Seminar On Stress MGMNT FR Students
Seminar On Stress MGMNT FR Students
Seminar On Stress MGMNT FR Students
Mr. Preetham N S
Introduction College Life Stressors Recognizing Stress Symptoms of Stress Stress Faced by Students of our Department Stress Management Techniques for Students Stress Management Tips Stress Management Techniques for Corresponding Stress Stress Leading to Addiction to Bad Habits Conclusion
Every human being face numerous difficulties in their life. Most of these difficulties lead to stress. So, now we have taken up the opportunity to present on the topic Stress Management for Students. Our presentation will discuss about the stressors of students, causes of stress, symptoms of stress, recognizing stress, techniques for managing stress.
What is stress?
It is a mental pressure of a person, where the person faces the pressure more than the ability of him/her to control that pressure. What are stressors? Stressors are situations that are experienced as a perceived threat to ones wellbeing or position in life, when the challenge of dealing with which, exceeds the persons perceived available resources. What Situations Become Stressors? That can vary from person to person. While some things tend to stress many peoplejob demands, relationship conflicts, a hectic schedule, not every potential stressor causes stress in everyone.
Types of Stress:
Eustress: Considered good stress; it arises in any situation or circumstance that a person finds motivating or inspiring. Neustress: Stressors that are considered neither good nor bad; they have no consequential effect. Distress: Considered bad stress; usually has negative consequences.
Roommates and their varying personalities Pop quizzes or final exams Financial issues Peer pressures Sleep deprivation
General irritability Elevated heart rate Increased accident proneness Floating anxiety Trembling Insomnia
Headaches Indigestion Pain in neck and/or lower back Changes in appetite Sleep pattern
Headaches Accident-prone Fatigue Teeth grinding Insomnia Restlessness Weight change Increased alcohol, drug, tobacco use Colds Neck and shoulders tighten up/ache Digestive upsets Pounding heart Forgetfulness Confusion Dull senses Lethargy Poor concentration No new ideas Low productivity Boredom Negative attitude
Anxiety Irritability The blues Depression Moods swings Nervous laugh Bad temper Worrying Crying spells Easily discouraged Isolation Lowered sex drive Resentment Nagging Loneliness Fewer contacts with friends Lashing out Using / manipulating people Clamming up
Stay stressed?
Survey Result
Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Stressors Academic Family Personal Career/Future Financial Relations (Love & Friends) Health Quarrels with peers Work Load Teachers Others Number of respondents 49 29 35 44 32 33 11 08 21 05 03
Graphical Representation
Series 1
Series 1
Using time management techniques Organization techniques Create a study environment Memorization techniques Be an Optimist Sleep Well Study Techniques
Tea Coffee
To conclude with this topic, we are making a strong point that even students face stress in their life. It is not only the work group which faces stress. As the students are growing citizens of our future city, they must be guided in a proper way to face the uncertainty and stress arising out of them. It is necessary to save our future society spoiling from the stress factors and bad habits arising because of it. We found different stressors which cause stress. Our simple survey in the department gave us the information regarding the stress in P G level and stress faced by them in their past. Stress is a part of life. Nobody can avoid stress, but they can face it and handle the situations. In most of the cases, eustress is considered as good for the students to achieve in their life. There are lots of techniques to manage the stress and handle the situations. The students who control the stress will surely get through any hard situations. Instead of avoiding stress, avoid the bad habits arising of stress.