Lesson-10 (1)
Lesson-10 (1)
Lesson-10 (1)
Suffrage, Election,
and Political Parties
"Let us never forget that government is
ourselves and not an alien power over us. The
ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a
President and senators and congressmen
officials, but the voters of this country"
- Franklin D.
"My loyalty to my party ends where my
loyalty to my country begins"
- President Manuel L.
"When citizen give his suffrage to a man
of known immorality he abuses his trust;
he sacrifices not only his interest but that
the of his neighbor, betrays the interest of
his country "
- Noah Webste
"Elections belongs to the people. It's
their decision. If they decide to turn
their back on the fire and burn their
behinds, them they will just have to sit
on their blister"
- Abraham Linc
Suffrage, Election and Political Parties
Meaning of Suffrage:
4. Open Ballot-
Residence Qualifications:
this is to give reasonable period within which a
person can familiarize himself with the needs
and conditions and the personalities of the
nation and locality.
Person Disqualified to vote:
2. How do campaign and elections enable choice and opportunities for participation