Taxonomy Presentation
Taxonomy Presentation
Taxonomy Presentation
Denise A. D. Bedford, Ph.D. Senior Information Officer World Bank ASIST Potomac Valley Chapter presentation November 19, 2003
Im going to use a traditional Knowledge Management tool tonight to tell you how we built our enterprise taxonomy storytelling My goal in using this approach is to illustrate the technical, information architecture and the social aspects of such an undertaking It will also allow me to speak to some of the critical foundation elements and milestones in the process It would not be truthful for me to tell you a story about how one day we defined our enterprise-taxonomy, and the next day we all lived happily ever after! Id like to take you back to the world of medieval fiefdoms many systems, many rules, different sets of laws, different languages and grammars
Before the dawn of the Knowledge Age, we had many different business systems Each business system had its own (or no) metadata, classification schemes, indexes, search systems When we standardized our primary business systems, we merged those different taxonomies into enterprise taxonomies In this first step, we still had multiple business systems, but one per business function
Document management system was like a cathedral that held the church network together smaller churches represented the units contributing to the system Document management system architecture was a little bit different, though Took many years to convince the little churches to send their offerings to the cathedral so they could become part of the larger network Each church could maintain their own filing structures which served the creators not the users Eventually they agreed to use a common prayer book common filing structure Churches can speak different languages but they all have to be able to communicate
Caution here goals of document and records management systems are to store and preserve information from the perspective of those who created the information End user access is not a primary goal of these kinds of systems Taxonomies that you put in place for these kinds of systems dont necessarily serve end users needs Kinds of taxonomies organization filing structures, record series for retention & dispositioning, economic sector and impact categories, some minimal metadata is beginning to emerge, though These taxonomies serve filing and storage goals, not the information access goal of our enterprise taxonomy
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Vision of a whole-Bank search one place to go to find information in any of the Banks systems, speaking any of the languages of our clients Vision involved having a search engine that spoke the Banks business language and the languages of our clients another kind of taxonomy We had a print-based topical thesaurus which needed to be updated and expanded to reflect the Banks business in 2000 (moved this from 10,xxx terms in 1997 to 92,xxx in 2003) Same time the Translations Department was implementing a new parallel translation system which leverages multilingual and cross-language glossaries Translations Department glossaries focus on business functions, WB Thesaurus focuses on topics integration and cross-population now in progress
Policy on Information Disclosure (2002) approved by the Board of Executive Directors required that we: develop a metadata based, cross-system Catalog to surface disclosed and disclosable documents for the external public user put in place a system that would support the capture and tracking of disclosure requests in the future and record changes in disclosure status This effort funded the first release of whole-Bank search Disclosed and disclosable documents lived in all of those systems above and were not tagged with their disclosure conditions or status In order to deliver WB Catalog, we had to integrate all of those taxonomies described above as well as the long-term search strategy
Information Universe
Lets jump to the 21st century Enterprise Content Architecture and Enterprise Content Management All those taxonomies we worked on for the past 15 years are now integral components of the enterprise content architecture Were finding that these taxonomies are critical to efficient and effective use of portal technologies Allows us to shift the focus to information content, metadata management, taxonomies, search, access, security, disclosure. Now the impetus is to bring them all under central control so that they can be managed and used by systems across the enterprise Lets see what the enterprise taxonomy looks like today, its content, how we maintain and manage it
Information Universe
We realize that we really do want to work and travel in a 21st century universe of information Space travel is not magical, but is based on good engineering and maintenance Managers need to understand that quick fixes and solutions do not result in sustainable systems, but rather result in significant investment losses A multi-dimensional design approach supports flexibility, extensibility, and customization We can view our information universe from several different perspectives
Individual systems landscape A technical architecture landscape Users view of the enterprise taxonomy An information architecture landscape
All of these views make up our Enterprise Content Architecture and allow us to move to the next step Enterprise Content Management
Systems Architecture
Site Specific Searching Publications Catalog World Bank Catalog/ Enterprise Search Recommender Engines Personal Profiles Portal Content Syndication
Browse & Navigation Structures Metadata Repository Of Bank Standard Metadata (Oracle Tables & Indexes) Reference Tables Topics, Countries Document Types (Oracle data classes) Data Governance Bodies Transformation Rules/Maps
Metadata Extract
Metadata Extract
Metadata Extract
Metadata Extract
Metadata Extract
Metadata Extract
People Soft
JOLIS Metadata
InfoShop Metadata
access rules
retention schedule
reference data
data dic.
Over Time
SAP (R/3, BW) Documents, Images, Audio, Data records Metadata warehouse
Notes / Domino
People Soft
Repositories Services
Business Systems
Information Architecture
Title Author
Content Type
Record Identifier
Disposal Status
Management History
Use History
Disclosure Status
Aggregation Level
Taxonomies in Action
Metadata in Fielded Search Faceted Taxonomy Topics Taxonomy Shallow Hierarchy Business Activity Taxonomy Deep Hierarchy Organizational Taxonomy Faceted Taxonomy Country Region Taxonomy Hierarchy Thesaurus in Search Faceted Taxonomy Disclosure Status Flat Taxonomy
Lessons Learned
You can change some of the information architecture, but some of it you will have to adapt or map Business functions are the most critical for standardizing to single business taxonomy the move towards standardization has to come from above Map business system taxonomies to enterprise taxonomies - help the business system owners to see the value of being part of an enterprise taxonomy (no value, no buy in) Expect change and be ready to integrate and map, but educate your users to alert you to changes make it possible for them to work with you Do outreach and consciousness raising (QuickStart programs on metadata, taxonomies 101, search engines, semantic engines,
Lessons Learned
Move forward on the end user front while youre working on the backend when people can see the actual value they will buy in (now no one wants to be left out of the WB Catalog now we created it, so they are coming) Have to have a goal and a vision you will never succeed at creating an enterprise taxonomy if you dont know why youre doing it We are putting in place an enterprise architecture based on welldefined and managed taxonomies that are used within and by internal systems This gives us flexibility to build different products and views for end users, while internally managing our information assets