The document discusses Universal Turing Machines (UTM) and the concepts of recursive and recursively enumerable languages. It explains how to encode Turing Machines in binary and provides proofs for properties of recursive languages, including the closure of recursive languages under complementation and union. Additionally, it outlines the behavior of Turing Machines in relation to accepting and rejecting strings based on their classification as recursive or recursively enumerable.
The document discusses Universal Turing Machines (UTM) and the concepts of recursive and recursively enumerable languages. It explains how to encode Turing Machines in binary and provides proofs for properties of recursive languages, including the closure of recursive languages under complementation and union. Additionally, it outlines the behavior of Turing Machines in relation to accepting and rejecting strings based on their classification as recursive or recursively enumerable.
The document discusses Universal Turing Machines (UTM) and the concepts of recursive and recursively enumerable languages. It explains how to encode Turing Machines in binary and provides proofs for properties of recursive languages, including the closure of recursive languages under complementation and union. Additionally, it outlines the behavior of Turing Machines in relation to accepting and rejecting strings based on their classification as recursive or recursively enumerable.
The document discusses Universal Turing Machines (UTM) and the concepts of recursive and recursively enumerable languages. It explains how to encode Turing Machines in binary and provides proofs for properties of recursive languages, including the closure of recursive languages under complementation and union. Additionally, it outlines the behavior of Turing Machines in relation to accepting and rejecting strings based on their classification as recursive or recursively enumerable.
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Universal TM
Recursive and Recursive Enumerable Language
Binary Encoding – Description of TM Universal Turing Machine: Capable of simulating other TM When you give the TM description of TM with a input the machine goes to accepting state, the UT also accepted, which is a universal one which has the capability of simulating other TM inside it and the input given for the UT is binary encoded format of the TM. How to encode the TM (Binary Encoding) TM = { Q, ∑, Γ, δ,q0,B,F} TM = { {q0,qaccept}, {0,1}, {0,1,B}, δ (q0,0) = (q0,0, R), δ(q0,1) = (q0, 1, R), δ (q0,B) = (qaccept, 1, L), q0, B, qaccept} Recursive Language A language L is recursive (decidable) if L is the set of strings accepted by some Turing Machine (TM) that halts on every input.
Recursive Enumerable Language
A language L is recursively enumerable if L is the set of strings accepted by some TM. If L is a recursive enumerable language then If w ∈ L then a TM halts in a final state, If w ∉ L then a TM halts in a non-final state or loops forever. If L is a recursive language then − If w ∈ L then a TM halts in a final state, If w ∉ L then TM halts in a non-final state. 1.If language L is recursive, its complement L' is also recursive. Proof: L is a language accepted by a turing machine that halts on all inputs. We construct a turing machine Ts from T as shown below:
Turing machine T given an input string S enters into an accepting state
then Ts rejects and halts for string W. Also, if the turing machine T halts without accepting W, Ts enters into an accepting state. Ts accepts strings that are not accepted by T. Therefore, Ts recognizes the complement of L. 2.If the languages L1 and L2 are recursive, their union L1 U L2 is also recursive. Proof: We have two turing machines T1 and T2 that recognize languages L1 and L2. We construct a turing machine T as shown:
T simulates T1 and T accepts input S is T1 accepts it also. On the other hand,
if T1 rejects, T simulates T2 and accepts if T2 accepts. Both T1 and T2 are algorithms and therefore they will halt at some point. We conclude that T accepts L1 U L2. 3.The union of any two recursively enumerable languages is also a recursively enumerable language. Proof: We have two recursively enumerable languages L1 and L2 that are accepted by turing machines T1 and T2. We construct a turing machine T as shown below.
The machine simultaneously simulates T1 and T2 on separate tapes. If either
accepts S then machine T also accepts S. 4. We have a language L and its complement L', a recursively enumerable language. Then L will also be a recursive language. Proof: We have two turing machines T1 and T2 that recognize languages L and its complement L'. We construct a turing machine T as shown:
The machine T simulates T1 and T2 parallelly. States of T1 and T2 are components
of the state of turing machine T. If T1 accepts S, T accepts S also, if T2 accepts S, T rejects S. This is so since S can either be part of L or part of L' therefore a single machine between T1 and T2 is expected to accept S. From that, we learn that T will always accept or reject either but never both. Since T is an algorithm that accepts L we say that language L is recursive.