Meaning of the word ‘Economics’
• To arrive at the current definition of economics, it has taken almost 235 years.
• Adam Smith, who is regarded as Father of Economics, published a book
titled ‘An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations’
in 1776.
• Economics is the study of wealth only and deals with
consumption, production, exchange, and distribution of
Economics & Business Economics
‘Economics’ has several characteristics similar to science.
1. Economics is also a systematic study of knowledge and facts
2. Economics deals with the correlation-ship between cause and effect.
3. All the laws in economics are also universally accepted.
4. Theories and laws of economics are based on experiments.
5. Economics has a scale of measurement.
The economic problem – sometimes called the basic or central economic problem
– asserts that an economy's finite resources are insufficient to satisfy all human wants
and needs. It assumes that human wants are unlimited, but the means to satisfy
human wants are limited. The economic problem is the problem of rational
management of resources or the problem of optimum utilization of resources. It
arises because resources are scarce and resources have alternative uses. Had there
been unlimited resources to satisfy unlimited wants, there would have been no
economic problem. But resources are scarce in relation to the demand of the people.
Economic problem is to match limited resources to unlimited wants and needs. Three
questions arise from this:
• What to produce? - - Problem of allocation of resources
• How to produce? – Problem of choice of technique
• For whom to produce? – Problem of Distribution
What to produce? - 'What and how much will you produce?‘ e.g. "What should I
produce more; laptops or tablets?" The decision to produce one good will reduce the
production of the other goods. The economy has to decide based on the basis of
importance of various goods.
How to produce? This question deals with the assets and procedures used while
making the product, also focusing on efficiency. It is the problems of selection of
factor combination, labour intensive or capital intensive. The decision is made
considering the resources available with the country and the need of its economy. A
producer also considers prices and productivities of alternative factors. He chooses
that technique which economizes the use of scarce resources.
For whom to produce? - 'To whom and how will you distribute the goods?' and 'For
whom will you produce this for?' – whether to produce goods for more poor and less
rich or vice versa. Good are produced for those people who have paying capacity,
which depends upon their income.
Economics revolve around these fundamental economic problems.
Economic agents are any individuals, institutions or groups of institutions that play
a part in any economic circuit through their rational actions and decisions. In general,
economists consider three or four types of economic agents:
1. Households (Consumers)
2. Firms (Producers)
3. Governments
4. Central Bank
i. Households - Ones who consume a produced good or service,
generally by financial purpose. They have a dual role in the economy.
On one side, they are consumers, they demand goods and services;
and on the other, they own the means of production through which
the goods and services are produced.
ii. Firms - Economic agents whose role is to transform factors of
production into goods and services to sell. Firms use factors of
production (land, labor, and capital) to produce goods and services,
creating value and wealth. They demand labor from families for a
salary, also they employ capital in exchange for an interest, and land
for a rent. Finally, They offer goods and services for the households,
others firms or the government.
iii. Government – An economic agent which provides rules for how firms
and consumers should interact. Government offer goods and
services (mostly public goods and services like roads or national
security) through national companies or in association with private
firms. Governments demand goods from firms and labor from
households. They levy taxes. They regulate prices, etc. They also
distribute the wealth through social services in education, health and
poverty programs.
iv. Central Banks – Some economists also consider Central Banks as
fourth economic agent. Central Banks manage country currency, money
supply, and interest rates. Through monetary policies, they can increase
the money supply in the economy or modify the interest rates to
Marginalism covers such topics as marginal utility, marginal gain, marginal rates of
substitution, and opportunity costs,
One of the key foundations of marginalism is the concept of
marginal utility. The utility of a product or service is its usefulness
in satisfying our needs. Marginal utility extends the concept to the
additional satisfaction derived from the same product or service.
The time value of money (TVM) is the concept that money available
at the present time is worth more than the identical sum in the
future due to its potential earning capacity. The time value of
money is the greater benefit of receiving money now rather than
later. It is founded on time preference. The principle of the time
value of money explains why interest is paid or earned: Interest,
whether it is on a bank deposit or debt, compensates the depositor
or lender for the time value of money. It also underlies investment.
Investors are willing to forgo spending their money now if they
expect a favorable return on their investment in the future. TVM is
also sometimes referred to as present discounted value or future
compounded value.
In TVM, we deal with four terms, interest rate, time period, future
(compounding) value, and present (discounting) value.
As our resources are limited, we are always forced to make choices between alternate
commodities. The amount of goods and services that must be sacrificed to obtain
more of any good is called the opportunity cost of that good. Opportunity cost is also
known as alternate cost. To sum up,
• It is the value of the second best alternative forgone.
• It is the benefit that is lost in making a choice between two competing uses of
scarce resources.
• It is the amount of other product that must be forgone or sacrificed to produce a
unit of a product.
Example- You are working in bank at salary of Rs 40000 a month. You receive two
more job offers:
To work as an executive at Rs 30000 a month
To work as a journalist at Rs 35000 per month
The OC of working in a bank is Rs, 35000.