Tejidos Hemorragias
Tejidos Hemorragias
Tejidos Hemorragias
los Tejidos
Soporte Basico
de Vida
Dra. Maria Renee Vazquez S.
Importancia de los Tejidos en el
Comprender la anatomía y fisiología de los tejidos es crucial para brindar atención
prehospitalaria eficaz en situaciones de trauma. El conocimiento de los tipos de tejidos
permite identificar mejor el daño y prever complicaciones
Lesion de tejido
Pude conllevar a hemorragias
Lesion de tejido
Puede conllevar a infecciones
1. Tejido Epitelial
Cubre superficies del cuerpo y
3. Tejido Muscular
Proteje partes vitales del
forma barreras protectoras cuerpo
2. Tejido Conectivo
Sostiene y conecta otros
4. Tejido Nervioso
Transmite señales eléctricas y
tejidos coordina funciones corporales
! decisiones
rápidas y
Relevancia Clínica en
el Trauma
El daño a los tejidos puede causar diversas complicaciones:
Supervivencia Minimiza
Contacting for Assistance
Jupiter Saturn
Jupiter is a gas giant and the Saturn is a gas giant and has
biggest planet in the Solar several rings. It’s composed
System. It’s the fourth-brightest mostly of hydrogen and helium.
object in the night sky and was It’s the sixth planet from the Sun
named after a god
Response to Accidents
Mars Venus Neptune
Despite being red, Venus has a beautiful Neptune is the farthest
Mars is actually a cold name and is the planet from the Sun.
place. It’s full of iron second planet from the It’s also the fourth-
oxide dust, which Sun. It’s terribly hot, largest planet by
gives the planet its even hotter than diameter in the Solar
reddish cast Mercury System
361.000 26/32
Venus has a beautiful name The moon is a satellite
About safety protocols
45% 60% 80%
Venus has a beautiful
name and is the second
planet from the Sun. It’s
the second-brightest
natural object in the
night sky after the Moon
Crash scene management
Neptune Mercury Mars
Neptune is the Mercury is the closest Despite being red,
farthest planet from planet to the Sun Mars is a cold place
the Sun
1 2 3 4 5 6
Type 2 Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s terribly hot 18% No
Type 3 Jupiter is the biggest planet in our Solar System 14% Yes
Type 4 Despite being red, Mars is a cold place, not hot 21% Yes
1 2 3 4
Just after What to What to the
a crash do first? do next? injured
Despite being red, Saturn is the Wind speeds on Mercury is the
Mars is a cold ringed one. It’s a Neptune are closest planet to
place. The planet gas giant, among the fastest the Sun and the
is full of iron oxide composed mostly recorded in the smallest of them
dust of hydrogen Solar System all
Rescue, recovery, and
Neptune is blue due to the
presence of methane gas
Jupiter is the biggest
planet in our Solar System
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Leadership in emergency
response 7%
Earth is the only planet with life
Venus 12%
Venus has a beautiful The Sun
name and is the
The Sun is the star at the
second planet from
the Sun. It’s terribly
hot, even hotter than 18%
Mercury is the smallest planet
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Must do and must don’t do
Must do Must don’t do
Despite being red, Mars is a cold place. Saturn is the ringed one. It’s a gas giant,
The planet is full of iron oxide dust composed mostly of hydrogen
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Venus has a beautiful name and is the
and the smallest one in the Solar System second planet from the Sun. It’s terribly
Neptune is named after the Roman god of The Moon is an astronomical body orbiting
the sea. It is 17 times the mass of Earth Earth and is the planet's only satellite
Earth is the third planet from the Sun and Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest
the only planet known to harbor life planet in our Solar System
“Saturn is the ringed “The reason why
“Jupiter is a gas giant one. It’s a gas giant, Neptune is blue is due
and the biggest planet composed mostly of to the presence of gas
in our Solar System” hydrogen” methane”
–Ethan Williams –Samuel Anderson –Emily Foster
Photos Vectors
■ Side view of male paramedic with ■ Red asterisk medical background
■ Full shot paramedics chatting
■ Side view smiley nurse with stetho
■ Front view of male paramedic with
crossed arms
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