week 2-3-pol.ideologies
week 2-3-pol.ideologies
week 2-3-pol.ideologies
bother him.
3. Flexibility: Some elaborate ideologies, like some religious
beliefs, allow almost no wiggle room and have answers to all
questions. Other ideologies have a great deal of flexibility.
Example: The Catholic Catechism, which details the beliefs of
the Catholic Church, is thousands of pages long and covers
almost every topic imaginable. There is little room for
individual interpretation. In contrast, the ideology of
libertarianism encourages individuals to make decisions for
● pertains to set of political beliefs emphasizing individual rights
and liberties.
● Liberal ideology is based on the liberty and equality of all human beings. It advocates for the equal
treatment of individuals under the law regardless of social status, race, ethnicity, sex, or gender. It
states that there are many aspects of an individual's life over which governments have no power to
- It is the core principle of liberal ideology.
- Individualism is further explained as:
★ belief in the supreme importance of the human
★ human beings are seen with equal moral worth; they possess
separate and unique identities
★ the liberal goal is to construct a society within which
individuals can flourish and develop
2. Freedom:
- Individual freedom or liberty is the core value of
- Under freedom are the following features:
★ desire to ensure that each person is able to act as he or
she pleases or chooses
★ advocate ‘freedom under the law’
★ as they recognize that one person’s liberty may be a
threat to the liberty of others
3. Reason
- Liberals believe that the world has a rational
structure, and that this can be uncovered through the
exercise of human reason and by critical enquiry.
- Furthermore, the key idea of reason favors the
★ faith in the ability of individuals to make wise
★ individuals as the best judges of their own interests;
★ belief in progress and the capacity of human beings
to resolve their differences through debate and
4. Equality:
limited place.
Marx and Engels believed that capitalist ideologies were misleading, meant to keep
workers submissive. For example, the free market was described as a democratic
institution, one of the people, but it's built to benefit individuals above the collective
good. Basically, the workers spend their time and labor to produce goods, but the
free market (not the workers) determines the value of their work.
A communist society is one in which the means of production are taken away from
individuals and controlled by the collective (represented by the state)
● Marxism is focused on the idea of social class, which it defines as a
group of people categorized by their role in the economy, and
specifically their relationship to the production of goods. In the
capitalist society of the 19th century, Marx and Engels identified two
primary social classes (each with minor divisions within it)
● At the top are the bourgeoisie, who are the people who own the
means of production. These are the business owners, factory
managers, and other people who don't actually make anything but
oversee those who do.
● The opposite class is the proletariat, who are the workers who
actually produce things.
● bourgeoisie ● proletariat
● Social democracy is a political ideology, responsible for promoting the
direct intervention of the state in the economy, in the context of a
capitalist society.
● The purpose of this intervention is to be able to redistribute income in
a more social way, ensuring the welfare state and the general interest.
● The main goal of social democracy is to reduce levels of inequality
within an economy.
● The goal of modern social democracy is to reform capitalism in order
to align itself with the moral ideals of social democracy, rather than
create an alternative and purely socialist economic system.
● In other words, social democracy supports the development
of the mixed economic system and is fully compatible with
the capitalist organization of production, as long as it is cost-
effective, as long as it increases the general level of
prosperity, and if the surplus-value is fairly distributed to the
factors of production. That is, entrepreneurship, labor, and
● Fascism is a political ideology that developed after World War I in Italy and
Germany. Fascism is characterized by strong nationalism, an extreme level of
authoritarianism, corporatism, militarization and hostility towards both
liberalism and Marxism.
● Fascism involves a high degree of nationalism, which is a strong feeling of
patriotism to your state and its people. In fact, the nationalism of fascism is so
strong that it often involves feelings of national and racial superiority over
● Fascist governments employ an extreme form of authoritarianism.
Authoritarian governments have power concentrated in one small group of
people or even one person. Citizens often are not permitted to form opposition
parties, and free elections are often not held.
● Propaganda and secret policy are tools of state. Authoritarian
leaders usually are not subject to the rule of law - the laws don't
apply to them.
● Fascism is also characterized by militarism, where military
institutions and military force have a heavy influence in society.
Militarism can be characterized by four factors. First, it involves
the participation of military officers in the civilian government.
Second, the state focuses on a foreign policy predicated on a
strong military and projection of power. Third, military values and
norms are persuasive within the society's culture. Finally, there is
a focus on war preparation in cultural, political and economic
● Corporatism is also a part of the fascist state. Corporatism
occurs when a government brings certain privileged business,
labor and social groups into the government to directly
participate in the formulation and implementation of policy.
Note that this is different from communism, as the state does
not own the industries or control the labor. In fact, corporatism
often promotes capitalism but directs it towards state
objectives. It's also different than American-style pluralism,
where interest groups try to influence government through
lobbying. Instead, the interest groups participate directly in the
policy-making process.
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