1. Dental Amalgam
1. Dental Amalgam
1. Dental Amalgam
• Dental amalgam is produced by mixing liquid mercury with
solid particles of an alloy of silver, tin, copper and sometimes
zinc, palladium, indium and selenium.
4. Spherical
5. Lathe Cut
6. Admixed
According To Powder Particle Size
1. Micro cut
2. Fine Cut
3. Coarse Cut
Basic three part silver and one part tin, peri-tectic alloy.
silver with the liquid phase of silver and tin. This is defined as
• Zinc 1% Zinc 0%
Silver 60%
Tin 25%
Copper 15%
Effect of constituent metals on the properties
of Amalgam -
Silver (Ag)
• Increases strength
• Increases expansion
• Decreases flow
Tin (Sn)
weaker phase.
Lathe-cut Powder-
• To make lathe-cut Powder, an annealed ingot of
alloy is placed in a milling machine or in a lathe
and is fed into a cutting tool or bit.
• The chips removed are often needlelike, and some
manufactures reduce the chip size by ball-milling.
Homogenizing Annealing
• An ingot of an Ag-Sn alloy has cored structure and
Low-copper Alloys :
+ γ1 (Ag2Hg3)
with larger γ1 grain size absence of γ2, the very low creep rates in
single composition high copper amalgams may be associated with
η rods, which act as barriers to deformation of the γ 1 phase.
alloy/mercury material.
6 objectives-
complete amalgamation.
• To dissolve the particles or part of the particles of the
difficult to remove from the capsule and pestle and have low
Types of Condensation :
• Hand condensation
• Mechanical condensation
Hand Condensation-
as most appropriate.
surface of restoration.
• Burnishing is process in which smooth, rigid instrument is
used for smoothening restoration surface which has become
rough by carving.
• what should be carried first - carving or burnishing
• Some newer alloy can be polished after 8-12, still other require
and retained.
Recent Advances In Dental Amalgam
• Metallic taste
• Foul breath
• Excessive salivation
• Loosening of teeth
• Bleeding gums
• Amalgam has been used in clinical dentistry for our 100 years.