Explanation-Based Learning (EBL) : One Definition
Explanation-Based Learning (EBL) : One Definition
Explanation-Based Learning (EBL) : One Definition
One definition:
Learning general problem-solving techniques by observing and analyzing human solutions to specific problems.
Use problem solver to justify, using the rules, the goal in terms of the facts. Generalize the justification as much as possible. The operationality criterion states which other terms can appear in the generalized result.
Unification-Based Generalization
An explanation is an inter-connected collection of pieces of knowledge (inference rules, rewrite rules, etc.) These rules are connected using unification, as in Prolog The generalization task is to compute the most general unifier that allows the knowledge pieces to be connected together as generally as possible
Specific Example
Given human(John) AND happy(John) AND male(John), show that likes(John,John)
Explanation Structure
likes(John,John) likes(?x,?y) knows(?x,?y) knows(?z,?z) animate(?z) animate(?u) human(?u) human(John) happy(?w) happy(John) nice-person(?y) nice-person(?w)
Necessary Unifications:
All variables must match ?z
Resulting Rule:
human(?z) AND happy(?z) -> lik es(?z,?z)
Knowledge Base
Some Complications
Inconsistencies and Incompleteness may be due to abstractions and assumptions that make a theory tractable.
Inconsistencies may arise from missing knowledge (incompleteness).
e.g., making the closed-world assumption
Correcting imperfections
experimentation - motivated by failure type (explanationbased) make approximations/assumptions - assume something is true
Pure EBL only learns how to solve faster, not how to solve problems previously insoluble. Inductive learners make inductive leaps and hence can solve more after learning. What about considering resource-limits (e.g., time) on problem solving?
Summary of SOAR
A Production System with three parts: A general-purpose forward search procedure A collection of operator-selection rules that help decide which operator to apply A look-ahead search procedure invoked when at an impasse When the impasse occurs, can learn new rules to add to collection of operator-selection rules
Reasoning by Analogy
Create a description of a situation with a known solution and then use that solution in structurally similar situations Problem: a doctor can use a beam of radiation to destroy a cancer, but at the high amount needed, it will also destroy the healthy tissue in any path it follows Idea: find a similar (some how) situation and use it to create a solution