Globalisation & India'S Comparative Advantage'
Globalisation & India'S Comparative Advantage'
Globalisation & India'S Comparative Advantage'
Transformation from national and regional markets into global market without national boundaries Free Flow envisaged among WTO member countries includes goods, services, technology, Foreign Direct Investment, human-capital and Intellectual property However, regional trade blocks like EU, ASEAN, NAFTA, GCC and MERCOSUR polarise world trade and commerce, limiting market access for India based companies, since India is not a member of any of these trade blocks
Globalisation is cutting across all product and service sectors worldwide forcing industries and corporations to re-structure and re-think their strategies in the face of shortening product and technology life cycles, increasing scale of operations required for global competitiveness while simultaneously requiring flexible manufacturing systems for quicker deliveries and customisation.
Efficient scale for production of colour TVs rose from 50,000 sets/ year in 1960 to 500,000 sets in early 1980s.
Meanwhile global scale economies in R&D & marketing (due to giant retail chains) were also increasing, raising breakeven volumes up further.
Breakeven volume now 2.5 to 3 million sets/ annum for global competitiveness I.e. increase of over 40 times volumes in 1960
Globalisation needs to have not just a human face but also a conscience which recognises the responsibility and accountability to all fellow human beings. Focus therefore is necessary on education to sustain the benefits of globalisation and promote balanced growth for all at the national level At the corporate level focus on HRD is essential, in particular development of professionals for a global mindset, current generation skills & proficiency in technology and skills for achieving global levels of productivity in all operations, is essential
It is now possible to deliver education electronically through distance learning, as has been shown in India by recent initiatives of certain universities in the U.S
This opportunity for continuing education through distance learning could help professionals in India & their organisations to gear up for the globalisation challenge
Increasing availability of capital seeking optimal long term returns across national boundaries & integration of capital markets worldwide WTO mandated liberalisation and phased reduction in trade & investment barriers among WTO member countries Advances in information & communications technology (ICT) enabling reliable & speedy information flow worldwide Technological advances revolutionising manufacturing & service sectors thereby necessitating global efficiency & productivity gains through global scale
Increasing dominance of global brands Increasingly effective global supply chains of transnationals & other corporations
Greater focus on R&D & technology for development of globally adaptable world class products & flexibility for adapting to shorter life cycles
Greater use of flexible manufacturing systems for J.I.T deliveries & customisation
The WTO mandated global free trade from 1 January, 2005 is a significant opportunity for companies based in India to become global manufacturing hubs/ software development parks/ Business Process Outsourcing centers catering to global giants and customers worldwide.
While the annual global trade in merchandise and services is currently U.S $ 7.5 Trillion, the global opportunity for annual business open to global competition in products, services and assets, is estimated at over US $ 21 Trillion.
SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST - Only globally competitive units/ companies will survive even in their domestic economies.
Emerging Opportunities from Outsourcing Merchandise, Goods, Components for Indian Companies
Outsourcing annual opportunity in Europe alone is estimated at over US $ 250 Billion and in Asia US $ 300 Billion A) Computer Software & Solutions o A recent McKinsey & Co./ NASSCOM report has estimated Indias potential for exports of I.T services & software at US $ 31 Billion by 2008 B) Technology Services o India with its brainpower of engineers, technologists and other professionals is eminently poised to offer specialised technology services in high technology specialised areas like Contract Research
Emerging Opportunities from Outsourcing Merchandise, Goods, Components for Indian Companies
C) IT Enabled Services
The recent McKinsey & Company/ NASSCOM survey on worldwide potential of IT Enabled Services at US $ 142 Billion by 2008
Several service areas like reservations & Accounting Services could be outsourced to Indian Companies.
E) Medical Services
Hospitals are poised for opportunities in the areas of administration, nursing, pharmacy, physiotherapy, respiratory therapy & biomedical engineering services
In-depth knowledge and insight/ understanding of the relevant global markets including customers, competition and technology trends Contemporary product/ service design/ features for the global/ niche market segments chosen through market led R&D and consistently world class products/ service quality
Achieving & sustaining global competitiveness may need cooperation with a global leader with complementary skills and technology strength or marketing reach worldwide. Some Indian companies offer the global partner a low cost manufacturing base and a large Indian market. It would also enable the Indian companies have access to management practices of the global leader & some of its strategic information & knowledge base The combination of the global partners technology/ marketing strength & the Indian companys low cost manufacturing capability would enable the alliance to enter & sustain new markets worldwide.
Prudent choice of customers, suppliers, shipping agents & business associates Use of credit rating services for client evaluation
country risk in terms of political & economic risk currency risks the client risk distribution/ logistics risk for emerging markets
Impact of perils like theft, pilferage, accidents/ mishaps for cargo gets magnified in case of developing countries due to longer supply chain/ uncompetitive logistics and inadequate distribution and other infrastructure
Indias infrastructure in terms of roads, ports, airports, storage facilities at ports and airports including for inflammable cargo as also cold storages in transit and at shipment points is inadequate compared to Indias leading competitors like U.S, European countries, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan & S. Korea. This results in higher freight costs and longer delivery.
Innovation and technology are key business drivers for long term success.
Indias Economic & Industrial Perspective in the Fifties & the Sixties
India is a planned economy envisaging co-existence of public sector, private sector & co-operative sector
The focus immediately after our independence was on self-reliance through import substitution. Substantial investments were made by the Government in the public sector for basic industries like steel & fertilisers
Indias Economic & Industrial Perspective in the Fifties & the Sixties, Contd
This focus on industrialisation was necessary then as India in 1947 was only an exporter of raw materials like iron ore & agrocommodities like cotton
The protected industrial environment of the fifties & sixties by way of industrial licensing and quantitative restrictions and tariffs on imports nurtured an inward looking private sector with fragmented capacities There was no necessity or incentive for exports in view of sufficient demand in the protected Indian market, which virtually shut out all but essential imports
Indias Economic & Industrial Perspective in the Seventies & the Eighties
Industrial development & technology up gradation in India made significant strides including through transfer of technology from abroad by way of technical collaborations and joint ventures.
However, the capacities in the private sector continued to be fragmented due to the MRTP Act, which inhibited Indian corporate sector from planning global scale operations even in sectors with comparative advantage for India
Indias Economic & Industrial Perspective in the Seventies & the Eighties, Contd
For the first time exports began to be recognised by the Government as important in view of the foreign exchange requirement for Indias essential imports like petroleum products, fertilisers, edible oil and high tech engineering products & services Export house scheme introduced in early seventies followed by trading house scheme in1978 for the first time encouraged merchant exporters recognising their ability in effectively reaching foreign shores for promoting Indias exports
With the introduction of economic reforms in India in 1991, Indian economy has opened up to the world economy, thereby changing significantly industrial and competition scenario in India
Indias Liberalisation during early Nineties & the WTO Mandate, Contd
Competition within India increased significantly due to inflow of foreign investments & technology and creation of additional capacities with current generation technology from abroad during the late nineties The Indian industry & commerce recognised at the turn of the millenium that WTO mandated free trade by 1/1/2005 means survival of the fittest & gearing up for global competition a necessity
Ongoing Economic Reforms Services Sector opening up India proactively seeking Regional and Bilateral trade agreements
Industry buoyant
Strategic location Long coastline Climate Rich in natural resources Large tracts of agricultural and forest lands Large and diverse livestock population Strong Human Resources base
o o o
Large and rising middle class Large pool of qualified and competent English speaking professionals Inexpensive Human Resources
Infrastructure Commercial Services Industrial Culture R&D/Technology below the level of global leaders
A global mindset & global perspective Fluency in one or more foreign languages like French, German, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish Familiarity with cultures of important markets Familiarity & in-depth understanding of international standards like UL for U.S & BS for U.K & Commonwealth countries & certifications like ISO In case of Accounts/ Finance professionals, in-depth understanding of GAAP & international accounting norms & trends Above all, be a lifelong learner & continuously upgrade your skills & knowledge through continuing education
11 August, 2007