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The Sypnoptic Gospels
Prayer for Serenity
+God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardship as a pathway to peace; taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your will; so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with You forever in the next. Amen+ Same event or news different info sources • Reading different newspapers • Watching different TV stations • Listening different radio channels The Promised Messiah • In various parts of the old testaments, God promises the coming of Messiah which means “anointed” from the Hebrew Messiah, in Greek the word is “Christos” ,In English “Christ” who would come and save the people of Israel from their oppressors. Jesus' followers believed that he, Jesus of Nazareth, was the promised Christos prophesied in the Old Testaments, and eventually they were called “Christians”(Acts 11:26) The Promised Messiah • The New Testament is the story of Jesus ,his birth, early childhood, public ministry, suffering, death, resurrection from the dead ,and ascension into heaven .It also describe the Pentecost event, the spread of Jesus' teachings through the preaching of his apostles ,and the formation of the early Christian Communities. The Promised Messiah
The New Testament describes in various ways this “Jesus
event”. Jesus was born around 3-5 BC and died around 30 AD .The books of the new testament were written between 50 AD to 95 AD .Between the time of his death and the first letter written by Paul around 51 AD ,the apostles and followers of Jesus preached his message and formed communities .Eventually ,these communities began to write down these preaching and gather together the various stories about Jesus ,thus resulting in the 27 books that now form the New Testament . The New Testament consits of: • The four Gospel(Attributed to the four evangelist ,Matthew ,Mark,Luke,and John)which presents the four portraits of Jesus; • The Acts of the Apostles which describes the spread of Christianity as Jesus' disciples moved out of Jerusalem to proclaim The Good News to other places; • Various epistles or letters of teachingand admonitions to Christan Churches that had been established; • The book of Revelation which describe a new heaven and a new earth that is to come. The Gospels and their Formation • Gospel is taken from Greek word “euangelion”(“eu” meaning “good” and aggeliun, meaning message) , which in Latin Combined to form the word evangelium .meaning “good tidings” or “good news”. • The Romans at the time of Jesus used the word to refer to the birth of an heir to their king whom they addressed as Caesar ,or the accession to the throne of Caesar .For the Christians at the time of Jesus, “good news” connotes the birth of a true king who will rule and reign over God's Kingdom. • It originally referred to something that was orally spoken, not written. Jesus himself did not write down any of his teachings, nor did his apostles when they began preaching .Only towards the latter half of the 1st century did the apostles and their disciples begin writing down these “oral tradition” about Jesus .These oral traditions were gathered together into 4 streams of teachings about Jesus, later called the four gospels. • The four gospels were written between 65 AD and 95 AD .These oral traditions consisted of different stories about Jesus as the apostles remmbered them ,his words,actions,miracles,parables,etc.Jesus' ressurection and ascension ,and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost gave the followers of Jesus a much deeper understanding of his life ,his mission ,and person. Four Traditions,One Historical Event • The gospels present four traditions or portraits about Jesus in the gospels of Matthew,Mark,Luke, and John.They were not written to present a chronological narrative or a biography of man called Jesus of Nazareth.Rather they were written to proclaim his message of his unconditional love to humanity .The gospels were written for particular Christian Communities ,at different periods of time between 65-95 AD and were meant to address the concerns and situations of thos communities at the time of writing.So they do not relate the story of Jesus in exactly the same way The Sypnoptic Gospels • Synoptic means “ in a glance” or “seen together”. This term refers to the gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke. It is commonly believed that Mark's gospel was the first to be written around 64 AD and was the basis of the gospels Matthew written around 70 AD , and Luke written around 80 AD. These two evangelists also made use of a third source designated as the “Q” from the German “Quelle” meaning source. Some materials found only in Matthew seem to have come from another source which scholars call “M”. John's Gospels was written around 95 AD. Symbolism of the gospel author The Gospel of Matthew • The gospel is believed to have been written after 70 AD in Antioch .At this time, Jewish Christian who continued to attend in the synagogues were no longer welcome and were being persecuted by their Jewish neighbors .Based on the study of its content, it was written by a Jewish Christian for an audience that were also mostly Jews converted to Christianity and some non-Jews as well. Jesus is presented as the Messiah .He is Emmanuel meaning “God with us “who promised to remain with us until the end of time. Matthew emphasized that in Jesus is fulfilled the reign of the kingdom of God .True discipleship and faith in Jesus must be expressed in living a moral and ethical life. The Gospel of Mark • It is commonly agreed that Mark is John. He was the cousin of Barnabas, a companion of Peter and joined Paul in his missionary journeys .Mark's vivid portrayal of Jesus indicates that he heard these stories directly from the apostle Peter .It is a principal source of the gospels of Matthew and Luke. Mark's gospel is the shortest of the four gospel and the earliest to be written(65-70 AD).The emperor Nero put the blame on the Christians for the burning of Rome in 64 AD. Mark presents his gospels by saying ”the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ ,the son of God .Mark unveils the mystery of Jesus as a “Suffering Messiah” .Peter acclaimed him as the “Messiah” and his death on the cross ,the centurion proclaimed him as truly the Son of God. The Gospel of Luke • Luke's Gospel is written between 80-90 AD is often called gospel of mercy and universal salvation .He portrays that Jesus is a compassionate Lord ,Merciful to the poor, sinners, the marginalized, and who accords women equal dignity. Luke is a Gentile Christian, a Syrian from Antioch ,who also wrote the Acts of the Apostles. The Holy Spirit is emphasized in Luke and Acts, as well as detachment from material things and kindness to the poor. Canon of Scriptures • There were other stories about Jesus in the years following of his ascension, many written by individuals ,but the church, carefully studying and evaluating each one ,declared that the four gospels ,written by the whole church ,are indeed the ones truly inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Church has with authority declared that only these four gospels would be read during a public service. They are called the “canonical” gospel, belonging to the “Canon of Scripture” (The list of books of scripture declared as inspired by the Church. Quiz Purposive Assignment/Assessment: 1. Draw creatively the symbolism • Please answer the of the 4 Gospels in your activity evaluative quiz on notebook. pages 11-12. 2.THINGS TO REMEMBER only on page 10 • Ask the following questions: • - Who is the final and definitive covenant of God? • -Who is the messiah? • -What does the New Testament consist of? • - What does the term Gospel mean? • - Who are the 4 Evangelist? • - What does Synoptic gospels mean? • - What does the Church tell us about the canonicity of the 4 gospels?