Preterm Labor (Sneha)
Preterm Labor (Sneha)
Preterm Labor (Sneha)
Preterm Labor
Prepared By
Sneha Bakuli
Gnm 3rd year student
Preterm labor leading to preterm birth is a major clinical problem,
especially in developing countries that have limited resources to handle
the problems of the premature neonates. More than 60% of preterm birth
occurs in Africa and south Asia, but preterm birth is a global problem. It is
the direct cause of neonatal death worldwide and the second most
common cause of death for children under the age of five.
a. Pregnancy complications :- preeclampsia , PROM,APH, Polyhydraminos
b. Uterine anomalies:- Cervical incompetence, malformations of uterus
c. Medical and surgical illness:- acute fever, diarrhoea , severe anemia, low
body mass index, acute diabetes
d. Genital tract infections:- Bacterial vaginosis, betahaemolytic streptococcus, bacterioides
Breathing Difficulties
Intraventricular hemorrhage
Severe intestinal inflammation
Patent ductus ateriosus
Disseminated intravascular Coagulopathy
Necrotizing Enterocolitis
Retinopathy of Prematurity
Renal Glysuria
Long term complications:-
Long term Complications
Recurrent Hospitalization
Bronchopulmonary Displasia
Poor Growth due to feeding problems, vit & iron deficiency
CNS dysfunctions, CP, Learning difficulties, deafness, hydrocephalus
Maternal Complications:-
Post traumatic Stress Disorder
Retained Placenta
Prediction of preterm labor
Clinical predictors
1. Multiple pregnancy
2. History of preterm birth
3. Presence of Genital tract infection
4. Bleeding
5. Symptoms of PTL
Biophysical Predictors
6. Uterine contractions <4/hr
7. Bishop score> 4
8. Cervical length< 25 mm
Biochemical Predictors :-
1. Fetal fibronectin( fFN) in cervico vaginal discharge
The birth should be gentle and slow to avoid rapid compression and
decompression Of the heal
Episiotomy done to minimal under local anaesthesia
Tendency delayed is curtailed by forceps
Cord is to be clamped
To Shift the baby to intensive care unit
Immediate Management