Skin Cancer Classification
Skin Cancer Classification
Skin Cancer Classification
S. Member Name Institute of Affiliation
1. Dr.VVSSS Chakravarthy Raghu Engineering College
•These techniques help improve, analyze, and manipulate images for real-world tasks like
medical imaging.
•Filtering removes unwanted noise from images to improve quality.
•It is used as a preprocessing step for tasks like feature extraction and object detection.
•Techniques like median filtering and Gaussian filtering are common for noise removal and smoothing.
•It works by replacing a pixel with the •This makes it easier to identify areas of
median value of its neighboring pixels. interest, such as tumors in medical images.
•This filter is widely used in medical •Common methods include thresholding, edge
imaging and tasks where edge detection, and the watershed algorithm.
preservation is important.
•It identifies principal components that •The process involves improving image
capture the maximum variation in data. quality, detecting objects, extracting
features, and training a model.
•PCA is widely used in image compression,
data visualization, and machine learning to •It is widely used in medical diagnostics,
simplify datasets. facial recognition, and self-driving
•The algorithm uses these patterns to classify •The software uses clustering techniques
the rest of the data into specific classes. like k-means or neural networks to find
•Popular techniques include decision trees,
•The user interprets the groupings to
support vector machines (SVM), and neural
networks. understand the real-world features
represented by the classes.
1.Image Preprocessing: This process converts images to grayscale, modifies the histogram,
and uses noise filtering to enhance contrast.
2.Segmentation: segment the Region of Interest (ROI) using Otsu thresholding, followed by
filling and opening operations to isolate the lesion area, making the melanoma features
clear for further analysis .
3. Feature Extraction: Extracts relevant features (texture, color, shape) from the segmented
lesion using methods like the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and ABCD
parameters (Asymmetry, Border, Color, and Diameter).
4.Dimensionality Reduction: This method uses principal component analysis (PCA) to select
the most significant features for efficient classification.
5.Classification with SVM: Trains the SVM classifier to categorize lesions as benign or
malignant based on the extracted features.
Fig.2. Labels
(a) original Image (b) Gray Scale Image (a) Equalizer Image (b) Filtered Image
Fig.3.Preprocessing Images
(d) Smoothing
(a) Original Image (b) Threshold
( c) Filled AICTE QIP 2024 - IIIT KOTTAYAM 26
Fig.4. Segmentation Process Images
3.Features Extraction
Feature extraction in image processing refers to
mean_red circularit correlatio
detecting and extracting significant patterns or
mean_gree y n
attributes from images to simplify their representation
n diameter hist_entro
for machine learning models.
mean_blue contrast py
Techniques such as edge detection (like Sobel or Canny asymmetry homogen hist_skew
filters) are used to identify boundaries. At the same perimeter eity ness
time, a Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) captures energy hist_kurto
Table 1: List of features of interest
texture and shape details, and Local Binary Patterns sis
(LBP) focus on analyzing textures. hist_mean
Classification metrics
Type precision reca f1- suppo Type precision reca f1- suppo
ll score rt ll score rt
Benin 0.80 0.74 0.77 3469 Benin 0.81 0.78 0.79 3469
Malin 0.75 0.80 0.78 3307 Malin 0.78 0.81 0.79 3307