Tasmeen النسخة الاصلية ملف
Tasmeen النسخة الاصلية ملف
Tasmeen النسخة الاصلية ملف
Amman - Jordan
About me Educational
I would like to work in a field Diploma in Business Administration | 2020
that allows me to be Princess Tharwat College - Al- Balqa Applied University with a grade
creative, to acquire skills, of very good.
add achievements, form
constructive relationships in Bridging at Arab Open University, majoring in business and
various competencies, marketing with British curriculum.
benefit from distinguished
cadres, develop job
performance, put forward Experiences
new ideas, and activate my
positive role in society by Assistant Doctor and Secretary | 2020 to 2024
completing tasks with high Dr. Rasha Al-Hiyari
efficiency and utmost
precision, providing Secretary | 23/10/2019_23/3/2020
whatever activities and Arab Islamic Bank
courses can be provided,
and exchanging experiences. Skin specialist
Manal Hamdan Clinic
Available upon request