Recursion, Fractals
Recursion, Fractals
Recursion, Fractals
Team 8
AKA “self-
Let’s consider a tree branching structure
Notice that:
● The above tree is
perfectly symmetrical
● The parts are, in fact,
exact replicas of the
Fractals do not have to be perfectly self-similar.
at small scales and cannot
be described with
Euclidean geometry. :)
3)cantor set (w
recursive function)
The Cantor rule tells us to erase
the middle third of that line, which
leaves us with two lines, one from the
beginning of the line to the one-third
mark, and one from the two-thirds
mark to the end of the line.
The Koch curve
The Koth curve is a method named after a Swedish mathematician Helge von Koch
and invented in 1904 that creates a fractal pattern, here are the rules:
The Koch curve and other fractal patterns are often called “mathematical
monsters.” This is due to an odd paradox that emerges when you apply the recursive
definition an infinite number of times. If the length of the original starting line is one,
the first iteration of the Koch curve will yield a line of length four-thirds (each
segment is one-third the length of the starting line). Do it again and you get a length
of sixteen-ninths. As you iterate towards infinity, the length of the Koch curve
approaches infinity. Yet it fits in the tiny finite space provided right here on this paper
(or screen)!
An animated representation of Koch curve
5. Trees
venus saturn
Yes! Saturn is
the ringed
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