Welcome To Queen's 2009: Getting Started
Welcome To Queen's 2009: Getting Started
Welcome To Queen's 2009: Getting Started
Getting Started
Session Outline
Introductions What are academic skills? School vs University Preparation Coffee Break / Q&A Session Campus Tour
Introduce your partner 5 mins. Split into 2s or 3s and exchange details about each other, e.g. name, pathway, hobbies, interesting fact etc. Feed back to whole group.
Academic Skills
Essay Writing Referencing Research Skills Critical Thinking Time Management Report Writing Dissertation Writing Memory Techniques Presentation Skills Exam Preparation
School vs University
Discuss what changes being a QUB student will bring under the following categories: Accommodation Academic Social Personal Financial
Starting University
Discuss in groups of 4/5: 1. What are you looking forward to? 2. What might the challenges/difficulties be?
Modular system Degree classifications Marking criteria (see handout)
Conceptual Equivalent High/Excellent I (in addition to criteria for Definite/low 1) Definite I Low I % given 90 Mark Band 85100 Criteria Excellent answer which: Is comprehensive and accurate Is presented in a clear and cogent manner Makes full reference to appropriate material Makes effective use of language Displays some of the following characteristics: integration of a wide range of learning resources originality of exposition or treatment evidence of insight critical evaluation. Very good answer which: Is generally accurate and reasonably detailed Displays a good understanding of the main principles and a reasonable grasp of details Shows strong and coherent argumentation Is presented in a logical fashion Makes frequent reference to appropriate material Makes effective use of language. 80 75 7884 70-77
68 65 62
58 55 52
Good answer which: Is reasonably accurate and well informed, albeit with some minor omissions or inaccuracies Is limited to the main issues and based on a limited range of learning resources Makes some reference to appropriate material Makes acceptable use of language, with some minor inaccuracies
48 45
47-49 44-46
Adequate answer which: Displays evidence of understanding of the main principles in broad terms May contain important inaccuracies or omissions May lack a coherent structure May answer the question indirectly or may lack supporting evidence Makes minimal reference to relevant material Shows poor use of language, although the meaning is understandable
Low 3rd
Marginal fail
Failing but compensatable answer which: Displays a very limited understanding of the aim of the question Is sparse in material and lacking in organisation Contains material that is inappropriately used or of limited relevance. Proceeds by way of assertions unsupported by appropriate evidence Shows poor use of language with significant grammatical and other errors
Weak fail
Unsatisfactory, poor answer which: Shows a complete lack of understanding of the question Provides very little of any relevance and value to the question Makes an incoherent argument
15 0
15-24 0-14
Shows poor use of language with significant grammatical and other errors
Library Lectures Communication Skills Freshers Festival IT Time Management
Location Opening Hours Facilities Subject Librarians Resources (how to use etc)
To create headings:
Note-taking Practice
Listen carefully
Communication Skills
Introducing yourself Lectures peers Tutorials asking questions Missing a lecture Going for coffee Finding best place for lunch Going to the PEC Joining a club
Communication Skills
Come along to one of our workshops:
Wednesday 25th November at 10am Thursday 26th November at 11am Friday 27th November at 12pm
Arrange a one-to-one appointment to help improve your and presentation skills.
Freshers Festival
Join a new club/society Meet other students Help you to settle in Get involved in Welcome Week activities! Sport - PEC
Open Access Centres Queens Online (QOL) Demonstration www.qub.ac.uk/qol
Time Management
Time Thieves (internet, phone calls, coffee breaks) Part-time Job (15 hours per week) Importance of Routine Weekly Planner
Own personal network Friends Family Others
QUB Support
Personal Tutor and your School Student Guidance Centre
Learning Development Service Counselling Service Careers Service Disability Service
Findings of the report Since 1997, the Government has focused first on schools (with the national literacy and numeracy strategies) and then on adult learning, particularly basic literacy and numeracy. In 1998 it asked Sir Claus Moser, chairman of the Basic Skills Agency, to produce a report on how "to tackle the vast basic skills problem in this country". A Fresh Start - improving literacy and numeracy (DfEE 1999, ref: CMBS 1), known as the Moser Report, stated that up to 7 million adults in England have difficulties with literacy and numeracy - a bigger proportion than in any other western country apart from Poland and Ireland. One in five adults, it stated, are functionally illiterate - that is, if given the Yellow Pages they cannot find the page for plumbers.
1998 Moser Rep fresh start 7 mil adults poor lit and num Higher than any euro country but Poland and ire 1 in 5 adults func illit