Hearing Conservation
Hearing Conservation
Hearing Conservation
Conservation &
Noise Exposure
Objectives 2
What is sound?
How the ear works
How to measure noise
What does OSHA says about noise?
Reading hearing tests
Hearing Protection
What is Sound? 3
Ear Bones
How do we Hear? 8
Delicate hair cells vibrate to different frequencies
Hair cells detect the vibration, and send a signal to the brain
Loud sounds destroy the hair cells, and they stop functioning
The Ear does something else 1
The Semi-circular canals
Three tubes laying perpendicular to one another
Filled with fluid and tiny hair cells
When your head is tilted, the fluid moves the hair cells,
and they send a signal to your brain
Responsible for balance
How to measure noise 1
Decibels are measured on a logarithmic scale
Every time you add 5 dB, you double the sound.
80 dB 85 dB
89 dB 87 dB
Neither, because it is a log scale 1
We use the following chart 3
Improper insertion
Example of NRR 2
Protection 0
18 / 2 = 9
110 -9=
110 dB 101
Final Thoughts 2
Hearing is important
In time, noise levels at 85 dB can permanently damage
your hearing
Wear your hearing protection both at work and at home
Choose hearing protection with a proper NRR, and wear
it properly