Lesson 2 Updated
Lesson 2 Updated
Lesson 2 Updated
In the previous lesson, we have discussed about how our
thoughts, feelings, and actions, make up the totality of our
experience. We have also discussed about what makes up
our society and its components. We have further explored
the factors that influence our view regarding which manner
of feeling, thinking, and acting are acceptable and which are
not. There is no denying that the presence of others is a big
part of whether we carry on with a behavior or we don’t.
Types of Conformity
1. Identification – occurs when people conform to what is
expected of them based on their social roles.
2. Internalization – occurs when we change our behavior
because we want to be like the other person
3. Public Compliance – a superficial change in behavior
(including the public expression of opinions) that is not
accompanied by an actual change in one’s private opinion.
Freud believed that individuals with stronger ID are less likely to conform
to the expectations of society when it violates the pleasure principle; while
individuals with stronger SUPER-EGO are less likely to engage in a socially
unacceptable behavior, regardless of an existing opportunity to exercise
reason or experience pleasure. Individuals with well-developed ego, on the
other hand, tend to act in response to reason and logical thinking; they are
more likely to inhibit the urge to satisfy needs (pleasure) until appropriate
actions are found.
Elements of Personality According to Raymond Cattell:
1. Source Traits – underlying basic factors of an individual’s
2. Surface Traits – the observable behavior resulting from
source traits
Watch the film, Star Girl (2019). Be mindful of the
personalities of each significant character, their
existing conflict, and how it was resolved. Also
notice the interplay between social influence,
personality, and conformity.
Which part of the movie struck you
most? Which character do you have
similarities with?
Draw a representation of the group or person who influenced you most.
It can be an object, a logo, or a portrait of the group or person himself or
herself. How is this group or person significant?
“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only the
true few will leave footprints in your heart.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt
We encounter a lot of people as we grow and mature, but only few will
leave a notable impact. These are individuals that contribute greatly to
the things we like about ourselves – sometimes they are persons that
generously nurture our thirst for understanding – a source if wisdom and
inspiration; sometimes they are companions to experiences which
showed us a lot more about life; sometimes they are simply persons who
share our struggles, who understood us, and helped us make it through
the difficult times.
Morality – an individual’s growing sense of what is right and
– a code of conduct that is derived from one’s culture, religion, or
personal philosophy
– guides one’s actions, behaviors, or thoughts
An individual may progress from the first level to the next but not
everyone gets to develop the highest level of reasoning.
Levels of Moral Reasoning (Lawrence Kohlberg):
1. Pre-conventional Level – focus on reward and punishment
brought about by certain behaviors.
2. Conventional Level – focus on social contract or a sense of
responsibility to contribute to the society one is part of and
behave in a manner that is acceptable.
3. Post Conventional Level – focus on conscious principles and
personal convictions governing one’s actions
5. Morality and Religion
Many religions have various frameworks regarding personal
behavior meant to guide believers in determining right and wrong.
Religious belief systems are often very strong regulator of human
behaviors. These also shape a lot of society’s roles and norms,
when a specific religion is prevalent. Value judgements can vary
greatly between religions, past and present.
The Church is not hostile to
The Catholic Church continues the body and does not want to
to teach that sexual love between spoil the fun of sex for young
a man and a woman is reserved to people, but strongly recommends
marriage. that full sexual relations should
only be entered into when
everything is together: love and
desire, complete fidelity, an
exclusive decision made before
God for each other and the
willingness to give life to children.
Sexuality and Religion: Catholic
Teachings on Sexuality
In the mid-1970s, the Vatican
recognized the difference between
To Live in Christ Jesus, the
being homosexual and engaging in American bishops wrote, “Some persons
homo-genital (same-sex) acts. find themselves through no fault of their
Catholic teaching holds that, as a own to have a homosexual orientation.
state beyond a person’s choice, Homosexuals, like everyone else,
being homosexual is not wrong. should not suffer from prejudice against
But just as it is wrong for their basic human rights. They have a
right to respect, friendship, and justice.
unmarried heterosexuals to engage
They should have an active role in the
in sex, so, too, homo-genital acts
Christian community.… The Christian
are wrong.
“Homosexual persons are called to community should provide them a
chastity. Such person must be special degree of pastoral
accepted with respect and understanding and care.”
Sexuality and Religion: Catholic
Teachings on Sexuality The degree or seriousness of the
moral culpability of a particular act
MASTURBATION AND of masturbation, however, can be
BIRTH CONTROL judged only in light of the degree of
the moral agent's knowledge,
The Catholic teaching on freedom, and intentions.
masturbation says that masturbation
is always morally wrong. Sex is Sex is so special, powerful, and
valuable that it is properly used only
intended to be both an expression of
within marriage. If you're not
love for your spouse, and a beautiful
married, you should abstain from
means of procreation. Within the sexual activity.
Church's teaching on human
sexuality, masturbation is considered The Catholic Church sees
to be objectively disordered or masturbation as sinful and
intrinsically evil. No circumstances or disapproves of “Artificial” means of
intentions can render the action of birth control. The church believes
masturbation "morally good." that using contraception is
“intrinsically evil” in itself, regardless
of the consequences.
Sexuality and Religion: Catholic
Teachings on Sexuality
(Lat. in, not, and castus, chaste)
Watch the film, Little Women (2019). Be mindful of
the kind of society the main characters are in and
how it affects their life choices and experience.
Which of the four sisters are you
most similar with? What made her
story appeal to you?