GENE 311 Chp 01 Project Management
GENE 311 Chp 01 Project Management
GENE 311 Chp 01 Project Management
Learning Objectives
1.1 Definition of Project Management,
1.2 Importance of management
1.3 Project management in business and IT contexts
1.4 The role of the Project Manager
1.5 Project lifecycle and phase
Project Management
Definition of Project
PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) defines project as a
temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or
service. Temporary means that every project has a definite end, and
Unique means that the product or service is different from all similar
products or services.
•A farmer taking up crop cultivation
•A company hiring fresh graduates
•A student pursuing MBA
The following are the important aspects of a project:
• Starting date
• Specific goals and conditions
• Defined responsibilities
• Budget
• Planning
• Fixed end date
Project Management
Definition of Project Management
Project management is a methodical approach to planning and
guiding project processes from start to finish. It is the method of
planning the plan. It starts from project definitions and ends with
goal achievement.
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Project Project Project
Close out Communicatio Planning
and Control
Foresighted and fire fighter: Risk is an inherent characteristic of any project. The
successful project manager foresees the risk or variations and plans the route to face
the possible deviations. In the situations when the unexpected is not seen and it
occurs, then the project manager leads the team to face the problem like fire fighter.
Project lifecycle and phase
Project life cycle divides the sequence of operations of project in to different
phases. Regardless of scope or complexity, any project goes through a series of
stages during its life. Project activities must be grouped into phases to facilitate
project manager and his team to plan and organize various inputs effectively.
Stages of project life cycle:
1. Idea Generation (Concept Phase/project initiation phase)
Anyone who is planning to invest starts searching everywhere for new ideas. One
can start a new project by defining its objectives, scope, purpose and deliverables to
be produced. The basic processes of this initiation phase are
Project document
Project feasibility document
Project concept document
Project charter
Project lifecycle and phase
2. Project planning phase
The purpose of the project planning phase is to:
• Determine project requirements
• Decide project cost and schedules
• Search for sources of all resources
The basic processes of the project planning phase are:
Defining the scope
Preparing the work breakdown structure
Role assignment
Project scheduling
Fund allocation
Other subsidiary processes in the planning stage are:
Risk management planning
Procurement planning
Project lifecycle and phase
2. Project planning phase
In the planning stage, various steps are taken which includes:
•Final techno-economic feasibility of the project
•Basic engineering and process design
•Division of work/responsibilities
•Identify potential vendors and subcontractors
•Detailed engineering design
•Final estimation of the cost of the project
•Decision of capital structure and means of finance
•Final schedule of implementation (next phase
Ideally, all managers should be
Ideally, all managers should be
Key Differences
Aspect Manager Leader
Empowering, influence-
Style Directive, control-oriented
Technical and
Skills Interpersonal and visionary
Characteristics of Effective
Effective managers possess a productive work environment, team
leadership, and organizational goal achievement are all made
possible by the many traits that they posses. The following are
important traits:
1. Strong Communication Skills
2. Leadership
3. Decision-Making Ability
4. Emotional Intelligence
5. Problem-Solving Skills
6. Adaptability
7. Time Management
8. Goal-Oriented Approach
9. Technical Competence
10. Team Development
11. Accountability
12. Visionary Thinking
Characteristics of Effective Managers
•Inspires and motivates team members.
•Leads by example and demonstrates integrity.
•Encourages collaboration and innovation.
Decision-Making Ability
•Makes informed decisions under pressure.
•Balances analysis with intuition.
•Involves the team in decisions when appropriate.
Characteristics of Effective Managers
Emotional Intelligence
•Understands and manages their own emotions.
•Demonstrates empathy and builds strong interpersonal
•Resolves conflicts effectively.
Problem-Solving Skills
•Identifies issues quickly and develops practical solutions.
•Encourages creative thinking and collaborative problem-
•Anticipates potential challenges and prepares accordingly.
•Embraces change and adjusts to new situations.
•Encourages flexibility within the team.
•Maintains composure during uncertainty or crises.
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Characteristics of Effective Managers
Time Management
•Prioritizes tasks effectively and delegates appropriately.
•Balances short-term demands with long-term goals.
•Ensures efficient use of resources
Goal-Oriented Approach
•Sets clear, measurable objectives for the team.
•Monitors progress and provides support to achieve targets.
•Celebrates successes and learns from setbacks.
Technical Competence
•Possesses a solid understanding of their industry and role-
specific knowledge.
•Keeps skills updated and encourages team members to do the
•Leverages tools and technologies to enhance productivity.
Characteristics of Effective Managers
Team Development
•Identifies strengths and areas for growth in team members.
•Provides training, mentorship, and career development
•Creates a positive and inclusive work environment.
•Takes responsibility for decisions and outcomes.
•Holds team members accountable for their performance.
•Promotes a culture of trust and ownership.
Visionary Thinking
•Aligns team efforts with organizational goals and long-term
•Anticipates trends and prepares the team for future
•Encourages innovative ideas to drive growth and success.
Where Female Managers Do Better: A
Source: R. Sharpe, “As Leaders, Women Rule,” BusinessWeek, November 20. 2000, p. 75.
The End