1.Heat & Temprature
1.Heat & Temprature
1.Heat & Temprature
Chapter one
Heat and temperature
• Introduction to heat & temperature
• Heat transfer
• Humidity
• Air flow
Heat and temperature
depends also on a property of the material known as
conductivity (λ), measured as the heat flow density
(W/m2) in a 1-m thick body (i.e. the length of heat flow
path is 1 m), with a one degree temperature
difference, in units of W.m/m 2K = W/m.K
Materials with low conductivity are referred to as
insulating materials.
Before using such λ values for U-value calculations,
they should be corrected by one or more conductivity
correction factors: κ (kappa), which are additive:
Heat transfer
heat transfer is a function of the convection coefficient, hc (in
If the surface is exposed to wind, or
mechanically generated air movement (i.e. if
it is forced convection), then the convection
coefficient is much higher: hc= 5.8 +
4.1v where v is air velocity in m/s.
Heat transfer
heat transfer is proportional to the difference
of the 4th power of absolute temperatures of
the emitting and receiving surfaces and
depends on their surface qualities, measured
by non-dimensional numbers:
reflectance (ρ) is a decimal fraction indicating
how much of the incident radiation is
reflected by a surface.
Heat transfer
absorptance (a) is expressed as a fraction of
that of the ‘perfect absorber’, the theoretical
black body (for which a = 1), and its value is
high for dark surfaces, low for light or shiny
metallic surfaces. For everyday surfaces it
varies between a = 0.9 for a black asphalt
and a = 0.2 for a shiny aluminum or white
painted surface. For any opaque surface ρ +
a = 1.
Heat transfer
emittance (e) is also a decimal fraction, a measure of
the ability to emit radiation, relative to the ‘black
body’, the perfect emitter. For an ordinary surface a
=e for the same wavelength (or temperature) of
radiation, but many surfaces have selective
properties, e.g. high absorptance for solar (6000 ◦C)
radiation but low emittance at ordinary temperatures
(<100◦C) e.g. a6000 > e60. Such selective surfaces
are useful for the absorber panels of solar collectors,
but the reverse is desirable where heat dissipation
(radiation to the sky) is to be promoted: e.g. a6000 <
Heat transfer
White paints (especially a titanium oxide)
have such properties. A shiny metal surface is
non-selective: a6000 = e60.
The calculation of radiant heat exchange is
complicated, but it is quite simple for the
effect which is most important for buildings:
solar radiation. If the flux density of incident
radiation is known (referred to as global
irradiance, G) then the radiant (solar) heat
input rate would be:
Technical terms
Relative humidity (RH): is
the ratio between the actual
amount of water vapour in
the air and the maximum
amount of water vapour
(saturation humidity) that
the air can hold at that air
temperature Relative humidity curves.