lectuer-4_with_vedio (2 files merged)
lectuer-4_with_vedio (2 files merged)
lectuer-4_with_vedio (2 files merged)
Lecture 4- Example on types of heat flow and types
of heat exchanger
𝜟𝑇1− 𝜟
=𝜟 𝑙
𝐷 = 𝑇 𝑚
𝑇2 1 /
𝜟𝑇2 )
For constant overall heat transfer coefficient:
𝑄 = 𝑈0 𝐴𝑜 (𝐿𝑀𝑇𝐷), and 𝑄
= 𝑈𝑖 𝐴𝑖 (𝐿𝑀𝑇𝐷)
Simply, 𝑄 =
Oil: Water
moil= 0.15kg/s : Tin= 25 oC
Tin= 100oC Tout= 50 oC
Tout= 60oC h=2,250W/m 2o. C
Cp=2,131J/kg. C o
h=38.8 W/m2.oC
Chapter 2
Classification of Heat Exchanger
Solution: Equipment's
1. Negligible heat loss to surrounding. i.e. all heat is
transferred between the two fluid
2. Thin walled between the two fluid. i.e. there is no
conductive heat resistance
Steps to solve the problem:
𝑞 = 𝑚 𝐶𝑝 𝛥𝑇 = 0.15 = 𝟏𝟐,
1. Calculate q
100 −
∗ 2131 ∗ 60 𝟕𝟖𝟔𝑾
10oC, then
𝜟𝑇 𝑙𝑚 ) l
=32.2oC, and
n 0
𝑇𝑙 𝑚
L parallel = 110.6m
Chapter 2
Classification of Heat Exchanger
Example 3:
Given the concentric counter-flow heat exchanger, calculate the
tube length necessary to perform the heat exchange requirements
given below:
moil= 0.15kg/s
: Tin = 25oC
Tin= 100oC Tout= 50oC
Tout= 60oC h=2,250
Cp=2,131J/kg. oC W/m2. oC
h=38.8 W/m2. oC
D =50mm
Chapter 2
Classification of Heat Exchanger
Solution: Equipment's
From previous example:
𝑄 = 𝟏𝟐, 𝟕𝟖𝟔𝑾 and 𝑈= 8.1
then (50) −
For counter
(35) 5
𝜟𝑇𝑙 𝑚 = l 0
L counter= 84m 𝑇𝑙 𝑚
The temperature difference greater in the tube, you need
less surface area for same amount of heat transfer, so
we need shorter length of pipe for counter flow HX.
Chapter 2
Classification of Heat Exchanger
In actuality, most large heat exchangers are not purely
parallel flow, counter flow, or cross flow; they are usually a
combination of the two or all three types of heat exchangers.
This is due to the fact that actual heat exchangers are more
complex than the simple components shown in the
idealized figures used to depict each type of heat
The reason for the combination of the various types is to
maximize the efficiency of the heat exchanger within the
restrictions placed on the design. That is, size, cost, weight,
required efficiency, type of fluids, operating pressures, and
temperatures, all help determine the complexity of a
specific heat exchanger.
Chapter 2
of Heat Exchanger Equipment's
One method that combines the characteristics of two or more heat
exchangers and improves the performance of a heat exchanger is to have
the two fluids pass each other several times within a single heat
If the fluids pass each other only once, the heat exchanger is called a
single-pass heat exchanger.
When a heat exchanger's fluids pass each other more than once, a
exchanger is called a multi-pass heat exchanger.
Chapter 2
Classification of Heat Exchanger
Commonly, the multi-pass heat exchanger reverses the flow
in the tubes by use of one or more sets of "U" bends in the
tubes. The "U" bends allow the fluid to flow back and forth
across the length of the heat exchanger.
A second method to achieve multiple passes is to insert
baffles on the shell side of the heat exchanger. These direct
the shell side fluid back and forth across the tubes to achieve
the multi- pass effect.
Chapter 2
Classification of Heat Exchanger
The principal types of heat exchanger used in the chemical
process and industries are listed below:
1. Double-pipe exchanger: the simplest type, used for
cooling and heating.
2. Shell and tube exchangers: used for all applications
3. Plate and frame exchangers (plate heat exchangers): used
for heating and cooling.
4. Plate-fin exchangers
5. Spiral heat exchangers
6. Air cooled: coolers and condensers
7. Direct contact: cooling and quenching
8. Agitated vessels
9. Fired heaters
Chapter 2
Classification of Heat Exchanger
A tubular heat exchanger
(double pipe) is essentially a jacket
around a pipe. The working fluid (often steam) enters the jacket
on one side of the heat exchanger and leaves on the other side.
Inside the pipe is the mixture which you want to heat or cool.
It consists of two concentric tubes in which one is inside the other,
so there are inner tube and outer tube.
Heat is exchanged through the walls of the device in accordance
to the second law of thermodynamics, which requires that heat
flow from higher to lower temperatures.
Therefore, if it is desired to cool off the fluid in the pipe, the
working fluid must be cooler than the fluid in the pipe.
In the beginning there was big temperature difference, then
the difference decreases in x direction.
The length would be very long, so you can coil or find a way
to compact it.
Chapter 2
Classification of Heat Exchanger
Shell and tube heat exchanger: Assume tube side flow from
left to right and shell side from left to right, so it is counter
current flow.
The side where the flow comes into the tubes called front-
end header and where the flow goes out of the tube is called
rear- end side. And it is one shell pass and one tube pass.
These are the most commonly used in industries.
They are too heavy to use in transport and aerospace. But in
terms of cost and value for money they are best HX.
The application range can be from 100kW to MW.
By putting baffle, the flow in the shell side goes down then
comes back upward again, so the outlet becomes in the top.
And it is two shell pass and one tube pass, while the flow
type become cross flow.
Chapter 2
Classification of Heat Exchanger
The other function of Equipment's
baffle is it support the tube better
because the tubes are long.
Simultaneously, we are changing the heat flow from counter
current flow to cross flow. And the effectiveness of these
types of HXs are better.
The baffles can be used in different angle.
The other modification can be by connecting each tube, so the
flow goes from one to another
Chapter 2
Classification of Heat Exchanger
Plate and frame (plate)Equipment's
HX: in such HX fluid 1 passes between
two plates, and fluid 2 passes between the next two plates.
We can redirect also into the other plates similarly.
These types of HX are compact, and can be flexible because when
you need heat transfer rate because the production rate is increased,
so you just add some more plates.
The disadvantage is they cannot take large pressure differences. E.g.
liquids, milk industries
But they not used as condenser or evaporator, heating and
ventilation industries because refrigerant side the pressure is in MPa
and in liquid side in kPa, so it result large pressure difference and
the plate becomes bend then you will have problem with seal.
• They are very well suited for liquid-liquid type HX.
• You can use corrugated plate instead of flat which gives more
resistance to bending and also more turbulence.
Chapter 2
Classification of Heat Exchanger
Regenerative type: there is porous material which absorb a
lot of heat, and first fluid one flow to increase the heat till it is
heated, then fluid two flow which is the one needed to be
Usually, both stream never flow at the same time.
It can be static or dynamic (using slowly rotating wheel)
E.g. In concentrating solar panel, the problem is you can`t
get solar energy at the night so you can`t generate electricity.
But if you store the heat you can use it later, so rock used for
this purpose.
Chapter 2
Classification of Heat Exchanger
Condenser: are cooler whose primary purpose is removal
of latent heat instead of sensible heat. There is change from
gas phase to liquid phase.
Evaporator: are employed for the concentration of solution
evaporation of water.
If any other fluid is vaporized beside water, it is called
Radiator: e.g. In your car: lot of tubes with fins and fan at
At the end of this class:
• You will be able to use LMTD equation and solve
problems depending on the heat flow type
• You will be able to understand different types of
heat exchangers
End of lecture -
Thermal Unit Operation
Lecture 5- Heat Exchanger Design
• Fouling
Regenerative type
Chapter 3
Design of Heat Exchanger
The double pipe heat exchanger is the simplest type of heat
exchanger, while the shell-and-tube is the most widely
used type of exchanger in the chemical process industries.
Heat-exchanger calculations can be divided into two distinct
categories, namely, thermal and hydraulic calculations on
the one hand and mechanical design calculations on the
Thermal and hydraulic calculations are made to determine
heat-transfer rates and pressure drops needed for
equipment sizing.
Mechanical design calculations are concerned with detailed
equipment specifications, and include considerations such
as stress and tube vibration analyses.
First we will see thermal calculations, then hydraulic
calculations, but we will not performs mechanical
Chapter 3
Design of Heat Exchanger
Heat-exchanger problems may also be categorized as rating
problems or design problems.
Rating of heat exchanger
In rating of heat exchanger, the objective is to determine the
performance of heat exchanger when the heat transfer area
and construction details are known.
In a rating problem, one must determine whether a given,
fully specified exchanger will perform a given heat-transfer
duty satisfactorily.
It is evaluation of thermodynamic performance of
fully specified heat exchanger.
It is immaterial whether the exchanger physically
exists or
whether it is specified only on paper.
Chapter 3
Design of Heat Exchanger
Heat exchanger design:
The principal objective in design of heat exchanger design is
to determine the surface area required for specific duty (rate
of heat exchanger) using temperature difference available.
In a design problem, one must determine the specifications for
a heat exchanger that will handle a given heat-transfer duty.
A rating calculation is generally an integral part of a design
However, a rating problem also arises when it is desired to
use an existing exchanger in a new or modified application.
Selection of heat exchanger:
The objective of selection of heat exchanger is to choose
the appropriate and suitable heat exchanger from a standard
Chapter 3
Design of Heat Exchanger
The basic steps in typical design procedures are:
1. Define duty (use heat and mass balance to define the rate of heat
and mass transfer)
2. Collect physical properties data (μ,𝛒…)
3. To decide on the type of heat exchanger to be used
4. Select a trial value for average heat transfer coefficient (U)
5. Calculate the mean temperature difference
6. Calculate the heat transfer area
7. Decide in heat exchanger layout
8. Calculate the individual heat transfer coefficients
9. Calculate the overall heat transfer coefficients, compare with trial
1 1 1 1
coefficient may be expressed as:
1 =U
UA c
U h A
(hA) c
+ Rw +
A c (hA) h
Chapter 3
Design of Heat Exchanger
If the surface is not known, U can be obtained independent of
Fourier equation from the two film coefficient.
=> 1 = 1 + Rw 1
U hh
where c and h refer to the cold and hot fluids, respectively.
The wall conduction term in above equation may often be neglected
i.e. the pipe wall resistance is neglected since a thin wall (small
thickness )of large thermal conductivity is generally used.
1 1 𝑈 hc h
U = h c +h h
1c +h
The h
magnitude of the individual coefficients will depend on the
nature of heat transfer process, on the physical properties of the
fluid, on the flowrates and on the physical arrangement of heat
transfer surface.
Chapter 3
Design of Heat Exchanger
Fouling factor
During normal heat exchanger operation, surfaces are often
subject to fouling by fluid impurities, rust formation, or
other reactions between the fluid and the wall material.
The subsequent deposition of a film or scale on the surface
greatly increase the resistance to heat transfer between the
′𝑓 .
Most process and service fluids will foul the heat transfer
surface in an exchanger to a greater or lesser extent.
Fouling impairs or weaken heat exchanger.
Chapter 3
Design of Heat Exchanger
It is very difficult to predict value of fouling factors.
In addition, we know that fins are often added to surfaces
exposed to either or both fluids and that, by increasing the
surface area, they reduce the overall resistance to heat
Accordingly, with inclusion of surface fouling and fin
1 is modified𝑅′′ 𝑅′ 1
(extended surface) effects, the overall heat transfer
= + Rw +
as 𝑓follows:
1 ′𝑓 𝑜,ℎA)c
UA+ (𝜼𝑜 hA)c (𝜼 (𝜼𝑜 A)ℎ (𝜼𝑜
ThehA) h
quantity 𝜼𝑜 in the above equation is called the
overall surface efficiency or temperature effectiveness of
a finned surface.
Chapter 3
Design of Heat Exchanger
Although representative fouling factors are listed in Table
below, the factor is a variable during heat exchanger
operation (increasing from zero for a clean surface, as
deposits accumulate on the surface).
Chapter 3
Design of Heat Exchanger
Overall surface efficiency defined such that, for the hot or
cold surface without fouling, the heat transfer rate is:
q = 𝜼𝑜 ℎ𝐴(𝑇𝑤 − 𝑇∞ )
where Tw is the base surface temperature and A is the total (fin plus
exposed base) surface area.
𝜼𝑜 = 1 −𝑓 (1 − 𝜼f )
where 𝐴𝑓 is the entire fin surface area and 𝜼f is the efficiency of a
single fin.
Also, one of the convection coefficients is often much smaller than
the other and hence dominates determination of the overall
For example, if one of the fluids is a gas and the other is a liquid or a
liquid–vapor mixture experiencing boiling or condensation, the gas-
side convection coefficient is much smaller. It is in such situations
that fins are used to enhance gas-side convection.
Chapter 3
Design of Heat Exchanger
1 𝑅′ 1
For the unfinned, tubular heat exchangers
= 𝑅′′ 𝑓 ,𝑐+ ln +
UA+ (hA)c (𝐷 (A)2c/𝐷 2𝛱𝑘 ′(A)ℎ
+ 1)
𝑓 ,ℎ