12 Module 1: Quarter 1 -
Week 1
Entrepreneurship has an enormous impact on the
economy and in the society. Globally, the level of
entrepreneurial activity has contributed
significantly to the national level of economic
growth of many countries. It was Joseph
Schumpeter, an Australian economist, who first
articulated the importance of entrepreneurship to
the economy and the society in 1934.
The lesson deals with the definition of
entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship and discusses
the relevance of entrepreneurship in the economic
development and society. After going through this
module, you are expected to:
1. Define entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship;
and 2. Discuss the relevance of this course
Entrepreneurship is the activity of setting up a
business or businesses, taking on financial risks in
the hope of profit. It is what people do to take
their career and dreams into their hands and lead
it in the direction of their own choice. While
entrepreneur is a person who sets up a business
with the aim to make a profit and create a
fulltime, sustainable business with employees.
Below are few important
characteristics of a good