Wumpus Model
Wumpus Model
Wumpus Model
Team Member:
Masud Rana Sweit(200143)
Puspita Sarker(200145)
Biswajit Deb(200146)
Ariful Islam(200149)
Reason for studying Wumpus model???
1.The agent doesn't have complete knowledge about the environment .
This teaches how agents can operate in uncertain or incomplete
2.The model allows us to explore decision-making strategies based on
logic and probabilities.
3.We can learn techniques to deal with limited or uncertain knowledge.
There are some components which can help the agent to
navigate the cave:
1.The rooms adjacent to the Wumpus room are smelly, so that it would
have some stench.
2.The room adjacent to PITs has a breeze, so if the agent reaches near to
PIT, then he will perceive the breeze.
3.There will be glitter in the room if and only if the room has gold.
4.The Wumpus can be killed by the agent if the agent is facing to it, and
Wumpus will emit a horrible scream which can be heard anywhere in the