Referring Expression
Referring Expression
Referring Expression
Group 2:
1. Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Trang
2. Vo Hoang Phuong Nhu
Referring Expressions
A Referring Expression is any
expression used in an utterance to
refer to something or someone (or a
clearly delimited collection of things or
people), i.e used with a particular
referent in mind Referring expression is
Example of referring Expressions
‘Fred hit me’
the speaker has a particular
person in mind when he says
'Fred', so 'Fred' is a referring
There's no Fred at this
address’ the speaker would
not have a particular person in
mind in uttering the word.
‘Fred’, so is not a referring
ypes of Referring Expressions
1.Opaque Context
2. Equative Sentence
An OPAQUE CONTEXT is a part of a
sentence which could be made into a
complete sentence by the addition of a
referring expression, but where the
addition of different referring
expressions, even though they refer to
the same thing or person, in a given
situation, will yield sentences with
DIFFERENT meanings when uttered in
a given situation.
Example :
The incomplete sentence >
Qori believes.... is a hero.