, which are age related. Kohlberg
interviewed children in which they were presented with
stories in which the characters face moral dilemmas.
Children were asked what the characters in the dilemma
should do, and why. According to him, children approach
thinking about right and wrong differently at different
• The young child, i.e. before 9 years of age, thinks in terms of external
authority. According to her/him actions are wrong because s/he is punished,
and right because s/he is rewarded. As the child grows, i.e. by early
adolescence, s/he develops moral reasoning through set of rules of others,
such as parents or laws of the society. These rules are accepted by the
children as their own. These are “internalised” in order to be virtuous and
to win approval from others (not to avoid punishment). Children view rules
as absolute guidelines, which should be followed. Moral thinking at this
stage is relatively inflexible. As they grow, they gradually develop a
personal moral code. You have seen that by the end of childhood a more
gradual growth rate enables the child to develop skills of coordination and
balance. Language develops and the child can reason logically. Socially the
child has become more involved in social systems, such as family and peer
group. The next section traces changes in human development during
adolescence and adulthood