3lec Cannabis 3
3lec Cannabis 3
3lec Cannabis 3
• Introduction: Cannabis sativa (marijuana/marihuana/ hashish), a
deliriant cerebral neurotic hemp plant which has several varieties:
Cannabis indica (India), Cannabis mexicana (Mexico) and Cannabis
americana (US). It is the most commonly abused illegal substance in
Pakistan and the US, particularly among adolescents, and the most
commonly abused substance in the world after nicotine, alcohol and
• Distribution: Grows in specific areas in pakistan. Whole plant is
• Active Principle
• It is not an alkaloid, but a fat-soluble cannabinol, the active form
being tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It also contains benzopyrene, a
known carcinogen which is also found in tobacco.
• Preparations of Cannabis:
• THC is also available in synthetic forms (dronabinol and nabilone)
which are used as an appetite stimulant for AIDS-related anorexia and
as treatment for vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy.
• Routes of intake: Cannabis is usually smoked in cigarettes or pipes,
added to food (usually cookies, brownies or sweetmeat) or mixed
with milk (bhang).
• Drug combinations: Cannabis is frequently combined with other
drugs, including heroin, cocaine.
• THC which binds to anandamide receptors in the brain may have
stimulant, sedative or hallucinogenic actions, depending on the dose
and time after consumption.
• Both catecholamine release (resulting in tachycardia) and inhibition of
sympathetic reflexes (resulting in orthostatic hypotension) may be
Signs and Symptoms
• Onset of symptoms occurs within a few minutes of smoking and within
half hour of oral ingestion. The duration of action is usually 6–12 hours
(h); symptoms are most marked in the first 1–2 h.
• I. Stage of Excitement
i. Feeling of euphoria, detachment, well-being/grandiosity, dreaminess,
subjective sense of slowing of the passage of time, increased self-
confidence, rapidly changing emotions, talkativeness and laughing.
• ii. Impairment of thinking and short-term memory, decreased
concentration, disorientation, illusions, visual hallucinations, altered
sexual feelings, impaired judgment, and perceptual and psychomotor
dysfunctions resulting in impaired driving and motor vehicle accidents.
• iii. Increased appetite (the ‘munchies’) and thirst, nausea, headache,
conjunctival injection (bloodshot eyes), dizziness, dry mouth, slurred
speech, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia and increased urinary
• II. Stage of Narcosis
• i. Giddiness, incoordination, confusion and paraesthesias.
• ii. The person passes into deep sleep and wakes up without
• iii. Rarely, drowsiness may be followed by respiratory failure, coma,
collapse and death (due to cardiac arrest or apnea).
• Fatal dose
• There is no authentic reported case of death attributable to cannabis
in the medical literature. Most deaths are attributed to multiple drug
intoxication. However, researchers have estimated the fatal dose as
• Bhang: 10 g/kg body wt.
• Charas: 2 g.