Lecture 2 digital logic gate
Lecture 2 digital logic gate
Lecture 2 digital logic gate
ABCD G 1G 2G 3G 4
0 0000 0000
1 0001 0001
2 0010 0011
3 0011 0010
4 0100 0110
5 0101 0111
6 0110 0101
7 0111 0100
8 1000 1100
9 1001 1101
10 1010 1111
11 1011 1110
12 1100 1010
13 1101 1011
14 1110 1001
15 1111 1000
Binary to Gray code conversion
Binary to Gray code conversion
Gray to Binary Code Conversion
Gray to Binary Code Conversion
BCD or Binary Coded Decimal
In the first step, we will convert the BCD number into a decimal
by making the four-bit groups and finding the equivalent decimal
number for each group.
In the last step, we will convert a decimal number into Binary
using the process of converting decimal to binary number.