Unit 1 (IE)

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Semester - 1
 Unit 1 (4 Hours) Creativity and Innovation:
Meaning, the difference between
innovation and creativity, Innovation types
& Platforms, Business Model Innovation,
Service Innovation, Design-led innovation,
Improvisation, Large firm Vs. Start-up
innovation, Co-creation and open
innovation, developing an innovation
strategy, Sources of innovation, Innovation
Environment, Creative Destruction
 Definition of Innovation
 The word “innovation” is derived from the
Latin word Innovare, which means to renew..
Innovation means to improve or to replace
something, for example, a process, a product,
or a service. Innovation is a process by which a
product, or a service is renewed and brought
up to date by applying new processes,
introducing new techniques, or establishing
successful ideas to create new value.
 Meaning of innovation
 Innovation is the practical implementation of ideas that
result in the introduction of new goods or services or
improvement in offering goods or services.
 innovation means "a new or changed entity realizing or
redistributing value". All the definitions of innovations is
moving around or focus on newness, improvement, and
spread of ideas or technologies.
 Innovation often takes place through the development of
more-effective products,
processes, services, technologies, art works or business
models that innovators make available
to markets, governments and society.]
Difference between Creativity
and Innovation
 An invention occurs when you are
creating a completely new idea, while
an innovation is improving upon an
existing idea. for example transportation
When the first car was created, it was
an invention, and further improvement
is all innovation.
Difference between Creativity
and Innovation
Business Model Innovation

 Definition of Business Model Innovation

 Business model is the way an organization
creates, delivers and captures value. A Successful
business models take a very holistic approach by
integrating these different aspects of the business
into a well-organized and thought out system.
 Business model innovation, then is simply a novel
way to put these pieces together to hopefully
create a system that produces more value for
both customers and the organization itself.
Benefits of innovation model
 1 Increased value creation will lead to increased growth,
even for stagnant businesses
 2 As business model innovation often requires new operating
models and is thus often very difficult for established
competitors to copy
 3 It can lead to an extend period of competitive advantage
 4 The right kind of business model also helps overcome
objections to sales and create positive brand recognition
 some business models can make the business
much more robust towards market cycles and
unexpected “black swan” events, such as the recent COVID-
19 crisis
How Do You Create Business Model Innovation?
 1. Start with customer value
 The first step, as with every innovation, is to start with customer value.
 What is “the job” that the customer wants done?
 What are the obstacles that currently prevent them from getting the job
 What are your customers now using to get the same job done, or why are
they putting off doing it?
 How do they know if the job is done or not?
 Once you have a clear answer to these questions, you’ll already be well
on your way.
 2. What are your strengths?
 3. What are your objectives for the business?
 4. Look for patterns by benchmarking leading innovators
 5. Put it all together to identify the right model
 6. Validate and iterate(repeat)
Four Approaches to Business Model Innovation
 The reinventor approach is deployed in light of a
fundamental industry challenge, such as commoditization or
new regulation, in which a business model is deteriorating
slowly and growth prospects are uncertain. In this situation,
the company must reinvent its customer-value proposition
and realign its operations to profitably deliver on the new
superior offering.
 The adapter approach is used when the current core
business, even if reinvented, is unlikely to combat
fundamental disruption. Adapters explore adjacent
businesses or markets, in some cases exiting their core
business entirely. Adapters must build an innovation
engine to persistently drive experimentation to find a
successful “new core” space with the right business model.
 The maverick approach deploys business model
innovation to scale up a potentially more successful core
business. Mavericks—which can be either startups or
insurgent established companies—employ their core
advantage to revolutionize their industry and set new
standards. This requires an ability to continually evolve the
competitive edge or advantage of the business to drive
 The adventurer approach aggressively expands the
footprint of a business by exploring or venturing into new
or adjacent territories. This approach requires an
understanding of the company’s competitive advantage
and placing careful bets on novel applications of that
advantage in order to succeed in new markets.

 The world is rapidly changing and those that are

going to survive are companies and businesses
that have been set up to change with it. This is one
of the reasons why an innovation platform is so
important. There are numerous innovative digital
platforms that are changing the way ideas are
discussed in multiple industries, such as in the
automotive industry with Grouped PSA, or in
engineering with the Taiwan Semiconductor
Manufacturing Company (TSMC). Open innovation
PSA and the innovation platform TSMC are
examples of a new frontier in idea development.
 As a whole, an innovation platform is a platform to discuss
ideas. Often, this is a space for both learning and change.
There are usually groups of individuals or companies that
have different backgrounds. Then, they come together to
discuss various ideas and how this can be of benefit both to
themselves as well as the organizations they represent. In
essence, this is one of the ways that society is moving
forward because ideas are used to collaborate with one
another instead of competing against each other. Instead of
innovation taking place in closed silos, an innovation
platform is a way for people to bring ideas together. Instead
of competing with one another, which happens already, an
innovation platform promotes collaboration for the benefit of
society as a whole.
 For example, an innovation platform might be a place
where farmers, traders, and food processors come
together to figure out the process of getting food from the
farm to the table. This has undergone some tremendous
change during the past few years as technology has
progressed rapidly. The ultimate result is a world that has
led to an increased amount of food production. This is
one of the biggest examples of innovation at work. In this
manner, an innovation platform can tackle numerous
challenges that exist at various levels. This includes in a
village, a community, in a district, or even nationwide.
This is one of the biggest reasons why an innovation
platform is a critical part of the corporate world as well.
 Corporate innovation plays a major role when it comes
to innovation platforms. There are numerous startups
today that are outperforming larger corporations
largely because they are better able to apply new
concepts and ideas. Corporations that are going to
survive today need to find a way to embrace the idea
of an innovation platform. They are here to stay. In
order to appropriately apply the idea of innovation, it is
important to be aware of some of the different types of
innovation platforms that exist out there as well as
their benefits and drawbacks. This will help individuals,
organizations, and corporations find the innovation
platform that is right for them.
 There are a number of ways that innovation platforms
have evolved during the past few years and this
includes the growth of digital platforms. Much of the
business world now takes place in the online world
and this includes platform thinking, which is an
important part of the platform strategy framework
which is based on the digital platform strategy
developed at MIT. Platform strategy MIT plays a key
role in the platform business model and is arguably
the most important platform strategy example.
 First, the future of digital platforms is bright and has
been driven by the digital platform development of
numerous types of digital platform for business
options. For example, one of the most important
parts of the digital platform business model is the
growth of a technical solution for prototyping.
Prototypes play an important role in the innovation
process. For example, a technical solution may
provide a place for someone to make apps without
requiring knowledge to code. With the growth of
digital platform companies making their own apps,
this is one of the biggest benefits of digital platform
 One of the biggest changes in the way in which companies
approach innovation has been the growth of a technology-
based open innovation platform. In the past, companies used to
innovate on their own. There was a belief that if they shared
information with other companies, they might lose their
advantage when it comes to competition. While this is true to
some degree, open innovation is far more important and
collaboration has led to some truly amazing results. The
number of open innovation companies has grown by leaps and
bounds and the list of companies that use open innovation
2018 include Coca-Cola open innovation, 3M innovation, and
more. Since the 3M technology platforms led the way of open
innovation examples 2018, this has grown by leaps and
 Open innovation is closely tied to the
development of open-source software,
which was arguably the first example of
innovation in technology. For example,
one of the biggest open innovation
examples is Linux, an operating
software that competes with Microsoft
and Apple, which are developed in the
closed innovation fashion.
 Finally, the world of open innovation has led to the
growth of an idea management platform. This is an
idea-sharing platform where people can come
together and share their thought son the idea
management process. This type of innovation
software has led to the growth of major innovation
ideas platform options such as Spigit Ideas and Bright
Ideas Ideation. A critical part of the idea management
process, reading various innovation management
software reviews will give people a good idea of what
to expect from an idea management platform.
Large firm VS Startups
Sources of Innovations
 1.The Unexpected. This is indeed the Eureka moment where something
unexpected happens that leads to a new product or service. You weren’t
looking for it; the surprise found you! It is by far, the easiest and simplest
source of innovation. Example penicillin, cornflakes, Velcro ,The
microwave oven
 Percy Spencer, working on microwave-based radar equipment at the defense
company Raytheon in 1945, discovered that a chocolate bar in his pocket had
melted. He made the connection that electromagnetic radiation could be
harnessed to cook food and developed the microwave oven.

 2.Incongruities. (Ineptness, disqualification ,incompetence) When there is a

discrepancy between what is and what should be, you have an innovation
opportunity. It’s that weird feeling, an incongruity, between expectations and
results. It’s a disruption in the logic or rhythm of a process. It just doesn’t feel
right. Example For example as the number of cars grew there was a shortage
of parking area. In an attempt to solve the incongruity between parking area
and parking shortage, the smart car was born. Smart car is a small car that can
fit in small spaces. Incongruities can be an important source of innovation
 3.Process Needs. Perhaps there is a bottleneck or a weak link in a critical process.
A substantial (not just a tweak) improvement to the process leads to innovation.
The process innovator is always searching and saying, “There has to be a better
 4.Industry and Market Structure. Industry and markets are always in a
continual state of flux. Regulations change, product lines expand, and others
shrink. Those that watch these changes may recognize untapped opportunities for
new types of products and services.
 5.Demographics. The changing demographics (age, education, disposable
income, etc.) and moving populations are rich sources of ideas for creating new
products and services.
 6.Changes in Perception. Meaning and Mood. Over time, populations and
people change. The way they view life changes, where they take their meaning
from and how they feel about things changes over time. Savvy innovators detect
these shifts and leverage them.
 7.New Knowledge. New technologies, knowledge and discoveries can completely
change an industry. These types of innovations are usually what people mean when
they talk about innovation, yet these sources have the longest lead times to
commercial development.
What is Co-Creation?
 Co-creation is a shared process by which customers,
suppliers, retailers, designers and other relevant third-
parties work together with the company to generate ideas
towards a mutually valued endpoint. Each party represents
their unique perspective in the product relationship ranging
from buyer to developer and, via the process, is
encouraged to communicate their thoughts around things
that work, things that don’t, areas of need, opportunities
for improvement and more. These discussions continue
from product inception through launch. Co-creation
sessions are typically lively with each party fully engaged
as each party is regarded as equally invested and equally
important. This is a hallmark of co-creation.
What is Open Innovation?

 Open innovation, according to the founder of the

movement, Henry Chesbrough, Ph.D. and author of
“Open Innovation”, is “equal parts philosophy and
process.” It is a corporate mindset that embraces
external thinking and recognizes that great ideas
are not exclusively generated internally within the
company. Specifically, Professor Chesbrough, states
“Open innovation is the use of purposive inflows
and outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal
innovation.” Similarly to co-creation, open
innovation as a process can be applied at any and
throughout all phases of product development.
Creative Destruction
 What Is Creative Destruction?
 Meaning -Creative destruction is the
dismantling of long-standing practices in
order to make way for innovation and is
seen as a driving force of capitalism.
 Understanding Creative Destruction
 The term creative destruction was first coined by
Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter in 1942.
Schumpeter characterized creative destruction as
innovations in the manufacturing process that
increase productivity, describing it as the "process of
industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the
economic structure from within, incessantly
destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new
 the theory of creative destruction assumes that long-standing
arrangements and assumptions must be destroyed to free up
resources and energy to be deployed for innovation.
 Creative destruction theory treats economics as an organic and
dynamic process. This stands in stark contrast with the static
mathematical models of traditional economics. Equilibrium is no
longer the end goal of market processes. Instead, many fluctuating
dynamics are constantly reshaped or replaced by innovation and
 As is implied by the word destruction, the process inevitably results
in losers and winners. Producers and workers committed to the older
technology will be left stranded. Entrepreneurs and workers in new
technologies, meanwhile, will inevitably create disequilibrium and
highlight new profit opportunities.
 Netflix is a modern example of creative destruction, having
overthrown disc rental and traditional media industries.
Creative Destruction Examples
 Examples of creative destruction in history include Henry
Ford's assembly line and how it revolutionized the
automobile manufacturing industry. However, it also
displaced older markets and forced many laborers out of
 The internet is perhaps the most all-encompassing
example of creative destruction, where the losers were
not only retail clerks and their employers but also bank
tellers, secretaries, and travel agents. The mobile
internet added many more losers, from taxi cab drivers
to mapmakers.
 The winners, beyond the obvious example of
programmers, might be just as numerous. The
entertainment industry was turned upside down by the
internet, but its need for creative talent and product
remains the same or greater. The internet destroyed
many small businesses but created many new ones

 The point, as Schumpeter noted, is that an evolutionary

process rewards improvements and innovations and
punishes less efficient ways of organizing resources.
The trend line is toward progress, growth, and
higher standards of living overall.
Innovation Environment
 When talking about creating an innovative environment
we need to first define what innovation is. Innovation in its
purest form means to create something new, but it can
also mean better solutions, new methods of doing
something, finding more efficient and effective ways of
completing a task, or creating new processes or workflows.
 What does fostering innovation mean?
 Fostering innovation means to create an environment
where employees are able to let ideas flow freely; it means
being open to new ideas, allowing creativity to flow from
all areas, and accepting that not all ideas are going to be
multi-million dollar ones
 .
 .
 And not every innovative company has a set rule for doing
things the same way; innovation can look different at various
companies or even inside departments within a company.
 Fostering innovation in your workplace is about finding what
works for you and your employees and nurturing that to allow
for success; because without innovation, there cannot be
 The environment you create with your team is a key
component of innovation. As a leader, you must commit to
practicing innovation and be persistent doing it. It is
human nature to take the path of least resistance or stick to
doing what we know. Making innovative thinking part of your
team culture is the only way to achieve breakthroughs
Process of creating
Innovative Environment
 Role Model: Ask powerful questions, engage in creative thinking
and use tools and exercises to get people “out of the box”.
 Dish Out Recognition: Recognize the right things including when
mistakes move you to another level.
 Make it Safe to Explore: Let it be okay to explore new or even
crazy ideas. Talk about what is “beyond” possible and what you can
see or the resources you currently have.
 Provide Time & Resources: Give people the time and space to be
innovative and they will. Provide spaces, technology or outside
resources for people to innovate.
 Always Search For The Second Right Answer: Get in the habit of
always searching for the 2nd and 3rd right answer. Never stop at the
first right answer. This is what limits innovative thinking.
 Make It a Goal or Strategy: Make innovation an expectation or a
way that you do business.
 The Seven Sources Of Innovation
 The seven sources of innovation were highlighted by Peter
Drucker (November 19, 1909 – November 11, 2005) who
was a writer and well-respected management consultant.
 The sources he defined were
 Demographic changes,
 Changes in perception,
 New knowledge,
 Unexpected occurrences,
 Incongruities,
 Process needs
 Industry and Market changes.
 Demographic Changes
 Demographic changes or trends could include
an ageing population something which is
occurring in many Western countries.
 Changes such as this are likely to cause a
shift in consumer demand.
 Innovations will stem from this to assist
people with worsening eyesight, hearing,
mobility or to provide leisure activities geared
more towards an older generation.
 Changes In Perception
 Innovations can arise as a result of peoples
changes in perception example would be how we
keep changing our perceptions of a particular
food product. Butter was seen as too fatty and
therefore a number of low-fat spread alternatives
came on the market and more recently we are
now hearing that the body is better able to cope
with processing butter than low fat spreads and
so there is a shift back to butter based products
that have been designed to spread more easily.
 New Knowledge
 This, in my opinion, is a very strong
producer of innovation. Advancements in
science, for example, is the formation of
new knowledge. Such advancements are
used constantly to create new, innovative
products for us to use. Think of flat screen
technology, electric powered vehicles,
solar energy, wind energy, hydrogen fuel
cells, etc, etc.
 Unexpected Occurrences
 Unexpected occurrences can be sources of
innovation. There are a number of good
examples of how this can lead to new
innovations from 3M. Post it notes
stemmed from a glue that wasn’t quite
sticky enough and Scotchgard happened
as a result of accidental spillage of a
chemical on a 3M employee’s tennis
 Incongruities
 Drucker described an incongruity as a discrepancy or a difference
between what something already is and what something should be.
There can be incongruities between perceived expectations and
actual customer expectations, between the reality of something or
industry and the assumptions about that thing or industry.
 An example of an incongruity between perceived expectations and
actual customer expectations could be when many companies
were trying to create smaller MP3 players with more functionality
and more storage. People were not necessarily after the increased
specification of MP3 player product though. Apple realized that the
actual customer expectation was a means for them to be able to
legally purchase, collect and organise their music and play on a
device that was simple to use. So they revolutionized the industry
with iTunes and the iPod.
 Process Needs
 Incongruities in a process. Process incongruity would look for
something that is missing within a process.

 Here we can think of any manual aspects of a process as examples.

Ovens are used daily and then they need cleaning. Cleaning is a
manual process and then came along self-cleaning ovens.

 Watches need winding up, or batteries replacing and they also need
the time to be adjusted every once in a while in order to remain
accurate and then came along solar powered watches and watches
that are radio controlled to automatically set to the correct time.
 Industry And Market Changes
 Industry and market changes are sources of innovation. Such
changes often result as people change their preferences,
tastes and values.
 One example would be peoples particular preference to a
particular style of food. Mexican food becomes popular so up
pops a Mexican fast-food chain such as Taco Bell.
 Japanese cuisine becomes popular so up pop restaurants that
demonstrate the art of sushi making, etc.
 Drucker suggested that it was feasible for innovation to stem
from any number of these aforementioned opportunities.
 Ultimately though innovation still requires hard work/effort and
this is highlighted in the following quote from Drucker in his
article The discipline of innovation, Harvard Business Review:
Innovation Strategy
 Innovation Strategy – What is it and how
to develop one?
 Strategy is about making choices between a
number of feasible options to have the best
chance at “winning”, and innovation is just one
of the means to achieve your strategic goals.
 Without a good one, it’s actually quite difficult
to achieve long-term success and orient
your business for speed in order to secure
competitive advantage.
 What is Innovation Strategy?
 Innovation is about creating new value
people are willing to use and pay for,
whereas strategy is the plan for harnessing
for example marketing, operations, finance
and R&D to support achieving the
competitive goal
 Innovation strategy can be described
as an explicit roadmap for desired
 The Strategy Choice Cascade
 Building innovation into your strategy
development process starts with making a
deliberate choice of focusing on the best
possible way to win as well as justifying
the reasons behind that choice.
 Often, the best approach to this is to make a
set of choices you’re more capable of
putting into practice compared to other
players in your field.
5 Steps for Developing
Your Innovation Strategy
 1. Determine objectives and strategic
approach to innovation
 The first step in the strategy choice cascade is to
define your winning aspiration. In other words, your
innovation objectives and the why behind your
innovation strategy.
 2. Know Your Market: Customers and
 The second step in the strategy choice cascade is
defining the right playing field, as in, the market
you’re operating in and the customer segment
you’re offering value for.
 3. Define Your Value Proposition
 Next, and probably the most important
step is to define that unique value
proposition. How will you win? What
type of innovations allow the company
to capture that value and achieve
competitive advantage?
 4. Assess and Develop Your Core Capabilities
 The first three steps in the strategy choice cascade really come down
to one thing; your fundamental capabilities required for winning.
 When assessing your set of capabilities that need to be in place,
consider the following:
 Culture
 R&D
 Behaviors
 Values
 Knowledge
 Skills
 For example, if you want to win at delivering breakthrough
technology, you must have internal skills and knowledge to be able
to build that. The ability to connect and develop these capabilities is
key to innovation.
 5. Establish Your Innovation Techniques and
 Last but not least, to be able to execute your
innovation strategy in a scalable and integrated
manner, you should find out what systems need to
be in place.
 Define: which innovation techniques and systems do
we need in to be able to link our innovation
infrastructure elements together? What are the most
important systems that support and
help measuring the results of our innovation
Service Innovation
 A service innovation is a service product or service
process that is based on some technology or
systematic method. In services however, the
innovation does not necessarily relate to the
novelty of the technology itself but the innovation
often lies in the non-technological areas. Service
innovations can for instance be new solutions in
the customer interface, new distribution methods,
novel application of technology in the service
process, new forms of operation with the supply
chain or new ways to organize and manage
Areas Of Innovation In
 The Service Concept refers to a service concept that is new
to its particular market – a new service in effect, or
terminology, a “new value proposition”. Many service
innovations involve fairly intangible characteristics of the
service, and others involve new ways of organizing solutions
to problems .Examples might include new types of bank
account or information service.
 The Client Interface refers to innovation in the interface
between the service provider and its customers. Clients are
often highly involved in service production, and changes in
the way in which they play their roles and are related to
suppliers can be major innovations for many services.
Examples might include a greater amount of self-service for
clients visiting service organizations
 The Service Delivery System also often relates to the
linkage between the service provider and its client, since
delivery does involve an interaction across this
interface. However, there are also internal
organizational arrangements that relate to the ways in
which service workers perform their job so as to deliver
the critical services
 Technological Options New information technology is
especially important to services, since it allows for
greater efficiency and effectiveness in the information-
processing elements that are prevalent to a great extent
in services sectors..
 .
 service innovations will almost certainly involve various
combinations of these four dimensions
 A new IT system (technology dimension) may be used to
enable customer self-service (interface dimension) as in the
case of a bank contacting its customers.
 The ability to track one's order or the location of an item that
one has posted or is expecting to receive.
 Services may be delivered electronically, as in the case of
much online banking and cash withdrawals from ATMs.
 A new service allowing a client to examine various options and
calculate what they would be paying with different types of
 A new service will often require a new service delivery system,
and changes at the client interface.
 Features of services associated with
service production Technology and Plant (Low
levels of capital equipment; heavy investment in
buildings >>> Reduce costs of buildings by use
of teleservices, toll-free phone numbers, etc.)
 Features of Production (Production is often non-
continuous and economies of scale are limited
>>> Standardize production (e.g. 'fast-food'
chains), reorganize in more assembly-line-like
feature with more standard components and
higher division of labor.)
 Features of services associated with service
 Nature of Product (Immaterial, often information-
intensive; Hard to store or transport; Process and product
hard to distinguish. >>> Add material components (e.g.
client cards, membership cards). Use telematics for
ordering, reservation, and if possible – delivery. Maintain
elements of familiar 'user-interfaces'.)
 Features of Product (Often customized to consumer
requirements.>>> Use of Electronic data interchange or
Internet for remote input of client details; use software to
record client requirements and match to service product.
 Features of services associated with services
consumptionDelivery of Product (Production and
consumption coterminous in time and space; often
client or supplier has to move to meet the other
party.>>> Telematics; Automated Teller Machines
and equivalent information services.)
 Role of Consumer (Services are consumer-intensive,
requiring inputs from consumer into
design/production process.>>> Consumer use of
standardized menus and new modes of delivering
 Features of services associated with
services market
 Regulation (Professional regulation common in
some services.>>> Use of databases by
regulatory institutions and service providers to
supply and examine performance indicators and
diagnostic evidence.)
 Marketing (Difficult to demonstrate products in
advance.>>> Guarantees; demonstration
packages (e.g. demo software, shareware, trial
periods of use).)
Design Led Innovation
 Design Led Innovation is to create innovators who will explore
and apply the understanding of creative and original thinking
through deeper exploration of human behavior, socio political
context, environmental impact, business strategy and
 One popular Design Led Innovation framework developed by
Sam Bucolo, Cara Wringley and Judy Mathews is adopted to
explain the underlying objective of this course. The
framework was developed to assist organizations who have
the desire to grow through opportunity mapping and
embedding strategic value of design within their operations.
The concept acknowledges that within any business a
continuum exists between operational and strategic activities,
and these activities have both internal and external focus.
Design Led Innovation
 Design-Led Innovation concentrates on innovative
interventions in a social or a business context. We
think of Design-Led Innovation not just as “design
driven” in its traditional sense, but more about
“designing for emerging usages and technologies” to
project and foresee what can be. We believe that a
true multidisciplinary space is a key to nurture
creativity and innovation. The program guides an
individual towards creating innovative and sustainable
intervention with the potential to drive positive change
in an organization or society.
Definition of improvisation
 “The ability in that very moment to
create something quickly out of nothing,
in collaboration with others. To be bold,
confident, without fear of failure”.
The principles of improvisation

 Regardless of how and when you

improvise there are some fundamental
principles that consistently hold strong
when leading Innovation Workshops.
With good improvisation, you don’t have time to
wait, reflect or even overthink. You are in the
moment and must be focused on moving forward.
 Be bold, confident and courageous. Just like any
sport or profession, it takes practice so keep working
to improve
 Innovation and improvisation is a team sport; we win
and succeed together. Appreciate everyone’s unique
experiences and the skills that they contribute to
the team.
 Focus and listen to each other with no defined agenda and then
 Be aware of your physical posture and stay open to be ready to take
the ‘catch’. Be aware that defensiveness can shut the brainstorming
down. Be open, be available, accept the ideas, say YES and build
upon it.

Innovation has energy and life. Use emotion and your story telling
skills to inspire, add energy and motivate people If the energy or
momentum drop, ask open questions that can push it forward and
lead to more ideas
 When a good idea is surfaced from a brainstorm, keep questioning
further. Don’t settle on good, keep the momentum and lead the idea
to GREAT. How can it be even better?
 As a facilitator ensure to convey your idea or point
efficiently to allow more space for everyone to
reflect, think and contribute. Resist the urge to fill
the space of silence with waffle. These moments
of silence are just as important for the process for
the individual and group. If the momentum is
slowing down, recharge the discussion with an
open question to move it forward again.

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