Department of Dermatovenereology
varicella and herpes zoster
presenter DR. Meriniya
moderator DR. Debas
Clinical manifestations
Laboratory findings
• Late genes encode virus structural proteins that serve as targets for
neutralizing antibodies and cellular immune responses
• A highly contagious vesicular exanthem that occurs most often in
• Is the result of exogenous primary infection
herpes zoster
• Results from reactivation of endogenous virus that persists in
latent form within ganglionic neurons following an earlier attack of
• Localized dermatomal disease characterized by unilateral radicular
pain and a vesicular dermatomal eruption.
• Distributed worldwide, but its age-specific incidence differs in
temperate versus tropical climates
vaccinated vs unvaccinated
• For 4 or 5 days thereafter, that is until the last crop of vesicles has
Natural varicella
• varicella caused by wild type VZV
• Generally confers life-long immunity to the disease
• With severe immunocompromise, reinfections manifested as
varicella have been observed
Modified varicella
Infected early in infancy in the presence of maternal antibody
following postexposure prophylaxis with VZ-IgG or varicella vaccine
Breakthrough varicella
occurs when vaccinated individuals are reinfected following exposure to
wildtype VZV
Approximately 10% to 15% of vaccinees immunized with a single dose of
varicella vaccine
lesions few in number(< 60)
maculopapular, few vesicles
severity of fever is less & ,less contagious
• Entry of VZV is through the mucosa of the URT & oropharynx
• Infects tonsillar T cells that disseminate virus via the blood and lymphatics
(the primary viremia).
• Cell-mediated immunity to VZV also develops, persists for many years, and
protects against severe infection
Clinical feature
• more profuse on the medial than on the lateral aspects of the limbs.
• It is not uncommon to have a few lesions on the palms and soles
• The typical vesicle is 2 to 3 mm in diameter and elliptical, with its long axis
parallel to the folds of the skin.
• After 4 days, no new lesions appear & existing vesicles dry & crust
• Fever usually persists as long as new lesions continue to appear, and
• Its height is generally proportional to the severity of the rash.
Haemorrhagic varicella
• very extensive eruption of haemorrhagic vesicles
• Accompanied by high fever and severe constitutional symptoms
• Rare in the previously healthy patient.
• Infection during pregnancy, has extra risks for both mother and baby
• Maternal primary infection with in 4 days before & 2 days after delivery
spread infection to the immunologically unprotected neonate
• now very rare since the etiologic role of salicylates was recognized and
their use in children with fever contraindicated
Serologic tests
• permit the retrospective diagnosis of varicella and herpes zoster
• identify susceptible individuals who may be candidates for isolation &
• VZV is extremely labile, and only 30% to 60% of cultures from proven
cases are generally positive.
• select new vesicles containing clear fluid for aspiration, because the
probability of isolating VZV diminishes rapidly as lesions become pustular.
•Calamine lotion
•Antibiotics for secondary bacterial infection
Antivirals are indicated for :
• should be considered for otherwise healthy persons at increased risk for
moderate-to severe varicella
• persons aged >12 yrs
• persons with chronic cutaneous or pulmonary disorders
• persons receiving long-term salicylate therapy
• Patients with herpes zoster are less contagious than patients with
• spread of infection by means of direct contact with their lesions, & some
airborne transmission
• During the course of varicella, VZV passes from lesions in the skin and
mucosal surfaces into the contiguous endings of sensory nerves
• When VZV-specific cellular immunity falls below some critical level, re-
activated virus can no longer be contained
• released from the sensory nerve endings in the skin, where it produces
the characteristic cluster of zoster vesicles
• account for the local palsies that may accompany the cutaneous eruption
• It occurs in the majority of persons with herpes zoster over the age of 60
• Vesicles form within 12 to 24 hours and evolve into pustules by the 3rd
• These dry and crust in 7 to 10 days.
• The crusts generally persist for 2 to 3 weeks
• In normal individuals, new lesions continue to appear for 1 to 4 days
• In the elderly and undernourished, the local eruption often becomes necrotic,
and healing, require many weeks, &followed by severe scarring
The Ramsay Hunt syndrome
• prominent and distressing symptom throughout the acute phase of herpes
• frequently persists until all crusts have fallen off.
Clinical variants
• Maternal zoster
• PHN has been variably defined as any pain after rash healing or any pain 1
month, 3 months, 4 months, or 6 months after rash onset
• Patients with PHN may suffer from constant pain (described as “burning,
aching, throbbing”),
•Multidermatomal involvment
•multiple recurrences as HIV progresses
• Injury to the peripheral nerve & neurons in the ganglion triggers afferent
pain signals
• Damage to neurons in the spinal cord and ganglion, and to the peripheral
• Damaged primary afferent nerves may become spontaneously active
& hypersensitive to peripheral stimuli & sympathetic stimulation
• The pain and the constitutional symptoms subside gradually as the eruption
• In uncomplicated cases recovery is complete in 2–3 weeks in children and
young adults, and 3–4 weeks in older patients.
• Recurrent shingles can occur, either affecting the same dermatome (in 45% of
cases) or at a different site
• Mainly clinical diagnosis
the character and dermatomal location of the rash, coupled with
dermatomal pain or other sensory abnormalities
• A cluster of vesicles, particularly near the mouth or genitals, may
represent herpes zoster
• Analgesics
• aggressive pain control with nonopiate or opiate analgesics
•If pain control remains inadequate, regional or local anesthetic nerve
blocks should be considered for acute pain control
• Treatment of PHN