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Anemia decreases oxygen-carrying capacity
of blood, it is usually expressed in terms of hemoglobin concentration of blood, and the clinical features of anemia are primarily due to tissue hypoxia and hypoxia-induced compensatory mechanisms. Anemia is defined as decreased red cell count or hemoglobin content of blood. 1. Detection of anemia is usually performed by estimating hemoglobin content of blood. 2. It can also be done by performing either total RBC count of blood or by estimating packed cell volume (hematocrit). 3. Clinically, anemia is detected by assessing the degree of paleness usually by looking at the lower palpebral conjunctiva or nail beds. 4. Detection of morphological type of anemia depends on various blood indices. Anemias can be classified either morphologically or etiologically. Common causes of anemia are: 1. Inadequate supply of nutrients resulting in deficiency anemias (deficiency of iron, vitamins and proteins). 2. Aplasia of bone marrow. 3. Anemia associated with chronic diseases. 4. Anemia associated with renal failure 5. Anemia due to inherited diseases (e.g. thalassemia) 6. Anemia due to blood loss. MORPHOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION Morphologically, anemia are classified into hypochromic microcytic, normochromic, microcytic and macrocytic normochromic types Hypochromic Microcytic Anemia: MCV, MCH, and MCHC are below normal. Such subnormal red cell indices correspond to microcytosis and hypochromia of red cells in the blood film. Micronormoblasts are seen in bone marrow examination. This occurs due to the result of a defect in red cell formation in which hemoglobin synthesis is impaired to a great extent. The common examples are: i. Iron-deficiency anemia in which there is inadequate iron for the formation of the heme component of the hemoglobin, and ii. Thalassemia in which the formation of the globin component of hemoglobin is defective. Normochromic Normocytic Anemia: MCV, MCH, and MCHC are within the normal range. Size and hemoglobin concentration of the red cells are normal in the blood film. It usually occurs in following conditions: i. Substantial blood loss(blood loss anemia), ii. Hemolysis (hemolytic anemia) and iii. Impairment of red cell production by bone marrow failure or chronic renal failure (aplastic anemia). Macrocytic Normochromic Anemia: The MCV is above the upper limit of the normal. It corresponds to macrocytosis of red cells in the blood film. The red cells are usually normochromic, though they are macrocytic. Megaloblasts are seen in bone marrow examination. The typical example of this type of anemia is megaloblastic anemia that occurs due to deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid. ETIOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION 1)Blood Loss Anemia: Anemia due to blood loss mainly occurs due to acute hemorrhage or chronic hemorrhage. Acute hemorrhage: Anemia due to acute hemorrhage depends on the extent of blood loss and the time that has lapsed since bleeding. 1. In acute blood loss, usually there is a reduction in the total blood volume. Therefore, hemoglobin in the residual blood is normal. 2. However, when the compensatory mechanisms set in to expand the blood volume, hemodilution decreases hemoglobin content. 3. Therefore, estimation of hemoglobin after few hours of acute blood loss does not assess the actual degree of anemia. Chronic hemorrhage: Chronic hemorrhage occurs mainly in gastrointestinal, genitourinary and respiratory tract diseases. 1. Gastrointestinal blood loss: Peptic ulcer, hemorrhoids, hiatus hernia, carcinoma of the stomach and colon, esophageal varices, chronic aspirin ingestion, ulcerative colitis, hookworm infestation, etc. 2. Respiratory diseases: Respiratory diseases that produce epistaxis, hemoptysis as occurs in pulmonary tuberculosis or bronchogenic carcinoma produce anemia. 3. Genitourinary diseases: Diseases that cause hematuria and hemoglobinuria produce anemia. 4. Diseases of genital tract: In females, loss of blood from genital tract like menstrual disorders (menorrhagia,metrorrhagia) and uterine pathologies produce anemia. 2)Aplastic Anemia Aplastic anemia is the anemia due to impaired red cell production. Marrow examination shows a near absence of hematopoietic precursor cells. 3)Hemolytic Anemia Hemolytic anemia results from increase in the rate of red cell destruction. Defects causing premature red cell destruction may be divided into two broad categories: intracorpuscular, and extracorpuscular COMMON ANEMIAS Iron-deficiency Anemia (IDA) This is the commonest form of anemia in the developing countries. It usually occurs due to deficiency of iron in the diet. There are three major factors in the pathogenesis of IDA. 1. Increased physiological demand for iron as occurs in pregnancy, lactation, growing children. Therefore, in these groups, extra iron should be available in the diet; otherwise IDA occurs. 2. Inadequate iron intake, as occurs due to deficiency in the diet. 3. Pathological blood loss like bleeding peptic ulcer, piles, worm infestations, epistaxis, hemoptysis etc. Anemia of IDA is microcytic hypochromic type. Laboratory findings are decreased all blood indices (MCV, MCH and MCHC), microcytic hypochromic cells in blood smear and micronormoblasts in bone marrow, and decreased marrow iron store. Hereditary Spherocytosis: This is a hemolytic anemia in which the fundamental abnormality is the increased defect of red cell membrane (due to decreased quantity of spectrin) that results in spherocytic shape of the cell. Spherocytes have a decreased surface area to volume ratio and the cells are more rigid (less deformable). Therefore, when cells pass through the splenic pulp, they are destroyed. 1. This is an autosomal dominant disorder which affects males and females equally. 2. The usual features are anemia, jaundice, enlarged spleen, and may present with gall stone. 3. The blood picture typically shows anemia with spherocytosis, increased osmotic fragility, hyperbilirubinemia, and reticulocytosis. 4. Usually, anemia is normocytic and normochromic. 5. Splenectomy helps in improving the condition. Sickle-cell Anemia This is a hereditary disorder in which red cells contain an abnormal hemoglobin called Hb S. Hb S is the hemoglobin in which glutamic acid is replaced by valine at the 6th position of beta chain. In the deoxygenated state, conformational changes induced by Hb S makes the cell more rigid and deformed to take the shape of a sickle. Therefore, cells undergo intravascular hemolysis. Thalassemia Thalassemia is a genetically determined heterogenous group of commonest monogenic disorder in which the rate of synthesis of one or more types of hemoglobin polypeptide chain is decreased. Thus, there are two major classes of thalassemia: α thalassemia and β thalassemia, in which α and β globin genes are involved respectively. This causes decrease in the respective polypeptide chain of hemoglobin. β thalassemia: In β thalassemia (failure to synthesize β chain), which is more common, there is excess α chain production that damages red cell precursor and red cells. 1. There are many homozygous and heterozygous, and major and minor forms of the disease. 2. In β thalassemia major, anemia develops in first few months of life and becomes progressively severe. 3. Splenomegaly, hepatomegaly and skeletal deformities are common. 4. Though anemia is usually microcytic and hypochromic, all forms and combinations are not uncommon. α-thalassemia Anemia of α-thalassemia (failure to synthesize α chain) is more hemolytic than dyserythropoietic.
The Complete Guide on Anemia: Learn Anemia Symptoms, Anemia Causes, and Anemia Treatments. Anemia types covered in full details: Iron-deficiency, Microcytic, Autoimmune Hemolytic, Sideroblastic, and Normocytic Anemia