Flow Measurement
Flow Measurement
Flow Measurement
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CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Orifice Flow meter Vortex flow meter Ultrasonics flow meter Coriolis Mass Flowmeters
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An orifice plate is a restriction with an opening smaller than the pipe diameter which is inserted in the pipe; the typical orifice plate has a concentric, sharp edged opening. It has a tab on one side where the specification of the plate is stamped. Because of the smaller area the fluid velocity increases, causing a corresponding decrease in pressure.
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Orifice Flow-meters
Increase of fluid flow velocity through the reduced area at the orifice develops a diff. pressure across the orifice . This pressure is a function of flow rate.
Orifice Flow-meters
The flow rate can be calculated from the measured pressure drop across the orifice plate, P1-P3. The orifice plate is the most commonly used flow sensor, but it creates a rather large nonrecoverable pressure due to the turbulence around the plate, leading to high energy consumption.
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Measured diff. pressure developed by an orifice plate also depends on the location of the pressure sensing points or pressure taps.
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when an orifice plate is used with one of the standardized pr. Tap locations, an on location calibration of the flow transmitter is not necessary. There are empirically derived charts and tables available to facilitate calibration.
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Advanta ges
High differential pressure generated. Exhaustive data available. Low purchase price and installation cost. Easy replacement.
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Disadvanta ges
High permanent pressure loss. Can not be used on dirty fluids, slurries or wet steam.
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Venturi Tube
The change in cross-sectional area in the venturi tube causes a pressure change between the convergent section and the throat, and the flow rate can be determined from this pressure drop.
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calculated calibration figures are less accurate than for orifice plate. For greater accuracy each individual venturi has to be flow calibrated by passing known flows through it and recording the resulting DP. Differential pressure generated is lower than orifice plate therefore high sensitive flow transmitter is needed. It is more bulky and more expensive.
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Pitot Tubes
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Pitot Tubes
Pitot tubes were invented by Henri Pitot in 1732 to measure the flowing velocity of fluids. Basically a differential pressure (d/p) flowmeter, a pitot tube measures two pressures: the static and the total impact pressure.
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Pitot Tubes
Pitot tubes are used to measure air flow in pipes, ducts, and stacks, and liquid flow in pipes, weirs, and open channels. While accuracy and rangeability are relatively low, pitot tubes are simple, reliable, inexpensive, and suited for a variety of environmental conditions, including extremely high temperatures and a wide range of pressures.
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Pitot Tubes
The point velocity of approach (VP) can be calculated by taking the square root of the difference between the total pressure (PT) and the static pressure (P) and multiplying that by the C/D ratio, where C is a dimensional constant and D is density:
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Pitot Tubes
A single-port pitot tube can measure the flow velocity at only a single point in the cross-section of a flowing stream. The probe must be inserted to a point in the flowing stream where the flow velocity is the average of the velocities across the cross-section, and its impact port must face directly into the fluid flow.
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Pitot Tubes
(Figure 2-9).
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Elbow meters
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Elbow meters
1. A differential pressure exists when a flowing fluid changes direction due to a pipe turn or elbow. 2. The pressure difference results from the centrifugal force. 3. Since pipe elbows exist in plants, the cost for these meters is very low. 4. The accuracy is very poor.
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1% of full span
flow nozzle
2% full span
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Vortex Flow-meters
This measuring principle is based on the fact that vortices are formed downstream of an obstacle in a fluid flow, e.g. behind a bridge pillar. This phenomenon is commonly known as the Krmn vortex street.
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Vortex Flow-meters
1. When the fluid flows past a bluff body in the measuring tube, vortices are alternately formed on each side of this body. 2. The frequency of vortex shedding down each side of the bluff body is directly proportional to mean flow velocity and to volume flow. 3. As they shed in the downstream flow, each of the alternating vortices creates a local low pressure area in the measuring tube.
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Vortex Flow-meters
1. 2. This is detected by a sensor, such as capacitive sensor and fed to the electronic processor as a primary, digitized, linear signal. Capacitive sensors with integrated temperature measurement can directly register the mass flow of saturated steam as well, for example.
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Ultrasonic flow-meters
Swimming against the flow requires more power and more time than swimming with the flow. Ultrasonic flow measurement is based on this elementary transit time difference effect.
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Ultrasonic flow-meters
Two sensors mounted on the pipe simultaneously send and receive ultrasonic pulses. At zero flow, both sensors receive the transmitted ultrasonic wave at the same time, i.e. without transit time delay. When the fluid is in motion, the waves of ultrasonic sound do not reach the two sensors at the same time.
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Ultrasonic flow-meters
This measured "transit time difference" is directly proportional to the flow velocity and therefore to flow volume. By using the absolute transit times both the averaged fluid velocity and the speed of sound can be calculated.
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Ultrasonic flow-meters
Ultrasonic flow meters measure the difference of the propagation time (transit time) of ultrasonic pulses propagating in (normally an inclination angle around 30 to 45 is used) flow direction and against the flow direction. This time difference is a measure for the averaged velocity of the fluid along the path of the ultrasonic beam.
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Ultrasonic flow-meters
Using the two transit times tup and tdown and the distance between receiving and transmitting transducers L and the inclination angle , one can write the equations
where v is the average velocity of the fluid along the sound path and c is the speed of sound.
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Ultrasonic flow-meters
advantage With homogeneous fluids, the principle is independent of pressure, temperature, conductivity and viscosity Usable for a wide range of nominal diameters Direct meter installation on existing pipes. Non-invasive measurement No pipe constrictions, no pressure losses No moving parts. Minimum outlay for maintenance and upkeep
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Using the Coriolis effect that causes a laterally vibrating tube to distort, a direct measurement of mass flow can be obtained in a Coriolis flow meter.
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