Factors Affecting Casing Design
Factors Affecting Casing Design
Factors Affecting Casing Design
"I do not think there should be a limit on the rig's liability, because they are sitting on top of unlimited amounts of oil, and thus, there could be an explosion occur that could do untold damage. ... The amount of damage that an offshore oil rig can do is infinite." - John Chafee,1989
Deepwater Horizon Study Group March 1, 201, Final Report on the Investigation of the Macondo Well Blowout.
Maryann Tobin (2010). Experts agree BP oil well casing has failed: Relief wells may not stop Deepwater Horizon oil leak. [ONLINE] Available at: Deepwater Horizon Study Group March 1, 201, Final Report on the Investigation of the Macondo Well Blowou. . [Last Accessed e.g. 31 August 11].
politicalhumor.about.com Bennet(2010).
Design Factors Relationship Between the Factors Comparison of Factors with Depth Casing Design API Design (Safety) Factors
Burst Failure
Collapse Failure
Collapse Resistance
Casing Design
Worst Possible Conditions
For Collapse design, assume that the casing is empty on the inside (p = 0 psi) For Burst design, assume no backup fluid on the outside of the casing (p = 0 psi) For Tension design, assume no buoyancy effect For Collapse design, assume no buoyancy effect
1.8 1.1
Rahman, S. S., & Chilingar, G. V. (1995). Casing design: theory and practice. Elsevier. Bellarby, J. (2009). Well Completion Design. Elsevier. Rabia, H. (2001). Well engineering and construction.Entec. Economides, M. J., Watters, L. T., & Dunn-Norman, S. (1998). Petroleum Well Construction. Wiley. Senate Floor Debate, 135 Cong. Rec. S9689-S9716 (3 Aug 1989). Reproduced in Russell V. Randle, Oil Pollution Deskbook (1991), 432. Star tribune Sack(2010). BP Damage Claims. [ONLINE] Available at: http://politicalhumor.about.com/od/politicalcartoons/ig/Oil-Spill-Cartoons/BPDamage-Claims.1-Tp.htm. [Last Accessed 13 March 12]. ENI S.p.A. Agip Division, Casing Design Manual. BG Group, Casing Design Manual. Rock-Well Consultants, Casing Design Review of Design Methodology.