Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Unlike the typical database that is either centrally located in one server or
spread out among several select servers, this database is distributed to all
parties and locations.
Multiple organizations or
Public Single entity or organization Highly regulated enterprise
COMMON - Chain of blocks - Peer to peer architecture - Public-key cryptography -
FEATURES - Immutable - Byzantine fault tolerance - Auditable -
Anonymity for public network
Anonymous; but web tracking and Known & trusted Known & trusted members; Private network
cookies pose a risk to privacy participants participants members, are known within the
private network.
Centralized control of providing
selectively open; relevant
ACCESS open and transparent to all Access fully restricted access, hence privacy and
transparency provided
confidentiality maintained
Decentralized; zero points of Centralized; single point of partially decentralized;
NETWORK TYPE Zero points of failure
failure failure multiple points of failure
Any combination is possible;
Pre-approved participants Pre-approved participants Operations are customizable.
Anyone can read or initiate or
OPERATION can read &/or initiate can read &/or initiate Central authority decides which
receive transactions
transactions transactions transactions can be made public
and which are private
Anyone can be a node and take part Single validator node or Only privileged members of
The public network verifies the
VERIFICATION in the consensus process to validate central authority to create a the consortium can validate
transactions and create a block block and create a block
Secured by hashing at the private
Secured by distributed Secured by distributed
IMMUTABILITY Secured by hashing network and secured by distributed
consensus consensus
consensus by the public blockchain
Voting or variations of Voting or variations of
CONSENSUS DPoS in public and variations in
PoW, PoS, etc. PoW/PoS consensus PoW/PoS consensus
algorithms algorithms
Users limited to within a
Incentivizes miners to grow the company; hence Can incentivize users in the main
INCENTIVIZATION Limited incentivization
network incentivization is not public network
Security based on consensus
Security is dependent on the Security is dependent on the
protocols and hash functions. Very high as hackers or unknown
SECURITY blockchain architecture blockchain architecture
Higher the security, lower the parties cannot access the system
adopted adopted
Trust-free system; trust is enforced Trusted; need to trust the Trust-free system; consensus by
TRUST Trusted; central control
via cryptographic proof majority public blockchain
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.