Contrastive Linguistics (Lecture 9 in English For PG)
Contrastive Linguistics (Lecture 9 in English For PG)
Contrastive Linguistics (Lecture 9 in English For PG)
(By Dr. Nguy n Huy K , Hanoi College of Education) 9.1. Pedagogical Implications of C.A.: 9.1.1. Contrastive Linguistics in the Context of Language Teaching (Lee, W.R., 1968): The use of contrastive analysis in foreign language teaching is based on five assumptions: (1) that the prime cause of difficulty and error in foreign language learning is interference from the learners' native language; (2) that these difficulties are due chiefly to the differences between the two languages; (3) that the greater these differences, the more acute the learning problems will be; (4) that a comparison between the two languages will predict difficulty and error; and (5) that this comparison should determine what is to be taught. In planning and teaching a language course the language itself should be kept in mind rather than the differences between two languages. Contrastive analysis is valuable but it should not be overemphasized in foreign language teaching.
-The term intercultural rhetoric better describes the broadening trends of writing across languages and cultures. It preserves the traditional approaches that use textual analysis, genre analysis, and corpus analysis, yet also introduces ethnographic approaches that examine language in interactions. Furthermore, it connotes the analysis of texts that allows for dynamic definitions of culture and the inclusion of smaller cultures (e.g., disciplinary, classroom) in the analysis (Wikipedia).
- The theory attaches more importance to the learner's understanding of the structure of the foreign language than to the facility in using that structure, since it is believed that provided the student has a proper degree of cognitive control over the structures of the language, facility will develop automatically with use of the language in meaningful situations. - ..learning a language is a process of acquiring conscious control of the phonological, grammatical, and lexical patterns of the second language, largely through study and analysis of these patterns as a body of knowledge. (Carroll, 1966, p. 102)
9.5.1. Communicative approach (cont.1): - Communicative language teaching (CLT) is an approach to the teaching of second and foreign languages that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language. It is also referred to as communicative approach to the teaching of foreign languages or simply the communicative approach (Wikipedia).
- Role Play - Interviews - Information Gap - Games - Language Exchanges - Surveys - Pair Work and Group Work - Learning by teaching - However, not all courses that utilize the Communicative Language approach will restrict their activities solely to these. Some courses will have the students take occasional grammar quizzes, or prepare at home using noncommunicative drills, for instance.