e-trials accepted
Electronic common technical document by ICH Electronic records, electronic signature regulation-21CRF part 11 Electronic Source Documentation in Clinical Investigations- guidelines by FDA dec 2010
Clinical data interchange standard consortium standards accepted by FDA FDA republished guidelines for computerized systems used in CT-2007
E-clinical trial
Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) defines an electronic clinical trial (eCT) as:Clinical trial in which primarily electronic processes are used to plan, collect, access, exchange and archive data required for conduct, management, analysis and reporting of the trial (CDISC, 2006). Over the past fifteen to twenty years, many different forms of site-based capture of clinical trial data have been developed. Data collection technology that has been applied to improve clinical trial data collection is generally referred to as electronic data capture (EDC) (Kush et al., 2003)
Additional requirements
Maintenance of technical systems Software upgrade Integration of protocol amendments into EDC
Investigator identification
Medication dispensing and automated site inventory control using Interactive Voice Response
Data entry
Data review
all users of the Data Collection tool must logon with a unique username and password After logging on, the user will see a list of trials that have been defined for the users sponsor
A Diabetes center
After selecting the study by clicking on the hyperlink, the list of sites for that study appears
Whether a new patient is created or an existing patient is reopened, the patients trial hierarchy will be displayed
As the Date of Exam and Systolic fields have been set up with a Required edit check through the Study Build tool, submitting the form without any further data entry would result in the form being repainted with the following discrepancy text in red
Edit checks
date check that was set up on the Date of Birth field appears on the Demographics forms.
Example of Modification/Correction
Regulating EDC
Procedural control: Trial organization and documentation Technical control: To ensure quality, accuracy and integrity of data stored User authorization control Audit trial control Attributability control Data validity control System integrity measures.
Key requirements
Computer /EDC-Systems
-unlimited access for the whole personnel of a hospital / outpatient clinic - deficient data security - missing SOPs and documented training - inadequate or missing validation of programs
Archival Requirements
Electronic records must be archived in electronic form. The electronic records must be protected to enable their accurate and ready retrieval throughout the relevant retention period. Keep accurate transcriptions or complete copies of data and metadata on durable media Keep links between e-signature and electronic document Tighter controls may be required for opensystems (encryption & digital sigs)
Evaluation of vendors
Experience with the pharmaceutical industry and clinical trials Technical knowledge Financial status Knowledge of the investigators clinical environment and how the information needs to flow. Ability to include redundancy to overcome equipment or power outrages at the time of patient visit.
Training Recruitment
May not be as effective as alive educator. Security of online data Technical difficulty reduces recruitment Hard to locate computer terminal than a telephone at the patient contact.
Data collection Real time data validation Increases quality and speed of data acquisition No double-keyed data entry Monitors have real time access to all aspects of the trial IRB have real time access to adverse events Input is slowed at peak internet use when access to web server is slowed. Less in person monitoring increases problems to be identified.
Study personnel
Administration paper reporting Central updation of protocol and CRF Audit trail Online clinical trial system could be used for multiple trials
The CRF should be designed to capture all data required per the study protocol, (2) the CRF should be designed to collect data elements in standardized format, (3) data elements should be captured on the CRF in a fashion that ensures that data are suitable for summarization and analysis, (4) data elements planned to be transcribed to the CRF from source documents should be organized and formatted on the CRF to reduce the possibility of transcription error and to facilitate subsequent comparison to source documents, (5) ease of completion for the investigator and study coordinator is key to accurate and timely CRF completion, and (6) redundant data elements within the CRF should be avoided and unnecessary data should not be collected. It is essential that all and only the necessary data be collected. CRF should be designed in a way that promotes simple database design, data capturing, and data validation. A typical approach for development of CRF is the so-called backwards approach. The backwards approach to CRF design starts with assessing the type and format in which information will be presented in the study report. Information is then tracked backwards, and the CRF is designed to capture data in a manner that allows them to be easily converted or directly placed in the designed tables or figures
Completing a CRF
The eCRF is a vehicle used to assemble all the data from different electronic- and paper-based systems and makes it possible to capture and organize these diverse data in a manner that satisfies the study protocol and that enables the data to be systematically reviewed and analyzed by investigators, other authorized parties, and FDA