Unit-5 P&POM
Unit-5 P&POM
Unit-5 P&POM
Edited By
Dr. Kamlesh Kumar Maurya
Definition Characteristics Importance
Leadership is the ability to inspire, influence, and guide individuals or groups to achieve a
common goal. It involves motivating others, providing direction, and fostering a collaborative
environment to maximize the team's potential. Effective leaders exhibit qualities such as
vision, empathy, and decisiveness, empowering their team members to achieve success.
Example: A CEO who inspires employees through a clear vision, supports their growth, and
fosters a positive work culture, leading the company to achieve its strategic goals, exemplifies
Leadership vs Management
Leadership Management
Involves guiding and inspiring people to Focuses on controlling and organizing
achieve a common goal. resources to achieve specific objectives.
3.Setting Direction: Providing guidance and setting goals to achieve the vision.
Focuses on identifying inherent traits that Leaders possess traits like confidence and
Trait Theory
make a good leader. integrity.
Behavioral Theory Emphasizes the behaviors and actions of Effective leaders demonstrate supportive
effective leaders. and directive behaviors.
Contingency Leadership style depends on the situation Leadership approach varies based on the
Theory and environment. specific situation.
Servant Leadership Leaders serve and prioritize the needs of Servant leaders focus on the well-being and
their team members. development of employees.
Leadership Life Cycle
1.Introduction Phase: The leader is new and team members are getting
acquainted with the leader's style and expectations.
2.Growth Phase: The leader establishes authority, builds relationships,
and the team starts to achieve goals.
3.Maturity Phase: The team operates smoothly under the leader's
guidance, and productivity is high.
4.Decline Phase: Productivity decreases, conflicts arise, and the leader
may need to adapt strategies or make changes to revive the team.
Leadership Succession Planning
Steps Description
Identify Potential Leaders Identify employees with leadership potential within the
Provide Development Offer training, mentoring, and experiences to nurture
Opportunities leadership skills.
Evaluate and Assess Skills Assess potential leaders' skills, competencies, and
suitability for leadership roles.
Create Succession Plans Develop plans outlining the transition process and role
Monitor Progress and Provide Support potential leaders, monitor their progress, and offer
Support guidance.
What is Motivation?
Motivation is defined as inner burning
passion caused by need, wants and desire
which propels an individual to exert his
physical and mental energy to achieve
desired objectives.
Establishing SMART goals
Motivation is increased by setting (Specific, Measurable,
Goal Setting Theory
clear and challenging goals. Achievable, Relevant, Time-
bound) for employees.
Jobs are most motivating when they are Redesigning jobs to include a variety
characterized by skill variety, task of tasks, opportunities for skill
Job Characteristics Model
identity, task significance, autonomy, development, and clear performance
and feedback. feedback.