1.5 Measurement (Gage R&R)

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The key takeaways are that measurement systems need to be analyzed to understand sources of variation and ensure reliability of data. A Gage R&R study is used to evaluate measurement systems.

The components of measurement variation are part-to-part variation, measurement system variation including operator, gage and environmental factors.

The types of measurement variation are repeatability, reproducibility, accuracy, stability and linearity. Repeatability measures variation from one operator, reproducibility measures variation between operators.

Chapter 5

Measurement System Analysis

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LG Electronics

Measurement system analysis

The chapter 5 : Measurement System Analysis

To present the reliability of Measurement system objectively. OBJECTIVE: 1. Identify and understand the components of measurement variation. 2. Use Minitab to perform a Gage R&R Study. 1) Understand difference between % Study and %Tolerance.

2) Figure out Gage R&R rational subgroup method.

3) Understand importance of Gage R&R through the practice.

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LG Electronics

Measurement system analysis Measurement : The foundation of Six Sigma.

Six Sigma is based on the measured data. There will be unfavorable consequences from analysis using statistical tool if we have a problem with measuring system. Whats more, the process gets worse, then experiment will end up in failure. Therefore, we do better secure correct measurement system before the project

Understanding Measurement Variation of system

Observed process data variation

Six Sigma Project Y = f(X1....Xn)

Long term Process variation

Actual Part to Part variation

Measurement variation

Short term Process variation

Within Sample variation

Operator variation (Reproducibility)

Gage variation Accuracy Repeatability Stability Linearity

Manpower Method Material Measurement Machine & Environment

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LG Electronics

Measurement system analysis

Repeatability ?
Variation observed with one measurement device when used several times by one operator while measuring the identical characteristic on the same parts.

Repeatability : Getting consistent results

Measure/Re-measure variation

Reproducibility ?
Variation obtained from different operators using the same device when measuring the identical characteristic on the same parts. Operator A Operator B Operator C

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LG Electronics

Measurement system analysis

Accuracy ?

The degree of agreement of the measured value to the true magnitude (unbiased values). (Accuracy is typically expressed as 1-%Bias)

True (Reference) value


Stability ?

* Setting a true value is a one that is measured by the most accurate measuring device.

Observed average

Stability is the total variation in the measurements obtained with a measurement system on the same master or reference value when measuring the same characteristic over an extended time period. Stability

Time 1

Time 2

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LG Electronics

Measurement system analysis

Linearity ?
Actual values



Linearity is the difference in the bias values throughout the expected operating range of the gage. (Gage is less accurate at the low end of specification or operating range than at the high end).

Actual values

(No Bias) Reference value

Reference values

Larger Bias

Small Bias

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LG Electronics

Measurement system analysis Gage R&R Study ?

There are 3 kinds in Gage R&R Study as follows -. Repeatability -. Reproducibility -. Total measurement variation Determines how much extent of their contribution to the total process variation or specification.

2Total = 2Part-Part + 2R&R

Total variation Variation due to differences among the parts. Measurement error variation

The importance of Gage R&R Study

As study results, we can get information as follows : Gage resolution is adequate. The measurement system is statistically stable over time.. The measurement error is small enough . And acceptable relative to the process variation or specification. (That is, Got ready to find X factor correctly caused by Y variation due to small variation of measurement..) Tell you measurement system is good enough to gather process data.
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LG Electronics

Measurement system analysis What is Gage R&R Study ?

An acceptable value for a Gage R&R Study 20% : Acceptable
* An improvement plan to lower R&R variation should be implemented. If you decide not to improve the measurement system, beware of the risk associated with a high Gage R&R result. Use of a gage with a conditional R&R study result should be done cautiously.

20% to 29%

: Conditional
: Unacceptable

Gage selection(Resolution)
The Gage must have a resolution of less than or equal to 10% of the specification or process variation. * Resolution is the smallest unit of measure the gage is able to read.
Ex) In case of part feature tolerance equals +/-0.020, Gage must have resolution 0.002 and Gage R&R 20% to be recommended.

Sample of Gage R&R

Not selecting sample at random, the preparation must be proceeded by preliminary plan so that you can cover the total range of variation and specification.
Ex) A pulley has a shaft I.D. = 0.500 +/-0.025 inch. For Gage RR Study, 10 parts should be selected that range from 0.45 to 0.55 inch. For product acceptance? You must demonstrate that the gage can distinguish the good pulleys from the bad ones.

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LG Electronics

Measurement System Analysis Test study flow of gage nature

Establish plan of study
Certain Method Participate how many operators How many samples? How many repetitions

Choose one of the two Short Study Method

Simple error method without setting aside by Repeatability & Reproducibility

Long Study Method

Error study set aside by Repeatability & Reproducibility Appraisal of occurring factor & correction available

Data Collection
GRR calculation(Refer to text-simple figure) & acceptable

Data collection
GRR calculation(Refer to text Minitab use)

Understanding analysis results

% Study & % Tolerance calculate(ANOVA use)

Determine to accept. If determined to reject, confirm-causing factor and re-practice after gage system improvement

Gage Accuracy Study

% Accuracy = |True value Average-Sample Average| Tolerance X 100

Gage Stability Study

% Stability =

|Xtime1-Bar - Xtime2-Bar| Tolerance

X 100

Gage Linearity Study

Linearity = The largest Accuracy - The smallest Accuracy

Next action follow up

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LG Electronics

Measurement System Analysis Two types of Gage R&R Study

Short study method Requires only 2 operator and 5 parts at least once. Cant be divided by repeatability & reproducibility Long study method Typically 2 to 3 operators, 10 parts with measurements repeated 2 to 3 times. Tell you how much the measurement variation is, and repeatability , reproducibility contribute to it so that we can get to know the point of Improvement.

Two types of Gage R&R Study

Repeatability = EV(Equipment Variation) Repeatability measures the variability of the gage because it is calculated from the average range between trials for each operator. Reproducibility = AV(Appraiser Variation) Reproducibility measures the variability due to the operators because it is calculated by subtracting EV from the differences between operator averages.

Total Gage R&R =

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E.V2 +A.V2
LG Electronics


Measurement System Analysis Short study method

The height of a CTQ component assembly Spec. = 2.000 0.015
Part 1 2 3 4 Operator 1 2.003 1.998 2.007 2.001 Operator 2 2.001 2.003 2.006 1.998 |Range(1-2)| 0.002 0.005 0.001 0.003


Range sum

0.015 Tolerance = 0.030

Average range(R-Bar) = R /n = 0.015 / 5 = 0.003 Gage Error = (5.15 / 1.19)*(R-bar) = 4.33 *0.003 = 0.013 GRR as a % of Tolerance = (0.013 x 100) / 0.030 = 43.3%

Gage error is calculated by multiplying the average range by a constant d*, where d* is determined from the following table. 5.15 is 99% confidence interval by the gage.

d* values for distribution of the average range Number of parts Number of operators 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.41 1.28 1.23 1.21 1.19 1.18 1.17 1.17 1.16 1.16 1.91 1.81 1.77 1.75 1.74 1.73 1.73 1.72 1.72 1.72 2.24 2.15 2.12 2.11 2.10 2.09 2.09 2.08 2.08 2.08

2.48 2.40 2.38 2.37 2.36 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.34 2.34

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LG Electronics

Measurement System Analysis

Long study method (using Minitab)

File name : Session > gageaiag.mtw The paint thickness on a PC case was selected as the Six Sigma Theme. Spec. : 2.5 1.5

Stat > Quality Tools > Gage R&R Study... (Minitab)

To confirm

Selection : Gage R&R Study

measurement system 3 operators tested repeatedly twice on each 10 parts.

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LG Electronics

Measurement System Analysis

Input : Parts, Operator & Measurement data

Long study method (using Minitab)

Select: ANOVA

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LG Electronics

Measurement System Analysis Long study method (using Minitab)

Two-Way ANOVA Table With Interaction Ok for product acceptance considering a products tolerance. Gage R&R itself is larger than 20%, needs improving measurement system process control applications as well. Gage R&R Source Total Gage R&R Repeatability Reproducibility Operator Operator*Part Part-To-Part Total Variation Source If significant, P-value < 0.25 indicates that an operator is having a problem measuring some the parts. Total Gage R&R Repeatability Reproducibility Operator Operator*Part Part-To-Part Total Variation VarComp 0.004438 0.001292 0.003146 0.000912 0.002234 0.037164 0.041602 StdDev 0.066615 0.035940 0.056088 0.030200 0.047263 0.192781 0.203965 5.15*Sigma 0.34306 0.18509 0.28885 0.15553 0.24340 0.99282 1.05042 %Tolerance 11.44 6.17 9.63 5.18 8.11 33.09 35.01

Source Part Operator Operator*Part Repeatability Total

DF 9 2 18 30 59

SS 2.05871 0.04800 0.10367 0.03875 2.24913

MS 0.228745 0.024000 0.005759 0.001292

F 39.7178 4.1672 4.4588

P 0.00000 0.03256 0.00016

Sum of Squares ANOVA Table (Basis for the estimates)

%Contribution 10.67 3.10 7.56 2.19 5.37 89.33 100.00

%Study Var 32.66 17.62 27.50 14.81 23.17 94.52 100.00

This value means the number, not duplicating confidence interval of measuring part.

Number of Distinct Categories = 4 1.5.13 LG Electronics

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Measurement System Analysis

Measurement System Analysis Long Study Method Using Minitab
One-way Analysis of Variance Number of Distinct Application Method of Categories Analysis of Variance for Thickness 1) Number of Distinct Categories = 0 ~ 1 Source DF SS MS F P Not Acceptable Part 9 2.05871 0.22875 60.06 0.000 <Measurement System Improvement> Error 50 0.19042 0.00381 2) Number of Distinct Categories = 2 ~ 4 Total 59 2.24913 Conditional Individual 95% CIs For Mean 3) Number of Distinct Categories 5 Based on Pooled StDev Acceptable Level N Mean StDev -----+---------+---------+---------+1 6 2.0667 0.0516 (-*--) 2 6 2.5083 0.0376 (-*--) 3 6 2.3000 0.0316 (--*--) 4 6 2.3250 0.0689 (-*--) .Stat > ANOVA > One-way 5 6 1.9583 0.0585 (--*-) - Response : Thickness 6 6 2.5167 0.0258 (--*-) - Factor : Part 7 6 2.4417 0.0204 (-*--) 8 6 2.2833 0.0516 (-*--) 9 6 2.5083 0.0376 (-*--) 10 6 2.1667 0.1402 (-*--) -----+---------+---------+---------+Pooled StDev = 0.0617 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 The measurement value is divided by 4 groups(that is, not duplicating number of Confidence Intervals, which 2 operators, repeating twice on the identical characteristic on the same part using same device. It would be very accurate measurement that the confidence interval is small on the specific part even though there are measurement repetitions with operators. The Confidence Interval duplicated due to wide range of it, that is, the group # that is not duplicated by C.I is small that mean variation of measurement is big.
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LG Electronics

Measurement System Analysis

Measurement System Analysis Long Study Method Using Minitab
Graph - Understanding is very useful method to solve the cause as well as how to use ANOVA..
Gage name: Date of study: Reported by: Tolerance: Misc:

Gage R&R (ANOVA) for Thickness

Xbar Chart by Operator

1 2 3

Sample Mean

2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.8 0

X - Bar Control-Chart It is very favorable consequence that most of measurement points are out of control limits. 3.0SL=2.380 Control limits are calculated from variation X=2.307 between operators. -3.0SL=2.235 Small variation means narrow control limits. Measurement variation(operator, measuring system) is smaller than parts variation relatively read variation between the parts.

R Chart by Operator
1 2 3

Sample Range



R=0.03833 -3.0SL=0.000 0


R Control-Chart most of measuring points should be in control. Repetition measuring value of each sample shows that theres no unusual data.
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LG Electronics

Measurement System Analysis

Measurement System Analysis Long Study Method Using Minitab
- Interaction operation * part was significant on the ANOVA Table described before.
Interaction means that the effect of one variable is influenced by the level of another variable. The effect of one variable is not consistent for all levels of the other variable. Gage R&R Y is influenced by interaction between the parts and operators.
Gage R&R (ANOVA) for Thickness
Gage name: Date of study: Reported by: Tolerance: Misc:

Operator*Part Interaction
2.6 2.5 2.4 1 2 3


There is really good agreement among the operators for all of the parts, except for Operator 1 and Part #4. You needs to find out why.


2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9



You need to find out why measurement discrete is large. Find out if theres a problem of measuring difficulty or strange, for example, whether there is a Burr on the measuring part, sink mark etc.

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LG Electronics

Measurement system analysis

Attribute Gage R&R Study

Each part is accepted if they meet the criteria of the attribute(Pass/Fail or Go/No go) In case of VCR coating, it would be FAIL if fails to meet the attribute of the exterior appearance. Two checkers then inspect the 18 parts twice in a manner to prevent appraiser bias.

Visual Inspection Gage Study

Different Test Results between checkers each other
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Appraiser "A" 1 2 G G G G NG G NG NG G G G G NG NG NG NG G G G G G G G G G NG G G G G G G G G G G Appraiser "B" 1 2 G G G G G G NG NG G G G G NG NG G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G

The gage is acceptable if all the checkers (four per part) agree.. % Gage R&R = 3 / 18 x 100% = 17% If the results of checkers are different, the gage must be improved and re-evaluated. If the gage cannot be improved, it is unacceptable and an alternate measurement system should be found.

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LG Electronics

Measurement system analysis

Transaction example (Sales in the Filed)

Problem : You want to measure % dealer floor loading LG Brand PC in agency.

Y = % floor loading You audit a percentage of the surveyed dealers to compare their actual % floor loading to their reported loading. If 20 dealers surveyed and 3 discrepancies were found.

% Gage R&R = 3/20 x 100% =15%

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LG Electronics

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