Trade secret
• Keeping in view the changes in trade and commercial practices,
globalization of trade, need for simplification and
harmonization of trade marks registration systems etc., a
comprehensive review of the Trade and Merchandise Marks
Act, 1958 was made and replaced with Trademark Act passed
by Parliament and notified in the Gazette on 30.12.1999.
• It is covered under the Act called the Trade Marks Act, 1999.
• This Act not only makes Trade Marks Law, TRIPS compatibility
but also harmonizes it with international systems and practices.
Any sign which can distinguish the goods and services of one trader from those of
Trademark can be a word, name, brand, symbol, label etc. used by a company to create
a unique identity for their product. Trademark can be registered, and then use ™ ®.
A trademark is a -
sign, words, letters, slogans, numbers, logos
drawings, pictures, emblem,
colours or combination of colours,
three-dimensional shapes and sometimes sounds and gestures
graphic representation or packaging or
any combination of the above
as applied to an article or a product that identifies and distinguishes the source of goods of one party from
those of others.
Trade Names
•Godrej- Furniture, Refrigerators, Storewell, Compactor etc.
•GE- Bulbs
Trademark Examples
Words Phrases
Trademark Examples
Symbols Design
Unconventional Trademarks
Single colors (Louis Vuitton)
Three-dimensional signs
(shapes of products
or packaging)
• Specify font,
size, proportion
& placement
Proper Use – Avoiding Genericide
Never plural
• Wrong: Two NOKIAS
• Right: Two NOKIA phones
Never possessive
• Wrong: POST-IT’s quality
• Right: POST-IT note pads’ quality
Proper Use – Avoiding Genericide
Never a verb
• Wrong: Xerox a document
• Right: Photocopy a document
on a XEROX copier
Proper spelling
• Wrong: H and M
• Right: H&M
What is protected and what’s not?
Collective Mark
Certification Mark
Trademark vs Trade/Business Name
Trade/ Business Name
Identifies a Company or Business e.g.
The Coca Cola Company
Identifies the products or Services of that
Process of Selection of Mark
• Brainstorming
• Registrability
• Availability
• Registration
Functions of Trademark
Indicates the source of origin of goods or services
• Availability
• Does not conflict with prior registrations/applications
• Application Procedure
• With the national trademark office
Trademark Registration Cond…
Registration of Trade Mark
• Trade Marks are registered by national trade
mark registries and are valid in that country
• Registration is made after examination and
• Trademark is valid for 10 years from the date of
application which may be renewed for further
period of 10 years on payment of prescribed
• Service mark Rights are reserved exclusively for
owners for 17 years & it can also be renewed.
• The Govt. fees is Rs. 2,500 for each class of
goods or services.
Registration procedure
• Application for search
• Application for registration
• Examination of trademark
• Advertisement of trademark
• Filing of opposition
• Certificate issued
TM Registration Proceedings
Trade secret
Trade Secrets: Trade secret is any intellectual work or product used for a
business purpose that can be classified as belonging to that business
provided it is not based on information in public domain.
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